AI blah blah
Ok maybe I'm just not knowledgeable enough about this, but how else is an AI supposed to learn besides using references? I don't think you can just program an AI and not have something for it learn from. It's not like a chat AI where it learns from users talking to it. What do the other AI programs use to learn art? I can get being wary about all this as an artist but I'm not grasping some of their arguments.
Yeah I'm lost on what she meant by that, other than people using the AI images to show to artists and poke fun at them that a program is better than them.
Yeah if that's the case and the AI is profiting off of having users pay to generate images, I can see why artists may be upset.
My undestanding is that the main drama right now is about the AI using databases like danboroo and the like, instead of database that exist of only public domain or copyright free works (my understanding that some AI before NovelAI came used this databases), they argument whatever an AI should be allow to "learn" from copyright art.
It's generic art that can't get the number of fingers/toes right half the time.
In general, people complaining about AI think it will take something away from them/the medium while most of the time it adds richness, look at Go/Chess.
NotSana is a bit of a silly willy. AI art can help "real" artists just like any other digital tool. Pippa had a good point that you can give the artist a reference photo for the commission. I imagine that would cut down on back and forth dialogue.
People are paying for the program and not the database so artists mad they are making money are also being silly. Personally, I am more ready to commission art then I was before that Pippa stream.
Next she will use it for therapy.