She also asked KFP what whe want for the 2023 Outfit and i think Fever Night workout clothing won.
Yeah, and I think its a great choice
Kiara in an 80s aerobics gym outfit would be peak
Cover had no problem announcing when Vesper was suspended the first time. I fail to see why they would reverse that decision in the most recent announcement. I don’t really understand why people actively enjoy getting caught up in retarded speculation so much.
The issue is, Cover is just a company, and just because they did something one way before, doesnt mean they will deal with the same situation in the same way again. Things can change at the drop of a hat
This is something so true that even Stars JP suffer from the same thing
As shown by Suisei, the talents get to have input on their relax time figures.
So I'm gonna do a bit of coping and take this as a good sign. Chama is doing well enough that she got to approve how the figure looked before they finalized the release.
I am not sure, but the outfit on the figure look a lot like the underwear she showed on stream, when Haachama did a showcase of her panties and lingerie
Back then? Unironically, yeah. Shion (highschool dropout) was also hired underage. Subaru may have been. Sora depends on how deep the kayfabe goes. All at a time when it was known as erolive (Choco being a thing and for a time their top talent before Susan nerfed her ASMR). And the whole Mel's manager thing was frankly worse than all of Niji's shit this year, Cover was just lucky it happened before it became big in the west and thus dodged controversy.
Cover had no idea what it was doing and fucked up a hilarious number of times. But since it was smol back then, it had the time to get its shit in order, rather than getting its shit pushed in.
If Cover started today, as a smol corpo like Phase or Idol, and made the same mistakes? Dead, a laughing stock, and probably in a league with WACTOR.
The would most certainly be above WACTOR still
Hololive stumbeld a lot, at the beginning, just like Niji and thats because there was no guide on how to run a vtuber corp and there was no better way to learn that by burning yourself
They could have done better, but imo not much better, the bastards were stumbling in the dark
These days the requirements are much higher to even be a small respected agency, and that is because there is a rough template to follow
So many of the early yabs simply would not have happend if Cover got started today, in lets say 2022.
Early Hololive had fuck-ups, and if they happend now, yeah they would be a Corpo with a bad reputation, but extrapolating from there, if they, just as now, learned from their mistakes and get better and remain drama-free (which they have been more or less since Rushia yab, imo) then they would be a solid company, known for a dark past that got better. And that last part is crucial, many companies never get any better but Cover did, assuming they even would do all those yabs as a new company in 2022, they then also would get better over the years, just they actually did in the real timeline
Wait... what is Kiara doing in the UK?
Kiara is going to watch the LOTR Musical with her ex-Roommate and just general tourist shit
Its just for a quick 2 or 3 days at most
This trio is pretty great. I thought Mumei might be more shy with Reine and Kiara, but she seems very comfortable.
I believe that Kiara and Mumei are closer than it might seem. They have not collabed a bunch on stream, but Kiara is likely still the Myth member Mumei is the closest to and I think Kiara takes some kind of pride into being a Senpai and tries earnestly her best to see that her kohais are well looked-after. She doesn't have to do any of that but she naturally is the kinda person that just likes taking care of stuff, be it cats, plants, or a little bird kouhai.
On stream, they have mesh together better than one would expect, given the little interactions they have had, and I think its because they talk to each other more behind the scenes.
I remember Kiara saying that she talks about true-crime a lot with Mumei and Gura and she shares cool episodes with them and stuff.
Another thing that might be getting to her is that she probably is not going out much and staying indoors. Shiina had a similar moment when she expressed wanting to get a part-time at Starbucks back when she hit 15-20k subs.
Reading stuff like this always makes me happy that Kiara has an active social life outside of vtubers. Even she does not go out much, but 1-2 times a month she has some kind of little thing where either is is invited to a party or she invites people over.
She is not the most prolific grass-toucher ever but for a vtuber and even in Hololive, I believe she is above average.
Somewhat random but this picture reminded me yet again... As someone who really doesn't enjoy Kronii at all, but does like Mumei and Fauna, the Kronii/Mumei and recently picking up Kronii/Fauna (and sometimes three-way) shipping that is EVERYWHERE really gets grating. Like it feels like it gets inserted constantly now. It seems like even Fauna and Mumei have been leaning into it frequently lately more and more. I'm not sure if they actually like the ship or are just doing it because they think it will appease their audience, and I'm not sure which would be worse.
Is this how people felt when the Calli/Kiara ship was being pushed hard at the beginning of Myth and they had a big dislike for one of them? I didn't really like either of them and it was annoying to constantly hear about, but since I didn't have any investment in either of those two, it was easier to ignore at the time.
Anyway, that's my rant for today, I'll try to avoid anymore. Got it out of my system.
KronFauMei is the current day TakaMori, yeah. KronMei especially has (on a technical level, if you just were to break the dynamics and girls into common tropes) a lot in common with Takamori.
But unlike 2020-2021 Takamori, the girls are having fun with it and play into it and the addion of Fauna keeps things fresh.
But it is absolutely the ship that gets the most attention from Fans rn, be it art or literature.
This also something I see more with the Fanbases of all three. Takamori fans back then, and now even less, were not pure Takamori watchers. They generally were people who watched all of Myth. They would ship Kiara and Calli romantically, but also still add in the other Myth girls in some way. Many old-school Takamori shippers are pro-Polymyth as well.
KronFauMei fans just seem to exist in their own bubble, other Holomems outside of these three dont seem to exist.
But in the end, the shippers are just a sub-sub category of the fanbase. Dont let them influence how you see the girls, enjoy the cute art them kissing and hugging and then go on with your day. Nothing is lost by ingoring shipfags.
If you just happen to be a shipfag (totally not me), it can very much strengthen and improve your experience in the community.
Don't worry, I completely understand that feel, as I feel the same way for the Ametori ship, with Ame being my favorite and Kiara being my least favorite.
AmeTori is a special one. Probably next to PomuTori my least favorite Kiara ship. (Romantic) Ships dont really work overall with Ame, she never engages in them. AmeSame is cute in art but that stuff is mostly carried by fans with delusions from back in 2020. Ame is cool to ship and explore non-romantic dynamics with, especially in a lore sense, thats why I am a huge supporter of TimeDuo (AmeTori lore version is pretty cool as well ngl, with Ame going back and meeting different past lives of Kiara and getting to know her better that way to help her solve a current-day conflict with Kiara).
Anyways, AmeTori falls flat because Kiara admires Ame and her technological abilities. Kiara knows about computers about as much as the average white woman, so she considers Ame a God. Also she is absolutely clueless as to what a Gosling actually is, and proudly claims herself as the #1 Gosling and #1 Teamate and has even said so in front of Ame during the offcollab. Kiara seems to believe that a Gosling is just another name for "Fan of Amelia Watson". When Kiara gets like that, Ame just goes back into her shell, doesn't acknowledge what Kiara just said and ignores it. For the best, but Kiaras german lack of takt just makes her repeat it again to get some kind of response from Ame.
TL;DR: Kiara puts Ame on a pedestal and whorships her and lowers herself in front of Ame. That makes Ame really uncomfortable, but Kiara doesn't care, she thinks too highly of Ame to consider that. Also a false assumption about the meaning of what a Gosling is makes makes Ame cringe, a lot.
Have Irys and Bae offcollab much? Or even hang out off-stream together? I would expect that they would take advantage of Bae being in Japan to spend as much time as possible together
Maybe my expectations are skewed because of Takamori