Look at this whore in a dress. What's this, the dress looks familiar? Hmmmmmm...
She is adorable. Honestly, I am impressed that most of these girls are fairly attractive considering how they act on stream.
Nijisanji JP vtuber Suo Sango appeared on the NHK news related to her collaboration with the spanish-themed theme park in Mie Prefecture and how she's basically the "savior" of said struggling park.
This is nice. Always love these type of stories. Fuck Disney.

She's got Himebeto's posting in her comments with the fucking Oshi mark

Rie why do I even bother switching over to an alt for you, you obviously want everyone to see your secret identity.
Its like this for every Vtuber that has an alt account. If they dont come to terms with the fact that once they become public, everything about them and their accounts becomes known, they are in the wrong business.
This is weird but kinda cute.
This bitch that is having a trans rights charity raiser a day after Pikamee's graduation (and who invited Froot in this by the way) is pretty upset.
Do they not realise had they just done this on another date without the cheating charity grifter too, a lot of people wouldn't have cared about this?
I feel like they would still get hate for doing it on any other date just because they are just a shitty person. Also let's be honest, the bitch is an attention whore and this is the most attention they have gotten in their life (to the point of having way more successful vtubers to appear in their collab).
You misunderstand what these whiny bitches want. They want attention, even the negative kind. Purposefully, they scheduled it after Pikamee graduates because they want *that* reaction. The thing about people like these is that they *want* to be harrassed. They want to be able to whine and complain and blame everyone else for shit they themselves stir up because self-pity feels good. Wallowing and complaining about everyone else instead of doing things that are reasonable and even sensitive like, for example, moving their collab event sometime after Pikamee graduates, is not marketable for them.
Regardless if they knew it or not, they are banking on the negative reputation. They *want* to be hated. To them, it just means more clout because they want to be a fucking martyr and play the victim. They want people to look at their little event, see them as the underdog, and have people support and sympathize with them. Basically trying to reverse engineer the success of Pippa's Hogwarts Legacy stream.
Yup. Couldn't agree more.
Fucking hell you just made me mad (not at you).
I hadn't heard of this and wondered why but the answer is fucking obvious.
Fuck anyone who tried to memory hole that shit and hide it just because of who the killer was.
I search for it and literally every single fucking article is apologetics FUCK YOU JOURNO BOOTLICKERS.
It's the same shit always whenever the perpetrator ends up being a part of a minority/protected group. It has happened so much that I don't care anymore.
None of the people who walked away from you back then were your friends. Your remorse is wasted on them. They don't deserve either your tears or your respect. At worst you lost a generic source of dopamine hits and acquaintances who liked you purely because your outward appearance and actions aligned with their personal biases.
How can we return to monke if monke will never return back?
Man, I do miss her dumb ass and retarded rants.
I really dont give a shit about what some bitches i dont simp for do or dont do, but how is a mentaly ill tron shooting up a school different from another troubled teen doing it? Do all charities for teens need to stop after every schoolshooting? Also why should other countries care for americas child killer problem?
Because Murricah is the center of the universe.
This is actually a very nice idea.
Well, speaking of Froot I believe she's coming out with a new model?
Mouse gets boosts whenever she shows up a new model. Maybe this is the way for her to get money which she will totally donate to the whole tranny thing (57k was it?).
Yeah, he showed it off when he went on Vox's drinking interview show thing
Has anyone here actually watched Froot's content? If you didn't know she was a cheating whore would you actually be able to enjoy it?
I have watched about 2 of her streams. One of them she was drawing and it was fairly boring to watch. She has a cute accent but that's about it. I also watched one of her Apex streams and she's not bad at the game but the stream was boring as hell. I'd rather watch Dingo or Selen play that game.
Honestly, I don't understand getting worked up about entertainer's personal lives at all - it's kind of weird to be honest. If we applied these kind of standards to musicians you wouldn't be able to listen to much.....
Fact is, she's a perfectly decent streamer. I might watch her more than very occasionally if she wasn't on twitch...
Oh yeah, I forgot she's on Twitch. Another reason to not watch her. Honestly, I just find her to be boring. I couldn't give a shit if she cheated on her husband. At most the only thing that bothers me about her personal life is when she scammed a bunch of people for some patches or some shit.
In essence, she just played the smartest game to get a shit ton of subs, whether this was planned or accidental is unknown, but she is a jewchuuba and if jews do anything well it's marketing and making money.
Aletta from Kawaii also played the shorts game and it has paid off for her in terms of subs.
She's also one of the rare cases where so far, shorts have actually translated into CCV very well. The 2 streams she's done since I last brought up her numbers were both above 1k peak CCV. Pre-shorts, she was getting on average 300-500 views. This could fizzle out in the upcoming weeks but so far she's been taking full advantage of the algorithm blessing and it's working.
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I would agree that the real measure of how much this has helped will show up in a few months when we see if the boost in CCV as we can attribute the sudden increase to something similar to what happens when a Vtuber debuts shortly. A bunch of people follow/subscribe and for a week they watch the streams but the viewership falls up.
Meanwhile PonWolf is doing more Dead Space;
Edit: The tranny flagposter showed up already. fml.
Havent watched her playthrough but how is she dealing with the spooky/scary? I remember the outlast stream that she was crying.