Gura, this one's a shoe-in.
Table manners: One of the asians with strict parents. Let's say
Bae cuz fuck it no one else is gonna vote for her!
Kiara, runs a fast-food empire.
Worst Driver:
Ina. Asian, female, and doesn't get out of the house enough.
Mori. She was a real teacher, no contest there.
Best younger sister:

Most likely to win in a fight:
Mori is the best of both worlds, in lore she is an immortal demon that reaps souls with aplomb and outside of lore she's got both the fit body (fitter than it used to be anyways) and the drunk wigger fighting style. Any girl that gets in a fight with Mori is gonna wind up being spun around by their hair Mario 64 style.
Most infectious laugh:
Ame. None of the ENs have that crazy of laughs I feel.
Whose pet I want to be:
Ame. Imagine being a frog or perhaps a toad and having this bitch build a whole ass terrarium for you. People will say Fauna but idk she's already had one cat die so that's like 50/50 odds on survival, I wouldn't wanna take that.
Fauna. She won't even admit her and chat are real friends, her dedication to the bit is incredible!