"Because of what happened with a prior graduation in the company, I had already been told by my senpais that oftentimes suspensions would be disguised as 'breaks' by the talents. Now, I understand why."Zaion LanZa
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Selen is doing the RIG cup this weekend with rpr, dtto, Kohaku, Runa and Sena - kind of notable as it's the first time she has collabed with anyone from VSPO, hope they are ready for some passion eigo. Also congrats to Selen for making it almost 4 days without streaming. God knows how they are going to coordinate the events with 6 people but it should be entertaining either way, they are doing some dumb stuff like relay races as well as the usual tourney fare.
They're playing 5 games - 1st is Gun Run, 2nd is protect the princess, 3rd is a relay race, 4th is battle royale, and 5th is a mystery game. They'll be split into two teams for Gun Run and BR.
She will be competing against her new Apex oshi (1tappy) who is on the yellow team
Was going to bury this in the autism section (which is really where all Apex content belongs) but she was also invited to the season 18 preview event by EA, there's a good chance that she will be showing up on their official twitter page at some point in the near future.
Selen is doing the RIG cup this weekend with rpr, dtto, Kohaku, Runa and Sena - kind of notable as it's the first time she has collabed with anyone from VSPO, hope they are ready for some passion eigo. Also congrats to Selen for making it almost 4 days without streaming. God knows how they are going to coordinate the events with 6 people but it should be entertaining either way, they are doing some dumb stuff like relay races as well as the usual tourney fare.
They're playing 5 games - 1st is Gun Run, 2nd is protect the princess, 3rd is a relay race, 4th is battle royale, and 5th is a mystery game. They'll be split into two teams for Gun Run and BR.
She will be competing against her new Apex oshi (1tappy) who is on the yellow team
Was going to bury this in the autism section (which is really where all Apex content belongs) but she was also invited to the season 18 preview event by EA, there's a good chance that she will be showing up on their official twitter page at some point in the near future.
Selen is doing the RIG cup this weekend with rpr, dtto, Kohaku, Runa and Sena - kind of notable as it's the first time she has collabed with anyone from VSPO, hope they are ready for some passion eigo. Also congrats to Selen for making it almost 4 days without streaming. God knows how they are going to coordinate the events with 6 people but it should be entertaining either way, they are doing some dumb stuff like relay races as well as the usual tourney fare.
They're playing 5 games - 1st is Gun Run, 2nd is protect the princess, 3rd is a relay race, 4th is battle royale, and 5th is a mystery game. They'll be split into two teams for Gun Run and BR.
She will be competing against her new Apex oshi (1tappy) who is on the yellow team
Was going to bury this in the autism section (which is really where all Apex content belongs) but she was also invited to the season 18 preview event by EA, there's a good chance that she will be showing up on their official twitter page at some point in the near future.
It always brings a smile to my face remembering how all these pro fags were seething so hard over the charge rifle. These Yamanbas couldn't play anything ranged and were getting assmad too when they added the sniper legend to the game, "I can't believe this guy shot me across the map its bullshit"
Listening to pros sucks all the fun out of the game.
she would be incredibly stupid if she joined, imagine going from a black company to a company run by backstabbing bitches. She'd be better off being indie or if she craves some sort of group she should try a small corpo.
I don't think Kai is going to face any charges, but NYC is going to sue his ass for costs. You have a large following and basically declared a convention in the middle of Union Square. Someone is going to be paying for the random overtime it caused.
She's a nerd's nerd. Her special hobby is metal detecting. She lives in rural Ohio and works from home. She has zero friends (at least any mentioned) outside of the internet and, from the sounds of it, was equally isolated at school. I've rarely met somebody with such a severe lack of context regarding the severity of their own problems in relation to the problems of others.
It's quite depressing, because in a lot of ways she's far more functional than the average vtuber. Great at cooking, boring but well-paid job. Owns property. But she has the dreadfully toxic combination of desperately wanting a peer group/serious relationships, while at the same time being extremely socially unaware and inexperienced. Oh, and woman, so constantly self-critical and immensely set back by every failure or even perceived failure.
I know nothing about it besides the fact it's so rural she considered a trip to what everyone else here unilaterally dismissed as one of the dullest cities on the continent as a breathtakingly cosmopolitan experience worth exhaustively documenting.
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