Users who would like to be able to add to the Threadmark system (as in Threadmark any post in a thread) should @ me in the Forum Discussion thread or send me a DM. I will be assigning these privelges individually to those who request it.
Any content that does not fall into any of the above categories can be discussed in the General Thread as usual. Users are now allowed to create new threads on companies and individual vtubers if they so desire, which can be approved by moderators.
Their fucking metrics must show these new outfits/models as being popular with their core audience/fans. How many outfits and models does she even have at this point?
There's also a ton of historical info/stuff in the original vtuber thread at the homeland that's gonna be a shame to lose if KF does ultimately go down. I flind the live reactions/discussions there as significant events were going down (Myth's debut, the Amepocalypse, Rushia's meltdown, etc) as pretty neat time capsules that would've been nice to preserve and look back on as the chuuba scene keeps moving forward.
Also second update from glorious leader, he already made it sound like it yesterday but this pretty much confirms this is the last stand and if the site falls again he probably gonna call it and put the site to rest, at least on the Clearnet.
I'm probably thinking too much about this, but I wonder how she feels about the MC sharing the same real name as her (Rebecca), but then again, it's a fairly common name so she's probably already used to it.
I'm probably thinking too much about this, but I wonder how she feels about the MC sharing the same real name as her (Rebecca), but then again, it's a fairly common name so she's probably already used to it.
Tis a sad day for all, I won't forget the motherland.
I still remember searching for a place for news everywhere when the Taiwan incident happened but it is all censored, then I found KF, the best damn discussion thread about virtual youtubers.
Edit: also can anyone link me the archive for KF thread? Forgot where it is.
I think it might also be because Axel knows Sayori is secretly depressed and he sees through her, so he might find that "ehehehe" misleading and lacking genuine feeling. I'd probably feel that way too.
There's also a ton of historical info/stuff in the original vtuber thread at the homeland that's gonna be a shame to lose if KF does ultimately go down. I flind the live reactions/discussions there as significant events were going down (Myth's debut, the Amepocalypse, Rushia's meltdown, etc) as pretty neat time capsules that would've been nice to preserve and look back on as the chuuba scene keeps moving forward.
@Steiger preserved the original thread from the homeland somewhere on here so it won't be lost completely if the homeland does go down, but I don't think KF is going to die for good.
Tis a sad day for all, I won't forget the motherland.
I still remember searching for a place for news everywhere when the Taiwan incident happened but it is all censored, then I found KF, the best damn discussion thread about virtual youtubers.
Edit: also can anyone link me the archive for KF thread? Forgot where it is.
Now I need the Bad End to be voiced by everyone in Myth, then it'll be perfect.
Good evening all, here's the archive of the Virtual Youtubers thread from KiwiFarms.
This only archived pages 1 - 6800 (partial archive of page 6800) from the main thread, and the 1 page from the OG thread.
This archive has our discussions, images (not all, but 21,441 images none the less), avatars, reactions, .css files, .php files, .js files, .html files, etc. in it.
The .zip file is around ~2.4GiB (~2.6gb), and the uncompressed archive is ~6.4GiB (~6.8gb) for both archives.
Be sure to read the README.txt, as it has some information regarding what I did to the archive and what some files mean.
A little personal side note: I'm not sure about anonfiles, it kind of glows to me, so be sure to use a VPN or Tor when you download it. I'm fairly certain it's an op to catch pedos so it should be fine for the archive at least. I'm uploading I uploaded this to MEGA as well, so if you don't trust anonfiles, just wait and I'll edit this post later with the MEGA links then just use the MEGA links.
(Also, the OG thread file is the only one with broken youtube embeds, the rest of the 6800 pages are fine with youtube embeds)
If you're on windows and don't know how to calculate the file hash, open up PowerShell and cd into the directory where the file is located and type (for MD5 at least):
Get-FileHash <TYPE IN THE FILENAME HERE> -Algorithm MD5
If you're on Mac, tough shit, I've never used Mac so I can't say definitively, but I think you open up Terminal, cd into the directory where the file is and type:
If you're on Linux you should already know.
This archive was not able to retrieve the data under the "This private information is unavailable to guests due to policies enforced by third-parties." tag. I was planning on retrieving it manually, but the site died before I was able to.
The highlights function doesn't work, but it does show what posts got highlighted.
The search function obviously doesn't work, but if you want something that gets the job done, download Visual Studio Code, open the ./archived_pages/ directory in it, and just use the search function (Ctrl+Shift+F) in there to find all instances of a word in the entire 6800 page directory.
A very useful tool when searching are regular expressions (it's [.*] <--- this button next to the [Aa] and the [ab] buttons, click it to toggle regex searching).
A regular expression to know when searching multiple words in any order is:
(?=.*<WORD>)(?=.*<WORD>)(?=.*<WORD>) etc. etc. ...
Replace <WORD> with whatever word you want;
Ex: You are looking for that weird Gura sexdoll thing. You don't know the sentence but you know it has the words "Gura" and "sexdoll" in it. You would then type: (?=.*Gura)(?=.*sexdoll) in the search to find that post.
But be warned, VS Code will absolutely rape your CPUs when using this regex. View attachment 951
Also some of the jpg images might be broken when looked at individually as a file as some of them animate despite not being gifs; to view them I personally use gThumb to view them.
"SHOULD I EVEN BE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE STABBING THEMSELVES FOR JOY ON STREAM!??!"- Axel Syrios, dingo, singer, probably furry, Vesper's favorite son, harem protagonist, 2022.
I hope everyone who cares about Axel playing DDLC is watching this now, because at this rate Axel will have to hide his vods if he's this bad already before the real stuff happens. Then he referenced everyone's favorite mouse to mock Monika.
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