"I want you to do a full body check-up on me! That's quite alright, I wanna have a naked relationship with you too! Off-limits? Anything off-limits? No, anything is fine!"AZKi
Sava will be going live soon and chatting it up with her senpai, Lua Asuka. While you're waiting feel free to stare at the enormous breasts in the thumbnail, don't worry, we won't judge you
EDIT: Idk why you guys are IC rating me, it's not like Sava showed off an artistic rendition of her panties in this stre-
Taiwan degenerate made a WATAME Silicon sex doll, took it to Taiwan Anime Festival called Fancy Frontier. Edit for spoiler tag because image is too big
Just keep in mind that his attempts at owning the boulder king memes were born out of one of the most thorough public humiliations witnessed by human eyes. Matt was completely and utterly BTFO on that fateful day and despite the glorious revenge he had on Ralph on Boulder Talk Radio, he has not and never will recover from the anal raping the Killstream Krew gave him and likely still lies awake at night seething about it to this day. Matt may be trying to be in on the joke now, and his destruction was long ago enough to forget, but he was a fat flaggot then, and he's a fat flaggot now.
Taiwan degenerate made a WATAME Silicon sex doll, took it to Taiwan Anime Festival called Fancy Frontier. Edit for spoiler tag because image is too big
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