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The merchandise sales for the 774K subscribers celebration of Nanashi Mumei from hololive English.These products are made to order.〈Shipping Schedule〉 Estimated to be around late November to late December 2023.
I only remembered she got really drunk once on the stream, and cannot speak English anymore. She is the kind of drunk person who cannot think and become dumb, forgetting whats happened the next day. Unlike Lia, who will go full break down after drunk
Seems like a pretty in-depth voice changing app, has live and recording options. It as well seems like you can train a model of your own. That really activates the almonds
Just saw this on twitter. ( vtuberfesjapan ) happened april 30th. Is there an archive for this? I tried looking into holopirates and didnt find anything.
Edit : nevermind. I found it. Only available for download. Here's the link
Upon the confirmation of these infractions, both the company and Yuri had gone to great lengths to remedy the situation. Unfortunately, we were unable to come to a mutual agreement.
Fish: Lose weight. Yuri: No. Fish: I'll pay for a gym membership for everyone. Yuri: No.
Therefore, a continued working relationship and a renewal of contract were deemed impossible.
Context: Jelly said Fishman told her he'd buy her a one-way ticket to Canada if she'd be a seiso idol that didn't swear. She said shit but claimed since she didn't say the "f" word, it didn't count. She also asked him for just the money for the cost of the ticket, and Fishman called her shallow.
Some of the Tweet was posted before I got to post this reply, but I'll keep it since it adds more context to the entire thing.
Seems like a pretty in-depth voice changing app, has live and recording options. It as well seems like you can train a model of your own. That really activates the almonds
How well does it do with background noises and sharp non-speech sounds like slapping?
She could be pitching her voice up slightly or something like that.
Seems like a pretty in-depth voice changing app, has live and recording options. It as well seems like you can train a model of your own. That really activates the almonds
What if, using the A.I. voice trained on herself, she generates personalized messages to each of her lovebugs at a rate of efficiency that would make Michael Cat blush
Dizzy most likely isn't a true hag, yet.
Her age is somewhere between 26 to 30.
Some old Tsun viewers claim her age was leaked in a stream and puts her at 26-27 today, but I've seen others argue she is older but with not much evidence other than her taste in things.
But I did find the instagram name and pics finally after some /vt/ archive autism. I had a catastrophic desktop failure a few months ago and had to rip everything out of it in a rush, kind of fucked up my drives.
Someone posted it not long after she left Tsunderia to their general:
Why is her forehead red like a baboons ass in that first image. Even worse it looks like it was added or made worse in that one as the next two look more normal
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