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All of my Lalafell (MALE) experiences have been nothing but positive. All they do is dress up in retarded outfits and play well. The female Lalafell can go either way, but you can instantly tell from the amount of clothes in the character portrait.
I've been dodging an average of 4 ERPers per hour of gameplay in XIV, and I'm not even on Balmung. Everyone playing anything that's not aLalafell or default white human male/female is some kind of dicksplitter or gigadegenerate. Especially the fucking liggers.
This is how I know you're talking out your ass, lalafags are the biggest collective of rapists, philanderers, deviants and pedophiles of them all. I would take an hour with 100 different ERP-addled coombrained retards before I sat down with a lala for more than 5 minutes without it escalating to homicide.
I don't spend any time standing around in citystates because the number of people that see a miqo standing around and decide to /w me creep shit. 4/10 of the time it's a lala.
Of course, you have to NOT be a giga retard and go for the literal server bicycles. Just make friends and some will happen to be girls that are not advertising they are girls and fishing for gifts.
Idol has never extended audition end dates though.
EN Gen 1 auditions were from 6/26 to 7/31 last year. No dates listed on the announcement tweet but they posted reminders about the end date multiple times.
Comparing the levels of degeneracy in 14 is akin to deciding what is better to have, aids or cancer. Regardless you do not want it and it is widespread in that game. It is second life for weebs beaten only by VRchat.
Also the best model is Beatanis because the ears wiggled and the design was simple but meaningful.
Niji ex-ID Siska Leontyne, HoloID Pavolia Reine, NijiJP Hyakumantenbara Salami, VSPO Kaminari Qpi (both before she joined Vspo and after), and Indie JP ViPi_Towa/Towa_akjq10
So from normal-ish base design (security guard lady) to what is essentially a NSFW cabaret gyaru. I have a rather shit taste.
Enna back from vacations, her zatsu is still keeping up for more than 5h now but she is still entertaining with her touch grass adventures (with her niji pals).
Also obligatory : "I was there before thread died o7".
Had to leave early, didn't expect it to be so long. If anyone's interested she's talked about the trip with NijiEN to meet their JP senpais and another shorter trip to the beach.
Also posting this before the thread closes: ETHYRIA LOVE
How retarded is this woman?, she spends time trying to fuitely re-assure her paypigs she isnt doing male collabs and then does one like 6 months later?, after a retarded scandal killed her big gig?
Is she doing it on purpose just to kill off the unicorns before she goes to the new VA gig or is it just raw
She is definitely gunning for fucking a guy with a broken condom so he can't get away with her. That shit ain't hehe haha funny menhera moments anymore. She is obsessed and on a mission to get a replacement for the twink dick. Also her simp here hasn't posted anything in more than a month, I am pretty sure her offed himself or something with her antics. And if he didn't before he definitely did now, what's with his posting about her defending unicorns and saying she loves them and doesn't want them to get away from her
Edit: The artist who did promotional art for Holo Advent got his account hacked by crypto bros
...does this count as a Vwhoreshow moment or not? I mean she's left. Trying to relive her Hololive glory days by causing a similar controversy? Honestly the more I follow this woman the more confusing she gets. She was doubling down on her unicorns as her only real fans not that long ago.
This is how I know you're talking out your ass, lalafags are the biggest collective of rapists, philanderers, deviants and pedophiles of them all. I would take an hour with 100 different ERP-addled coombrained retards before I sat down with a lala for more than 5 minutes without it escalating to homicide.
I don't spend any time standing around in citystates because the number of people that see a miqo standing around and decide to /w me creep shit. 4/10 of the time it's a lala.
Also WTF? Except for the usual dance in bikini or the lone pair of players doing spicy RP in Limsa, I have never witnessed anything more degenerate in EU servers (unless you search for it). Is it because I played a male Mi'qote or did shit degenerate in the past months?
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