God's Tastiest Bucko
A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
Early Adopter
Sep 16, 2022
I might have treated her too harshly.Following yesterday's little drama with veibae. She decided to talk a bit about it on her stream i just found this xlip a twater
View attachment 26635
Based ? But she also sound kinda dumb idk? I should watch the stream but i dont really feel like watching her
I can respect it. Long form don't like don't watch. Then again, I can respect anyone who won't let themselves be pushed around and dictated by people who won't watch them or consume their content anywayFollowing yesterday's little drama with veibae. She decided to talk a bit about it on her stream i just found this xlip a twater
I don´t like her, but i can respect that attitude.Following yesterday's little drama with veibae. She decided to talk a bit about it on her stream i just found this xlip a twater
View attachment 26635
Based ? But she also sound kinda dumb idk? I should watch the stream but i dont really feel like watching her
I mean yeah, if she stays at that abd do go on a full war with the tards because they surely wont stop after being told theyre not welcome in her space. So its best to just ignore them in the futureI can respect it. Long form don't like don't watch. Then again, I can respect anyone who won't let themselves be pushed around and dictated by people who won't watch them or consume their content anyway
I don´t like her, but i can respect that attitude.
Also doesn´t she sound a bit like Shylily?
But AnyColor loves us and only wants us to be happy...Are you seriously wishing for a goddamn 'no criticisms allowed' scenario where corporations have the power to silence their enemies? Just because you find them annoying? That's exactly how we become trapped in an echo-chamber, you absolute retard! An echo-chamber controlled by corporations who doesn't give a shit about you! Only your money!
Romanians do have historical precedent for Total Sandpeople Death.I'm not surprised that Tenma slaughtered all the Sand People in Kotor.
He has to know right?I don´t like her, but i can respect that attitude.
Also doesn´t she sound a bit like Shylily?
The twitter retards are causing a scene again. I swear to god these people are NPCs. They are programmed to see a "slur" (anything is a slur these days) and their brain shuts down.Apparently. Veibae had some kind of redebut i guess?
And she said retard so twitter tryna cancel her.
Honestly its pretty commendable on her part.The most interesting part there is Vei admitting she's been censoring and reigning herself in so her corpmates wouldn't get shit on by association tbh. Dubiously effective but I guess it's the thought that counts. The stuff about saying retard is just your usual vtweeters scrambling for clout off a nothingburger, it's not that serious.
Japan history sperging time. The stage and the way the musician is sitting in that music video alludes to rakugo, a traditional type of Japanese comedy where a single comedian wearing traditional clothes tells stories with gags and puns. He'll often put on voices for characters and use a fan as a prop while gesturing or to slap on the floor or a table for emphasis. It's kind of akin to American stand-up comedy, but kneeling. More contemporary comedy like manzai will feature two comedians, one being the funny man and the other the straight man, so it's more like Laurel and Hardy or the Marx Brothers, and that sort of thing is what newer comedians will gravitate towards, so rakugo is something of a dying art - most of the people you'll see performing it will be ancient old men. So contemporary Japanese comedy is like old American comedy and old Japanese comedy is like contemporary American comedy.
Here's a Canadian weeb who learned the rakugo style if you want an idea of how it works in English.
Well, they're hardly the first big-tiddy characters in PC and the others aren't particularly being whored out, so I don't expect anything to change.
Even if it is a fact we arent Hooligans of a Football club to start destroying each other over tribalism man come on Anycolor and Cover even worked together to fight Antis
That demostrates the "maybe we are rivals not ENEMIES" thats why it boils my blood seeing faggy dramatubers and fucking Kson of all people to shit on this like if they had a horse in this race(I wish Anycolor really banished False to the shadow Realm AKA Twitch so he could cry there eternally)
I dont mind the personal attacks honestly. Might be petty but this shit helps keep the environment healthy for all talents in the long run. If no one speaks up about how hard they are getting shafted by the corpos they work for nothing changes. This is why companies want employees to keep their salary secret from their coworkers.I'm not saying the video is wrong; if anything, I agree with most of the points. Hell, the SEAfag rabbit actually did a decent job keeping the video as objective and neutral as possible, aside from kinda stumbling off the bike and sperging by the end. I just don't like interacting with faggots who have a holier-than-thou attitude just because their team isn't the one having a yab at the moment, and this applies across the board as things change, whether Holo/Niji/PC/indie fans.
Kson's just pushing her personal agenda, and if that includes being Vshojo's personal lapdog, that's her problem. Dramatubers tend to be cocky cunts pretty inherently, and you can at least kind of see Niji's perspective on this -- to a standard JP management, the train of thought probably goes "EN dramatuber -> dramatuber -> Narukami -> kill on sight". Still, the fact that they just casually did the copyright meme, likely without considering it will make them look like assholes, shows an inherent lack of understanding in the differences between the Western and Eastern environments. They really do need someone on the managerial side who could understand the Western market and community better.
you shouldnt enjoy so much arguing with them you know its pointless i understand the vtweeter arc but you argue with a bunch of fags with pronouns in their bio that fuel each others with their anger against everyoneThe twitter retards are causing a scene again. I swear to god these people are NPCs. They are programmed to see a "slur" (anything is a slur these days) and their brain shuts down.
I hate the "Anime girl voice" these people put on it filters me straight away.Following yesterday's little drama with veibae. She decided to talk a bit about it on her stream i just found this xlip a twater
View attachment 26635
Based ? But she also sound kinda dumb idk? I should watch the stream but i dont really feel like watching her
Japan history sperging time. The stage and the way the musician is sitting in that music video alludes to rakugo, a traditional type of Japanese comedy where a single comedian wearing traditional clothes tells stories with gags and puns. He'll often put on voices for characters and use a fan as a prop while gesturing or to slap on the floor or a table for emphasis. It's kind of akin to American stand-up comedy, but kneeling. More contemporary comedy like manzai will feature two comedians, one being the funny man and the other the straight man, so it's more like Laurel and Hardy or the Marx Brothers, and that sort of thing is what newer comedians will gravitate towards, so rakugo is something of a dying art - most of the people you'll see performing it will be ancient old men. So contemporary Japanese comedy is like old American comedy and old Japanese comedy is like contemporary American comedy.
Here's a Canadian weeb who learned the rakugo style if you want an idea of how it works in English.
Well, they're hardly the first big-tiddy characters in PC and the others aren't particularly being whored out, so I don't expect anything to change.
I still don't understand the mentality they have. If I was an artist I would train a lora to create images in my style so I could get away with doing less work and take more commissions.I'd bet this artist would be one of the first ones rising up to complain about AI replacing 'real artists' at that. Turns out if you incentivize people to turn to an alternative that isn't going to fuck them over, you lose relevance!
I think it's good that more streamers are setting boundaries with their chat. Its a good way to weed out the unicorns and schizos if done correctly.Following yesterday's little drama with veibae. She decided to talk a bit about it on her stream i just found this xlip a twater
View attachment 26635
Based ? But she also sound kinda dumb idk? I should watch the stream but i dont really feel like watching her