Well, it's been a busy day, and one of those rare occasions where I've had plenty of drinks in me, so without too much alcohol-induced rambling, I wanted to say:
I'm not too big into the idol or even music scene in vtubing as my general music taste tends to fall outside of the norm for vtubing. I try to keep up with some of it when it comes to my favorites, but admittedly, I skip over quite a bit of it. But today I got to see my oshi on stage in 3D performing an original song of hers. Something I know was a big moment for her. And as much as I laugh at her being a "tard" and other things like that, I'm so happy and proud of her. She's really come a long way. My favorite moments of her will always be her gaming, tard moments, and edgy jokes, but it really is amazing to watch her be able to reach new heights, and especially ones that she's worked so hard for and that mean so much for her. It may have been a short, one song performance, but I'm so happy to see her finally reaching this moment. Incredibly biased, but I think she did an amazing job with her performance. Might be a little overdramatic, but she did it bros, and I'm so happy for her and how far she's come.
Also, I want to say that Lia did amazing too. A while back, I planned on making an effort post about how far Lia has come, but I never got around to it. I clipped this moment because I wanted to highlight it, so now seems like a great time for it:
Since this moment, Lia has had covers and two 3D performances, one performing an original song. She's absolutely an idol, and an amazing one at that. I honestly couldn't tell you why, but Lia is one of the vtubers I've wanted to see accomplish her dreams the most, and I think she's been doing just that lately, and I'm incredibly happy for her.
I've talked plenty of crap about the award show because I have a default negative opinion about any award show, but I am really happy that the people behind this gave this opportunity to Lumi and Lia. Really happy to see some great people accomplishing some dreams of theirs, and I look forward to more being able to do so.