11th - 18th
I will be the bootleg phase weekly since I keep searching the tag for clips to watch from time to time. I'm not going to go full autist going through each girl in phase but if you're a fan of a particular girl you should tell them to make a tag for their clips if it's easy to search I'll have a look. The youtube search is completely fucked and dies the moment I try to search by upload date and even then is filled with low effort clips and azehara in the mix. The main focus of what I share here will come from twitter since it doesn't die when I tell it to show me shit from latest so that's good.
I like to see that our fellow inmates who are clippers are consistent, you're like half of what comes up when you look at the tag, I hope more people start clipping because you might end up being the only clips some weeks. I'll divide the clips by girl so you can skip if your oshi isn't here and if she isn't here be the change you want to see in the world and become a clipper today

or tell her to make a clip tag.
To avoid too much spam, if a channel has multiple clips of a girl, I'll feature one clip of each channel. Will try to pick the best in my subjective opinion.
This week there's plenty of Remi to go around thanks to remilia's toilet being the change in the world clipping his oshi but the highlight must be her explaining chat how she gets away with things cause she's cute.
Not theo makes an appearance by sharing tenma's struggle to comprehend remi's massive zoomer brain.
A week packed with Airi courtesy of 2 channels. The first channel to clip Airi is Pontiff of Ponwolf, the clear highlight is his clip of Airi losing her last fuck during her Erina collab and cheating her way into victory and freedom. The other channel who clipped Airi this week uploaded her karaoke from offkai and a compilation of her doing questionable things in 12 minutes and I must highlight that one because she really gets into it.
Only one clip from Shiina this week by remilia's toilet, reading chat can have terrible and hilarious consequences
There's some Erina this week courtesy of 2 channels. The first one is a compilation of Erina's single braincel trying to get through a portal room and the other is a short of her from her Airi collab being excited about being strangled by Airi.
Only Pebbel being diligent clipping his oshi this week, the clear highlight is her dying doing the noodle challenge
I just noticed that I get no pippa clips using the phaseclips tag but this week only one clip from azehara showed so here it is, fishman calls pippa a cheap rabbit
Just one short of Jelly this week and it's her potato computer dying on stream
Only one Ember clip, the one clip I actually found on youtube. She confesses her crimes as a 7 year old.
Just one clip and it's from animalfriend, continuing being the absolute chad that he is making a highlight reel of Michiru's elden ring adventures and translating it on top of it. Subscribe to the man and watch his video twice.
That's it. Pester your oshi to make a clip tag to make things easier on me and help her grow.