Unarchived karaoke for Lumi's anniversary starting. On a Sunday night, so I probably won't be able to catch the entire thing, but I'll probably stick around for maybe an hour. I normally skip on on karaoke streams, but I actually really like her singing voice, so I try to catch these when I can.
She also has a waiting room up for a YouTube stream tomorrow morning for her anniversary:
And she has one on Twitch at 2pm PDT/5pm EDT.
Of course my ass will be slaving away at work while these two happen, so I'll have to join in late/catch the vod.
She's also premiering a new cover, which I should be home in time for.
@God's Strongest Sanalite will more than likely be happy to see that it seems to have some focus on her alter ego Gloomi:
Something else to note: while she primarily streams on Twitch, she's been doing a lot of YouTube streams lately, and she's almost at 60k subs, while on Twitch, she's not far from 40k followers. So, she's been doing pretty good with those numbers, and I'm sure she'll hit that 60k mark some time tomorrow.
I won't say too many nice things since she cringes at people being nice to her, but I'm happy for lemon woman and hope she has a nice day tomorrow.