Selen updates regarding VSaikyo:
1) Played around 2 hours alone before yet another practice session with the team.
2) Said practice session lasted almost 5 hours. Around the last two matches, after Axel fumbled IGL in a fight where he died first and Selen took command and gave directions to Altair, Selen decided she'll be IGL for fights with Axel in charge of rotation and movement.
3) After stream ended she's now continuing to play in Tempplex_'s stream. He was providing temp coaching for the team today.
Girl has played Apex about 8+ hours today alone, she's gonna affect her mental if she's going this hard in just the first few practice days. Apparently the real coach was announced on a member's stream she had and /vt/ dragoons says they're more of a jaw-drop than even Tempplex.
Link to Tempplex stream, still live as of this post:
Edit: sidenote, but I find it funny how I was deadset on just lurking but of all things VSaikyo got me posting more and reacting to stuff in the thread. Goddamned giggling dragons I tell you h'wat