After her crusade against the frogs, Tenma is finally bothering to play the story. Unfortunately it has been so long since she played the story, she has no idea where to go and doesn't know how to read the map. She's not even suppose to be in the Fort until like 2-3 story beats later.
It's fascinating to see the veil finally drop and people have started to recognize how degenerate the FF14 community is. Retail WoW is just the same and it's one of the major reasons why a lot of people flocked back to Classic WoW when it started but that also became overwhelmed with the same type of people. I've pretty much sworn off MMOs altogether largely because like the greater internet community, the online gaming community is flooded with the worst kind of people because people never bothered to gatekeep those freaks out.
I love FF14, but yea it's community is terrible. It is disgustingly hugboxy, and any step out of line gets swarms of flying monkeys on you
Feels like lately every other tweet from the Horse lady is having to tell people to stfu about this or that. Just the other day it was about her race for example.
I swear to god, some of the worst racism I've seen online is from American blacks to mixed race people who "act white".
Looks like bullying Spooki is back on the menu boys
As much as I would like to read or watch Kirsche shit on spooki, this entire complaint of his could be about ANY FEMALE VTUBER ON TWITCH! All of them are likely to have people shit talking him in their discords or be shit talking him themselves. Thus is his reputation of being obnoxious and groomy.
Kirsche people, inform if there's any milk to this though.
Reposting from the Kirsche thread as I don't think I saw anyone respond to this.
For basics for the uninformed - to quote someone that was posted on Kirsche's discord

Spooki was butt hurt Shiina wasn't into him at all and the document he dropped showed her being polite to him but quite clearly trying to keep a professional distance. So he was double pissed he effectively publicly embarrassed himself. And since Day 1 of the Phase Gen 2 trailer, he's been anti-ing her on /vt/. We know this because for one retarded Twitter screenshot he posted, he left the avatar from the "Reply" field in the crop. And it was for Spooki's 2nd Twitter account.
So with the basics out of the way, summary of what occurred:
It looks like SpookiVT is friends with Dragon Fat Deposits, who is a mod for SFO. Spooki tried to use DFD to fish for a collab with Kirsche a few months ago since they're both from Massachusetts. Kirsche knew about Spooki's previous creep attempts with Shiina and told him to fuck off. It looks like they were trying to use this as an opportunity to farm drama/clout ever since.
Honestly, I think it's contract time, and people are asking for a better cut and being told no, so they are just dipping.
If Nina's leaving now, that means that Obsydia is probably locked in now as well which means -
Allegedly, the leaker from hero wave said there will be more, oh boy.
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With the above in mind, I bet that means a major Luxiem's departure is next based on the timings. And they seemed PISSED about that fake covid excuse concert cancelation.
Her response made it seem like she was just tired. I don't know. She mentions not being able to live up to the standard she set for herself, but what she wanted was to be drunk and play games. It doesn't seem like she's leaving on bad terms, just not happy with what she was doing and decided to leave. We'll maybe see her again based on what she says.
Allow me to introduce a beyond cursed thought
Nina reincarnates as an indie and her first collab partner is
Futakuc-No, too cursed, i might meme it into reality
Fuck that, imagine if she comes back and one of her first collab partners is Sayu.