"once upon a time? pekomona collabo! first offcollabo together!! eat derishouse bugermoona buger & pekorabuger foren love!!! Let's her cook! noooooooooooooooo! beef meet ok? Let's make acokkinggggggg!!!"Usada Pekora
They are open about it, its not a graduation notice its basically what happened to Ayame except they are actually addressing the issue instead of leaving people up in the air. Im fine with this, hell im actually glad they said something.
I've heard it's a decent movie instead of the expected theme park, but it has a problem with being overly explicit/preachy about its feminist message in several scenes.
Seems to be the opposite of what's happening with that other Child Grooming movie. People calling Barbie woke trash and calling that other one QAnon conspiracy theory and honestly, I'm starting to think this is all outrage bullshit caused by grifters and political commentators that want to turn everything into some sort of RIGHT vs LEFT bullshit war. Seen a few people saying that its great mainly because of Ken.
I hope they do a watchalong of the Debut.
Also im kinda glad that Flayon has found some sort of niche. Lewd anime games. He was at 1900 at some point. I kinda hate his voice but he is fairly fun to watch during these.
Well, not being a Shapiro fanboy (femboy?) I almost didn't watch it (especially it being 45 minutes long), but I was actually impressed by how detailed and thorough his review was on what a shitburger this film is. (Also, impressed by his prodigious swearing, which means he was really rankled by it). I agree also that the marketing was brilliant, and by week 2 the box office sales will plummet, and China won't touch this film with a 10-foot Uighur (or a 10-foot wigger).
Putting this under spoiler since it's kinda a schizo rambling.
I'm quite sure I had a dream where I found doxx info of Anya in which she was a local radio DJ. I have no idea why I even dreamt about that in the first place, she wasn't even my top HoloID (though she's up there).
So i dont know how many her are into the idol stuff, but anywhy one example why i love holotori. Thank you Lui for helping making Kiaras dream come true.
Fixed camera for one of the Holotri performances in Luis live. Now you can follow your favoriters dance moves closely.
Mysta's song in 3 hours. Big disclaimer about it being for fun more than anything. Maybe he's just being humble and its actually really good. Lets see.
Meh with a bit of effort you can make that kind of power scaling work but considering all of everyones lore is more or less a vaccum if connected at all maybe a series of events with no progression between them if your lucky (Ame and Kronni) your not gonna get that effort hell the upper and lower limits of everyone in hololives power are never defined not just in EN
Wemi got back from the Barbie movie and said it was...good????
Is it actually good or am I going to have to drop her for having outrageously bad taste?
have not had the chance to see it myself but ive heard it's "fun" which i find a far better indicator of quality then "good" or "great" are. take it with grains of salt tho.
Also im kinda glad that Flayon has found some sort of niche. Lewd anime games. He was at 1900 at some point. I kinda hate his voice but he is fairly fun to watch during these.
So i dont know how many her are into the idol stuff, but anywhy one example why i love holotori. Thank you Lui for helping making Kiaras dream come true.
Fixed camera for one of the Holotri performances in Luis live. Now you can follow your favoriters dance moves closely.
So i dont know how many her are into the idol stuff, but anywhy one example why i love holotori. Thank you Lui for helping making Kiaras dream come true.
Fixed camera for one of the Holotri performances in Luis live. Now you can follow your favoriters dance moves closely.
I'm still not convinced that that is Mumei dancing, her movement is not nearly autistic enough. (I'm not saying with certainty that it isn't her, just that I'm leaning towards it not being her)
Both. He makes gun sounds in between larping as the gunner.
As for the EN lore all I will say is that if I can make it work then so can they. It really isn’t that hard either since there ain’t SHIT to work with. Fucking get Miyazaki Dark Souls to do it at least.
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