"Seriously chat, whilst she's gone off the room, I really don't know how do you put up with... uh Rin lol At least you don't have to live with her like I do, maybe we could try and get her to move out, even if she moved to the shed in the garden, she's absolutely hopeless in the house; She doesn't even know what recycling is, can't put anything in the bin, doesn't know what a washing machine is, doesn't make her bed, full of toys, absolutely full of toys, doesn't even drive; You'd think she'd work all this work out before she came on stream, oh here she comes. We all decided it would be a really good idea if you moved to Siberia"Gin Penrose

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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Tea is just leaf juice。
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On a side note, does anyone know if any other holo mentioned anything about AoE 2 DE (or any strategy/rts game really) considering orange chicken played it? It would be nice to see some more of those games compared to the typical meta.

Don't the ID girls play it? Even had a big collab? Outside of that, I only know Kiara as you said. Doesn't seem to have caught on with anyone else unfortunately.



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I bring the Twitch drama lore. Its huge and retarded so I'll put it inside a spoiler tag

1st Drama: xQc ditching an event
A group of super clout streamer friends organize an event in Texas called "shit camp", which usually has many other popular streamers come for a massive IRL collab with events and shit. Its shit content, but super popular with their viewers. They invite one of the most popular Twitch streamers, xQc and he supposedly accepts, but days before the event is supposed to happen, he cancels and starts getting shit on by all of the other communities involved for flaking on his friends days before the event. He also gets shit on by Hasan Piker("Socialist" millionaire) who is part of the friend group.
All of this is really dumb shit, but to those communities it was a massive drama that lasted at least a week.

2nd Drama: xQc "leaking" his breakup
The event happens and xQc doesn't show up. He is still being shit on by other streamers and their communities, so he decides to reveal that one of the reasons he decided not to go was because he had broken up with his gf, who is going to the event and also had some family drama. He made it clear that the break up was his fault and to not harass his now ex and that she was cool.
xQc's ex was streaming when he announced it, so his chat flooded into her chat to ask about the breakup(He had around 100k viewers, so it was massive). She was upset because they had agreed to not talk about it and also because some of the people spamming her chat were calling her a gold digger and other shit. She ended up doing a 3 hour steam pretty much shitting on her now ex and sort of leaking the reason for their breakup and insulting xQc's family.
The next day xQc goes live and reacts to her stream shitting on him. Correcting some stuff or adding context. At some point she ends up on his chat talking about it, so he calls her and they argue about their break up on stream. Literal trash tier drama where they both look bad.
Afterward, QTcinderella(Another popular streamer from the Texas friend group and the gf of Ludwig, a huge youtuber) start tweeting about how xQc was a sexist piece of shit and other insults. She was the organizer of the event that xQc ditched on. It pretty much turned into another dogpile by that group of friends against xQc with some added "YAAAAAAS QUEEN" added to it.

3rd Drama: Slicker scams over $300k from his viewers and other streamers
When everyone is getting drama fatigued over the xQc dumb shit a clip of another streamer outing Slicker(bonger streamer who is also part of the cloutsharky group of friends) as a scammer goes viral. Turns out that he had been asking multiple streamers and his own viewers and mods for money with the promise of returning it to them at a later date, sometimes with interests..... Turns out that he was a gambling addict and was not only gambling the money away, but also using some of the loaned money to pay the older loans.
This dude was friends with a lot of big streamers, so Mizkif(Huge streamer part of the Texas crew) decides to do a stream about all of it and gets other streamers in the call too like xQc and Pokimane. They talk to some of the victims of the scam and find out one of them was a cancer patient that needed the money for chemo, so xQc gives her the money.
Slicker himself joins the call later and they get Hasan Piker on too, to be the voice of reason. The call was really weird, because while Hasan was being harsh towards Slicker, Mizkif seemed to be wanting to clear his name and joking around a bit. Hasan kept trying to make it clear that there was no way Slicker was ever going to repay what he owed, while Mizkif was trying to meme about how he could go to rehab and then come back to streaming. It didn't help that Slicker didn't seem remorseful at all and had said that if he wasn't caught, he would've kept doing it.
After Slicker leaves, Pokimane and Mizkif are made aware of an idea from Destiny(Lefty cuck political streamer) that they could force Twitch to ban gambling if they organize and give Twitch an ultimatum that they wont stream during the first week of December, which would fuck with Twitch's metrics. They sort of agree that its a good idea, but seem non committal and Mizkif memes it up.

4th Drama: GAMBA BAD
Through all of this, theres kind of an on going fight between xQc and Hasan. xQc had been feeling for a while that Hasan is a massive clout chaser and is always taking shots at him when any drama happens to gain virtue signal points. One of those shots is that xQc is sponsored by a slots company and virtuous Hasan is strictly against gambling sponsorships. Almost everyone agrees with Hasan on this, so any time they had a disagreement or a fight Hasan would bring up the gambling sponsorship for an easy win and they were supposed to be friends, so at some point xQc got tired of it and started going hard on Hasan and calling him a clout chaser fake friend. Mizkif had also been sort of shit flinging at xQc so at some point xQc says that he has a "nuke" regarding Mizkif, but won't use it.
Through the entirety of these dramas, Hasan had been shitting on xQc and bringing up his gambling, so when the Slicker shit breaks out and it turns out its about gambling, he goes all in on that.
Eventually the overall discourse turns into streamers trying to pressure Twitch to ban gambling and a degenerate gambling streamer called TrainwrecksTV starts tweeting, sort if insulting the Texas group of friends and saying they are virtue signaling and don't really care about the issue. He is also against banning gambling, but says Slicker should be banned for being a scammer. Mizkif sees this and decides to reply to Trainwrecks, bringing up how he had scammed his viewers in the past with a shit coin so he should be banned too. Trainwrecks apparently had been talking to xQc behind the scenes and he deploys the nuke: He reveals that Mizkif and his then gf(Now ex) had covered up a sexual assault that happened in one of their parties and manipulated the victim to downplay what happened to her, all to protect one of their friends.
Mizkif deletes his tweet and then people start trying to figure out who they were talking about.

5th Drama: Sexual Assault coverup
People correctly guess who it was about and remember the original story: A streamer called Novaruu leaked after a party of that group of friends in Texas that someone was sexually assaulted, but gives no details. Eventually another streamer, Adrianah Lee, releases a twitlonger saying that it was her and telling her story. She says that she passed out drunk and was told afterwards that a friend of Mizkif that goes by CrazySlick had been touching her but that after talking about it, it was cleared up to her that he was checking her pulse because he was worried about her. So she kind of minimized the original story and sort of painted the picture that CrazySlick was just an awkward guy trying to help, so nothing happened.
Hours after the Trainwrecks tweet, Adrianah Lee goes live with the title "Telling my story(For real this time)" and during the stream she pretty much says that after she woke up she had been told by his IRL friend that was with her that CrazySlick had groped her boobs multiple times while she was passed out and kept coming back as her friend kept guarding her and telling CrazySlick to fuck off(Here we gotta keep in mind that while groping someone without their consent is like the least serious form of sexual assault, it still is sexual assault). So, when shit starts leaking and before she writes her twitlonger, Maya Higa, Mizkif's then gf, visit her along with another of Mizkif's friends to ask her what happened and "help her out". She said that she was worried about speaking out because she could get blacklisted by the whole friend group, but Maya reassured her that wouldn't happen, so they all co-wrote the twitlonger together, which she now felt was a minimized version of what happened and she felt manipulated to defend CrazySlick. She also did end up getting blacklisted and heard there were weird rumors about her, likely spread by Mizkif and CrazySlick.
While this is happening, Asmongold(Pippa's crush) is in a call with presumably Mizkif but with his stream muted. They are co-owners of a streamer org so they were trying to figure out wtf to do now. After they are done talking, Asmongold unmutes, blocks CrazySlick on twitter, gives his full support to Adrianah Lee saying he will not associate with people that support CrazySlick, but doesn't comment at all on Mizkif's side of the drama. He also goes on a rant saying how CrazySlick should die and not in a videogame.
There's some retarded residual drama between Hasan vs xQc and Trainwrecks with him trying to still blame gambling while trying to believe all women while at the same time being mad as fuck that Adrianah is Destiny's friend.

If you read it, congratulations, you've learned a lot of dumb shit about literal manchild sociopathic streamers.
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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xQc finally managed to put together a complex sentence after six years of trying, and broke up with his girlfriend(?) on stream (?) and some shit happened
some greasy arab twitch streamer stole $30k $300k from his subscribers, mods, friends, etc. and lost it all gambling
this started off a rube goldberg machine of autism and now other streamers are getting accused that they're covering the fact that the greasy arab also molested some girl
asmongold is apparently involved in this shit or something

edit: Oh, I see, I see. This big drama broke because greasy arab man wasn't just scamming his viewers, that's normal for twitch, that's perfectly acceptable. He scammed other STREAMERS, that's why it's so big. Also yeah, xQc had a huge argument with his ex-gf in a discord call, on stream and that's where the other parts of the drama are coming from.


I'll have more info tomorrow when my friend who actually follows retarded twitch drama wakes up.
Honestly, streamer drama is some of the dumbest shit imaginable, all of these people should be gassed in minecraft and the global median IQ would rise by 5 points.
These people are like hollywood celebrities but for as annoying as celebritards are, atleast they are somewhat talented, these fuckers are just "influencer" faggots who scam children and will backstab anyone for clout.
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Tea is just leaf juice。
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Might be pushing the boundary of SFW/NSFW. It's not a loli at least, but Millie Parfait retweeted this and said she hopes it happens to her when she gets her own 3D lol.

What's the general take on Miko anyway? I only know that she won that award show whatever.

Clown Penis

To Be Continued
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Some streamer named Sliker scammed a bunch of streamers and other people out of over $300k or something crazy. Notably one of the people he scammed was a cancer patient. Once this was known some drama between streamers that knew Sliker started to happen.

That's all I know but you can look his name up if you want to know more. Overall I find it funny and fucked up at the same time. It's above your average streamer drama for sure. Wonder if Pippa will bring it up on stream?
The fact Pippa made a Make-A-Wish bit on-stream with Lisa last Saturday is the kino part of things, IMO. Pippa doubled-down, and it was hilarious how distressed it made Ms. Kool-Aid Pickles. 1663472888538.png


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I forgot to mention this yesterday, but Ame said that Calli would likely be the undetermined announcer for the next round of Worms

Altare is level 179 in Phasmo and says that he hasn't touched it since it first came out. Doesn't that imply that he just renamed his steam account to `Altare`? I thought they were supposed to create entirely new accounts for these things to avoid security leaks and yabs
It was on the Switch and quite awhile ago, but Gura had one of her irl (male) friends show up online when she was playing Ring Fit way back when

Apparently mine is worth over $20,000 going by price of the games in my library, which is both impressive and sad.
Just make another Skyrim remake, no problem

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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Pippa's influence grows by the fucking day, damn. I just hope it never goes to her head.
I like to think Kronii got her wisdom teeth removed because she saw Pippa get her teeth fixed. Truly a trend setter.

On the 2view side Abigail returns to streaming Wednesday after taking a small break

As for Uncle Sam's Horsegirl
Still going with that midnight timeslot.


You are the Marvel Rival
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Might be pushing the boundary of SFW/NSFW. It's not a loli at least, but Millie Parfait retweeted this and said she hopes it happens to her when she gets her own 3D lol.

What's the general take on Miko anyway? I only know that she won that award show whatever.

NIJIEN Pettan crew still malding that Petra got a glow up. I wonder if corpo will bow down and grant them their request.

Miko is so uncanny valley for me. I really cannot sit down to even watch her. Is she still doubling down on not being a vtuber?


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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A Great Ape

Don't worry, I have a shovel.
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Might be pushing the boundary of SFW/NSFW. It's not a loli at least, but Millie Parfait retweeted this and said she hopes it happens to her when she gets her own 3D lol.

What's the general take on Miko anyway? I only know that she won that award show whatever.

I hate it when that happens. It's usually a collision problem, and solved by fiddling with the colliders/the collision mesh.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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I forgot to mention this yesterday, but Ame said that Calli would likely be the undetermined announcer for the next round of Worms
Boo, wigger fucking sucks at anything that has to do with being clever and charming while keeping her cool. Literally worst option for emcee/announcer.
She's too awkward and neurotic for that, she's best when she's getting fucked with by a person with wit and charm magnitudes higher than hers.
It's just gonna be "UHH, YEAH! HAHA! UM *awkward at teasing* NO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! WELL YEAH THAT'S SICK!"
NIJIEN Pettan crew still malding that Petra got a glow up. I wonder if corpo will bow down and grant them their request.

Miko is so uncanny valley for me. I really cannot sit down to even watch her. Is she still doubling down on not being a vtuber?
That's fine, i don't want that thing to be classified as a vtuber either, call her virtual cam whore, that's more descriptive.


Demands thhrang stays atleast 300 yards away.
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This is our modern day celebrity gossip and TMZ, isn't it. Did a quick search, reads like it. Sheesh. I'll stick to vtubers. At least if they're stupid, there's a bit more disconnect and funny anime characters that move.

Oh, and to further add fuel to the trashfire, IcePoseidon released screens of old DMs with mizkif full of gamer words... https://nitter.net/REALIcePoseidon/status/1572089527904108544 Enough of this, this is more KF territory, too much flesh


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and they get Hasan Piker on too, to be the voice of reason.
Imagine being so emotional and dumb you have to get fucking Hasan of all people on to talk people down.
His brain is barely more functioning than a koala's and just as smooth.

Thanks for the laugh, I hope even more of the streaming retards get dragged into the pit somehow and burn in it.


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Imagine being so emotional and dumb you have to get fucking Hasan of all people on to talk people down.
His brain is barely more functioning than a koala's and just as smooth.

Thanks for the laugh, I hope even more of the streaming retards get dragged into the pit somehow and burn in it.
Its still unfolding with xQc throwing some other people under the bus apparently, including Pokimane and Hasan, but I can't understand him w/o subs so I'll just have to learn about this one tomorrow after someone translates his stream.

Uh oh

It may actually be vtuber relevant soon and not just because Pippa likes some of those streamers lmao

Audi Vide Tace

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This is our modern day celebrity gossip and TMZ, isn't it. Did a quick search, reads like it. Sheesh. I'll stick to vtubers. At least if they're stupid, there's a bit more disconnect and funny anime characters that move.

Oh, and to further add fuel to the trashfire, IcePoseidon released screens of old DMs with mizkif full of gamer words... https://nitter.net/REALIcePoseidon/status/1572089527904108544 Enough of this, this is more KF territory, too much flesh
Yea, some of these streamers really do reach Kardashian/reality tv levels of insanity with their petty gossip and drama; I usually tend to avoid it unless it sticks around for longer than a week since half of it is some bullshit that blows-up for three days with folks whose greatest hobby is watching grass grow and paint dry. I doubt this drama will be any different than something cut from the same cloth as a catch-22 bit.

I'd be impressed if it was something more than the equivalent of watching the homeless meth addict fight the homeless crack addict on the side of a road.
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Punished Anime Discusser

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Its still unfolding with xQc throwing some other people under the bus apparently, including Pokimane and Hasan, but I can't understand him w/o subs so I'll just have to learn about this one tomorrow after someone translates his stream.
Once again proving that Jerma, the most deranged sociopath on twitch, is the least retarded person on twitch.

Anyways, when this explodes into Assmongoloid's face, I hope Yuri grabs Pippa and Jermapills her.


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If you read it, congratulations, you've learned a lot of dumb shit about literal manchild sociopathic streamers.
This is why I never want to be a streamer, just the thought of having to participate in this cancer makes me want to throw up


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This is why I never want to be a streamer, just the thought of having to participate in this cancer makes me want to throw up
It feels like only vtubers escape from this, because they are already performing a character. Some of them could end up being pieces of shit for all we know, but we will never know and that is not part of their content so its not really our business.

It doesn't go for all vtubers though. Vshojo are no different from these streamers and thats kind of why they seem to be the only group of vtubers that have members that are just dislikeable and considered to just be bad people.

The worst you can say about Hololive or Niji is that you just don't like some of them or find them boring, thats it.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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It feels like only vtubers escape from this, because they are already performing a character. Some of them could end up being pieces of shit for all we know, but we will never know and that is not part of their content so its not really our business.

It doesn't go for all vtubers though. Vshojo are no different from these streamers and thats kind of why they seem to be the only group of vtubers that have members that are just dislikeable and considered to just be bad people.

The worst you can say about Hololive or Niji is that you just don't like some of them or find them boring, thats it.
*Looks at Finana*
You sure about that?
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