"Uruka and I were talking about 'nuttin' in the context of like 'yabai nuttin', and Airi goes 'Wait Nuttin? what's Nuttin like tunak-tunak-tunak?'"Lia Rinkou
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I'd root for the lolicon instead of the hypocrite. Especially after watching about 5 minutes of that reply video and the motherfucker starts with "if I were to make a video about this his channel would get nuked by youtube because I'm part of some podcast and youtube constantly watches what we say on it". Dude shut the fuck up and just make the stupid video instead of boasting about how awesome and important you are.
Yeah, looks like both a failed joke and a failed statement at once. Looks like the 2 purple girls are kidding, but it's hard to tell if the Kuri person is trying to joke or actually say something. Either way, dum, delete it or suffer the wrath of capipis!
Vtuber cringe (Kuri) hardly ever jokes guessing he just doesn't like that other vtuber. Similar to Rev his whole stick is pointing out hypocrites in the vtuber community that virtue signal about lolicon and end up retweeting and liking lolicon art. This whole lolicon thing seems to be the hot topic for this year.
From my experience, most people who lead these anti-loli autism crusades just end up getting outed as honest to Christ pedophiles or dog fuckers. So I'd rather root for the guy who's probably not balls-deep in a minor (or dog) while posting about how drawings are real in his mind.
As bad as Rage Pig is, that was one of those moments that was so absurd on the part of the woke and the charity that I don't think it's easily replicated with something like this.
I'd root for the lolicon instead of the hypocrite. Especially after watching about 5 minutes of that reply video and the motherfucker starts with "if I were to make a video about this his channel would get nuked by youtube because I'm part of some podcast and youtube constantly watches what we say on it". Dude shut the fuck up and just make the stupid video instead of boasting about how awesome and important you are.
Not really. Originally it was like that but eventually, they made it that you can just open raids from anyone.
Vtuber cringe (Kuri) hardly ever jokes guessing he just doesn't like that other vtuber. Similar to Rev his whole stick is pointing out hypocrites in the vtuber community that virtue signal about lolicon and end up retweeting and liking lolicon art. This whole lolicon thing seems to be the hot topic for this year.
I'd love to know what kind of cringe edge shit he's responsible for saying when he was 18. Or what kind of shit he's still currently hiding from the public. It's a guilty conscience that drives these kinds of people to shine lights on others so no one is looking at them.
How many niggers you got chained in your apartment stairwell, umru?
It would be a certified Ethan Ralph Saint Jude's stream moment.
From my experience, most people who lead these anti-loli autism crusades just end up getting outed as honest to Christ pedophiles or dog fuckers. So I'd rather root for the guy who's probably not balls-deep in a minor (or dog) while posting about how drawings are real in his mind.
And here I was thinking this burger would be a nothing even if it is prone to still be one. Trashing a talent on the label can definitely end your career but Calli is small enough, to the label at least, that it would have probably been a wrist slap at worst but this, yeah if this gets enough notice at Universal this dude better hope to god that getting ghosted by one of the biggest music corps is all that happens. Music industry is hella incestuous and if Universal put a red X on him a lot of smaller corps won't touch him for fear of also earning that wraith, if enough smoke comes from this fire that dumbass might have legit torched his entire career to the ground to beg for Twitter clout.
I'd love to know what kind of cringe edge shit he's responsible for saying when he was 18. Or what kind of shit he's still currently hiding from the public. It's a guilty conscience that drives these kinds of people to shine lights on others so no one is looking at them.
How many niggers you got chained in your apartment stairwell, umru?
It would be a certified Ethan Ralph Saint Jude's stream moment.
From my experience, most people who lead these anti-loli autism crusades just end up getting outed as honest to Christ pedophiles or dog fuckers. So I'd rather root for the guy who's probably not balls-deep in a minor (or dog) while posting about how drawings are real in his mind.
Lul what a massive femboy. I have a feeling Universal won't be contacting them for work after that spergout. Linking her side account probably won't fly with a ton of the fans so that's something I would love to see go down. I have a feeling they will end up making some sort of tweetlonger and deleting their Twitter shortly after. Calli/DDK is possibly the worst-kept secret when it comes to Vtubing (aside from Coco/Kson).
Would be hilarious if someone digged through his twitter history. I bet he has said worse as it often happens with people who virtue signal about stupid shit like that. Which somehow also leads back to the whole Nux thing.
I'm indifferent to it. Been watching anime for more than two decades, so it really doesn't bother me at this point. That said the hypocrisy often displayed when it comes to people virtue signaling about it only for them to have liked and retweeted or followed accounts that draw it is annoying to me.
Lol with Cover and Anycolor, doing everything they can to stop doxing, it'll be funny if this guy is the first blood. An example to others not to mess around and find out.
Good riddance from the music industry I guess? Even though the industry is filled to the brim with multiple cesspool of money grabbing lunatics.
OH MY GOD BRO... You found someone that is probably on par with Henri in insanity but in a more cursed way. That dude Ninja makes very Islamic art and has a history on the PCD and Capippacord before being banned from both of them.
One thing he did was draw a very cursed drawing of Tenma as this weird monster abomination that made Tenma have to tell him to stop drawing cursed art of her or he'll be banned from PCD. I posted an image of it back on the KF thread a few months ago. I can try digging for it.
EDIT: Actually found a post I made here in the Unicorn Ranch thread where I showed the image that pissed Tenma off and threaten to ban him on PCD, and asked if anyone else had anything about him to share. Cause there's a lot.
Funny enough is she didn't only do this with Remi. She also did it with Tenma before Gen 2 debuted. If I recall even Tenma herself told her to calm down a little a few times.
Also does anyone else here know the tale of Ninja in the PC Discordsphere? I'm thinking of making a thread or a post about them. They were a unique individual that said insane shit and drew cursed things that got banned from PCD and Pippacord. I have some content to tell his lore with, however if anyone else has stuff about him let me know. Cause this dude was wild. View attachment 798
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