This is something that has been on my mind for a while too, like for dedicated musicians like Calli and Susei I wonder how they feel that their entire musical career and fame is tied to a name they don't own (we don't know the specific of what Susei signing into Hololive meant for her character copyright but considering she has talked about how much she wanted it wouldn't surprise if she was willing to sign always the rights to Cover in exchange for her dream job), yeah Calli has made a name for herself as DDK but having 30+ songs that you produced that you technically don't own any real control over must be a be a odd feeling, I always wondered how is going to be in several years when some of the more accomplished talents start wanting to leave on their own accord and until they would realize how little they have to shown for years of work now, I fully expect drama to start in the future when one the girls that never read her contract tries to graduate but realize how screwed she is. (and just to clarify I don't think they are getting screwed now either, Calli is more famous she could have ever hoped and even if she leaves she will be better that she could have ever been had she struck solo, same for pretty much everybody else, my point is how I expect many of the girls don't ever think what their life after Holo is going to be like so they are probably gonna get blindsided by what they signed)