Runie likes longform video essays, conclusive proof she's extremely white.
Is this the 2nd or 3rd white woman in phase
Runie likes longform video essays, conclusive proof she's extremely white.
Depends on how you count Panko, also there's still a strong possibility that Hina is as well.Is this the 2nd or 3rd white woman in phase
Panko is white as snow!Depends on how you count Panko, also there's still a strong possibility that Hina is as well.
a retarded part of me completely forgot about pancho and not even in a funny "italians arent white" wayDepends on how you count Panko, also there's still a strong possibility that Hina is as well.
That's like saying Lia's white cause she's pale as fuck as well. Neither are.Panko is white as snow!
They were incapacitated, because I assaulted them.@Titanosaurus If you have the guts to punch someone, you should at least have the guts to fight them like a man. Coward.
based on that stream, it did not stop her from being cringe in other waysRunie got bullied in school for being a cringe art weeb...and she supports it because it stopped her from being as cringe.