Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
ScottFalco put out his tutorial for Toontubing
This is just the logical evolution of those god-awful storytime animators and commentary channels that use avatars
It started out as an Osu fan's project to train an AI program to play Osu by "looking" at the screen, so no cheating by looking at the game data in RAM or something like that. (Osu is an open-source rhythm game which apes the game Osu! Tatake! Ouendan, a Japanese rhythm game series which was adapted to Elite Beat Agents in the west.) As vtubing became a thing, the developer added the ability to read and respond to Twitch chat in a similar manner to ChatGPT and wired it up to a young girl vtuber model. Since it has become popular on Twitch, the developer has also worked on training the AI to play Minecraft, react to videos, and sing songs. She's streaming now if you want to see how she works.
It'd be funny if chat stopped donating and she had to be a mutetuber for the rest of her career.
I want to ask how is watching a literal bot entertaining whatsoever but then i remembered that you could put a wig and makeup on a rock and stream it playing minekra and people would still watch it, does she have any kind of personality or does she just randomly respond semi-coherent meaningless blabber like any A.I. would?
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