"You know you are in South East Asia when you have the following: dogs barking in the background, a TV open because a family member is watching, bunch of banana and mangoes, palm trees, coconuts... motorcycle noises outside, do you guys have flying cockroaches too?"Millie Parfait
I think I ended up ordering 10, but they're in a different order that won't show up for months... I look forward to the same thing happening. I'll probably end up with 4 Callis and 6 fucking Guras.
I've seen stuff promoted on twitter when doing my daily Phase searches but today, for the first time, I actually saw a vtuber ad. This got me thinking, it might actually unironically be a good idea for a smaller corpo or indie vtuber to advertise on twitter. If anyone has anything to say about this please do as I'm curious if this is a good idea or not.
Don't tell Pippa but Mari worries about her cleanliness. Wants to come to her house and clean it. She's got her vods hidden so I gotta wait till she makes it public to clip it.
I think I ended up ordering 10, but they're in a different order that won't show up for months... I look forward to the same thing happening. I'll probably end up with 4 Callis and 6 fucking Guras.
Game - Warns about timer that fills up and will interrupt whatever turn it fills on
Uruka - Okay
Also Uruka - Stands still on both her characters turns letting the meter fill up 90% of the way
Also also Uruka - Dies under the Bootay. Twice nowThree times Four Times
She's learning, died but not under Bootay this time.
Not sure if the Blue Bear is getting past the strip club in South Park any time soon
Final Edit - Bear finally victorious, only took about 40 minutes
A group of vtubers (not clear if they intend to operate as an agency) called o-wakusei is trying to raise money on KickStarter to purchase assets and models for their first generation to debut later this year. This was brought to my attention by a promoted tweet on Twitter. They claim that some of them were corpo streamers, but with no names attached to this project the whole thing feels kind of sketchy. Anyone know anything more about them?
Game - Warns about timer that fills up and will interrupt whatever turn it fills on
Uruka - Okay
Also Uruka - Stands still on both her characters turns letting the meter fill up 90% of the way
Also also Uruka - Dies under the Bootay. Twice now Three times
Not sure if the Blue Bear is getting past the strip club in South Park any time soon
I didn't. Sorry. But it was basically something like "Hi, we're starting a new vtuber company and we need your help! Support us on KickStarter for some cool stuff!" Nothing too interesting. Here's their Twitter profile.
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