Congratulations you've just described Freya Kumamori
She has been practicing with harsh vocals, sings for chat whenever she gets raided, and plays RPGs and strategy games. Side note, but looking at all those two views for Dinovember made me realize I have a thing for women with European accents. Doesn't really matter which kind; Romance, Germanic, Slavic, I kind of like them all. The only ones I'm not particularly partial to are British and French.
Ok, I feel like I have to address the rumors since I was the one who originally posted the video. I'm not running defence for Yuko, I don't really watch her and her dynamic with chat creeps me out, but I do want to dispel some of the rumors surrounding the event. First off she did not go to Nuggetfest with the guy she held on a leash at the other con, she went with Guardbro, who looks like this:
View attachment 17373
No resemblance to the doughy guy at the anime con. Guardbro slept in the same quarters as Rye/Yuko and even commented that she would snarl and murmur in her sleep. However, he is married, so I don't believe anything happened between them or with anyone else, mainly because I don't believe he is stupid enough to implicate himself on the internet if anything actually did happen. If you listened to them talk to each other in the video they sound like they have a father/daughter or older brother/little sister dynamic rather than that of two people sleeping together. Stranger things have happened on the internet and I could definitely be wrong but I don't think so. People were spreading rumors about her at Nuggetfest, not malicious ones but the kind you would make up about a friend to yank their chain in front of other people. Hell, I only knew about the video because someone in
Metokur's live chat was talking about how a vtuber was pointing guns at people at Nuggetfest. Some of these rumors may have spun out of control and her going to the fest with a man may have turned into she slept with everyone there. The video has been taken down before, shortly after I posted it here. I originally thought this was because they mentioned what state she lived in when Guardbro talked about picking her up and driving her to the state where the fest was being held and it could be that they are trying to scrub personal information. Keep in mind I haven't seen the video since I posted it here so I could have some details wrong.
I'm reallly glad you guys are liking Erina and Skye. The "awkward tall girl", for lack of a better term, has quickly become one of my favorite vtuber archetypes and Erina is one of my favorite Phase girls, after Pippa of course. If I had to describe what I'm talking about I guess it would be the deep "mommy" voice and mature looking, well proportioned model juxtaposed with a dorky, innocent personality. With that kind of model and voice you would expect some kind findom or coomer content but instead you get a lonely weirdo making voices and talking about random nerdy things she likes with their content rarely if ever touching on sexual topics. Even when Skye talks about her dating life or past as an NSFW artist it comes off more like she is talking about how hopelessly awkward she is than anything else. Speaking of Skye, if you like Erina you will definitely like her. A perfect example of what to expect from her would be her Dark Souls II punishment stream last night where she had to change her voice each time she died:
A Dark Souls punishment stream? Whoever said she was bassically vtuber Darkness was right on the money.
She also made this exploitable meme template.
I guess Juniper Actias would also fit into this category, though her voice is more tomboy than mommy, but as she stated herself she gives off strong top energy until the second she opens her mouth.