You're not parsing the information correctly.
You're right in that any number of other people have made similar mistakes, I mean Lauren Iroas became 'Nipple Man' for the rest of his career for showing his pirated porn stash in front of 14k people. Yugo was put on a 'break' of 2 weeks for making fun of an earthquake. Towa reached out to Luca to give him BGM perms but he cut it from the VOD regardless.
Individual errors are not always suspension worthy (and I don't agree that NijiCancelled have ever overstepped the line), and people make infringements all the time that get cut or buried. The issue is that Zaion debuted 8 weeks prior to her suspension and somehow racked up a fucking SpongeBob To-Do List of major errors, and when she was put in Time Out, the company tried to help her get back on track and she refused.
She wasn't terminated for making these errors, she was terminated because the company had no reason to believe they wouldn't continue.