"No way man, Dizzy is gross"Kevin 'Sakana' Li

General Thread v3: The Hexagone


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After all these Romanian wife doppleganger streams, i think that they could not beat my original romanian wife. I guess i am getting used to be yelled and abused by my based Romanian wife :dokiSmug:
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Do you want a Hexa update?


Fuck you, here you go anyway.

I know it's popular to hate on Hexa around here, but my interpretation of Hexa seems to be different from most people here - I think Hexa tries to help out, but is too retarded to forsee possible negative consequences of her actions. Like, when she tried to clear up Nanobites's name when we were rrating about why she was fired from Phase Connect, and the rrats about Nano went from bad to worse. Stuff like that seems to be more of an example of someone who struggles to fully map out potential negative consequences of their actions. I'm not completely immersed in all of Hexa's dramas, but I've never seen anything from Hexa that could only be explained by maliciousness in the way that, for example, Froot's behaviour could be.

In any case, I hope Hexa's improvement arc is genuine and works out for her, but the proof will be how she acts after she comes back from hiatus.


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Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
Do you want a Hexa update?


Fuck you, here you go anyway.

To be honest, she sounds like Gunt posting...... where Gunt posted his 'recovery arc' after his divorce :pochiidontlikeit:

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
I know it's popular to hate on Hexa around here, but my interpretation of Hexa seems to be different from most people here - I think Hexa tries to help out, but is too retarded to forsee possible negative consequences of her actions. Like, when she tried to clear up Nanobites's name when we were rrating about why she was fired from Phase Connect, and the rrats about Nano went from bad to worse. Stuff like that seems to be more of an example of someone who struggles to fully map out potential negative consequences of their actions. I'm not completely immersed in all of Hexa's dramas, but I've never seen anything from Hexa that could only be explained by maliciousness in the way that, for example, Froot's behaviour could be.

In any case, I hope Hexa's improvement arc is genuine and works out for her, but the proof will be how she acts after she comes back from hiatus.
That was my read of her before Proctor exploded her penis. To be honest, I still think she's well intended, but you can only act like a retard so many times.


The lurker formally known as Drax
Joined:  Dec 2, 2022
>Andreessen Horowitz
That last name tells me everything I need to know :Katta-Semetic-Content:

That they are somehow related to Anthony Horowitz the author the midtier young adult spy thriller series Alex Rider .

HoloGTA ended earlier today and it was one week of peak entertainment. This has been a great year for Holo events with stuff like Hardcore Minecraft, ARK, 7 Days to Die and ENReco but I'd definitely consider GTA my favorite so far. While the other events had an overall common goal, GTA was different in that there was no goal. A bunch of JP/EN/ID girls were thrown into the sandbox of GTA and told to do whatever. Every single day had so many things happen that it was a little tough to follow, but goddamn was all of it fun.

I only watched Subaru's POV for livestreams, which I've said before was basically a single mother trying to take care of 14 retarded children and an entire city. The role of Police Chief was perfect for her not only cause of the Oozora Police lore, but because her natural ability to manage, delegate and keep the vibes energetic. There were a lot of hilarious moments, especially with Kanade, Biboo and Laplus being constant kusogaki menaces. As the days went on though, you could see their teamwork and communication improve. Her stress levels peaked multiple times and she even had her own Joker arc, but she still did her best to guide the team and make sure everyone was having fun. It was just as entertaining seeing them do their job well as it was seeing them be complete morons. Subaru said there couldn't have been a better team and I completely agree.
Botan: Without Botan as Deputy Chief, Subaru would have started her Joker arc on day 1. Botan was always there to offer advice, give a shoulder to lean on and make sure Subaru was doing okay. She was also a massive troll in ways that only Hag Lion could.

Matsuri: I expected her to hang out at the strip club or the casino most of the time, but she was genuinely one of the hardest workers throughout the week. She really tried to act like an officer and was constantly on patrols, reporting to Subaru or keeping an eye out for anything. Also her and Zeta getting married was cute, even if they divorced like 5 times.

Calli: The wigger's Japanese has come so far over these 4 years. She was constantly translating for Biboo, Ollie, Nerissa and Zeta and almost never missed a beat. She also tried to do her job and her RP accent was also really funny in general, especially when speaking JP. I know Subaru was glad to have her around.

Kanade: She gets a mention for being the biggest retard and the biggest source of Subaru's stress. I'm sure she'll be thinking of Subaru yelling KANADEEEEE for weeks to come. Even though she was the #1 girlfailure who spent 90% of her time at the casino, she did try at times and Subaru was proud of her in the end.

Miko was basically a 2nd deputy chief that helped Subaru with everything. Biboo was an adorable killing machine that always made Subaru laugh. Iroha and Ollie were sweethearts who constantly worked hard. Noel's girlcrush healed Subaru's heart after Okayu rejected her. Watame was just as much of a troll as she was a good officer. Suisei was a fun addition that vibed with everyone. Nerissa spent most of her time lost and that was okay. I kinda wanted to go into more detail on everyone but this post is big enough as is.

And that was just Subaru's POV. Overall, I really loved how different everyone's experience was. After Subaru's stream ended, I usually browsed for clips and just laughed at how much of a contrast there was. IRyS crashing almost every car she drove, FuwaMoco overcharging all their hospital bills while being both malicious and plain dumb, Marine's strip club that somehow got SorAZ and Mio, the whole drama with Korone/Mio/Kanata/Fubuki, Moona and Reine trying to take care of their restaurant. Like it's amazing that I'd have never known how many incidents were Polka's fault if it wasn't for @frz posting about it. The clips and the fanart will be coming for weeks, if not months, and that is the best compliment these events could get.

Last thing I wanna mention is how much preparation and work went into this. Mio said a while ago that the girls started getting ready for this around a month or 2 ago. The leaders (Miko, Suisei, Subaru, Botan, Towa, Aki, Mio, Fubuki, Okayu) would hold meetings that'd last hours, familiarizing themselves with the game, the mod mechanics and other stuff. I recall Subaru saying she had a meeting that started at 11PM and went on for 5 hours. Then they would do these meetings daily after the server went down, reflecting on what happened that day and what could be improved. There were frustrating bugs, stupid fans and some awkward misunderstandings but you could really feel how hard everyone worked to make it happen. I saw Subaru, Towa and Aki crying during the end today and that shit had me tearing up too, knowing how much effort they all put in.

TLDR thanks to Suisei and Miko for running such a godlike event, especially when they both have sololives coming up soon.
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Oozora Police love :pomuLove:

Did anyone else see the police badge in the background and mistake it for a Star of David and spend way to long wondering why it was there before releasing it is a badge? No just me, okay.

Do you want a Hexa update?


Fuck you, here you go anyway.

I know it's popular to hate on Hexa around here, but my interpretation of Hexa seems to be different from most people here - I think Hexa tries to help out, but is too retarded to forsee possible negative consequences of her actions. Like, when she tried to clear up Nanobites's name when we were rrating about why she was fired from Phase Connect, and the rrats about Nano went from bad to worse. Stuff like that seems to be more of an example of someone who struggles to fully map out potential negative consequences of their actions. I'm not completely immersed in all of Hexa's dramas, but I've never seen anything from Hexa that could only be explained by maliciousness in the way that, for example, Froot's behaviour could be.

In any case, I hope Hexa's improvement arc is genuine and works out for her, but the proof will be how she acts after she comes back from hiatus.

"any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice" ... or something like that.
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menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Jun 21, 2023
Do you want a Hexa update?


Fuck you, here you go anyway.

I know it's popular to hate on Hexa around here, but my interpretation of Hexa seems to be different from most people here - I think Hexa tries to help out, but is too retarded to forsee possible negative consequences of her actions. Like, when she tried to clear up Nanobites's name when we were rrating about why she was fired from Phase Connect, and the rrats about Nano went from bad to worse. Stuff like that seems to be more of an example of someone who struggles to fully map out potential negative consequences of their actions. I'm not completely immersed in all of Hexa's dramas, but I've never seen anything from Hexa that could only be explained by maliciousness in the way that, for example, Froot's behaviour could be.

In any case, I hope Hexa's improvement arc is genuine and works out for her, but the proof will be how she acts after she comes back from hiatus.

I'll only believe she's putting the effort if she's clear of booze for more than 3 months. Until then,


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That was my read of her before Proctor exploded her penis. To be honest, I still think she's well intended, but you can only act like a retard so many times.
Lower-IQ people struggle with understanding long-term consequences of their actions. So this means they struggle with stuff like impulse control and understanding second and third-order consequences of actions (aka medium and long-term consequences of actions, or what will happen because of short term responses to actions).

I might not be using the clinical definition of the word "retarded" here to help make my point, but nothing I've seen Hexa do makes me think Hexa is on the right side of the bell curve for IQ, pardon the pun.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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I know it's popular to hate on Hexa around here, but my interpretation of Hexa seems to be different from most people here - I think Hexa tries to help out, but is too retarded to forsee possible negative consequences of her actions. Like, when she tried to clear up Nanobites's name when we were rrating about why she was fired from Phase Connect, and the rrats about Nano went from bad to worse. Stuff like that seems to be more of an example of someone who struggles to fully map out potential negative consequences of their actions. I'm not completely immersed in all of Hexa's dramas, but I've never seen anything from Hexa that could only be explained by maliciousness in the way that, for example, Froot's behaviour could be.

In any case, I hope Hexa's improvement arc is genuine and works out for her, but the proof will be how she acts after she comes back from hiatus.
If she's genuinely making an effort to get her shit together, then good for her, I'm not going to knock that. However, being realistic here, she's betrayed multiple people by blabbing about shit they'd talked about in confidence, which is much harder to forgive than other selfish acts or lapses in judgement. Trust is the most important factor in any kind of interaction, and, well, you can't trust Hexa with anything.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023

John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
Certified Manwhore
Joined:  Oct 24, 2022
If everyone's tenma, then who is tenma going to be?

...she could always borrow the Lia skinsuit from Dizzy?


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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You guys believe in people too much for your own good.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
You guys believe in people too much for your own good.
I don't. People are wildin' if they think some fat alcoholic retard is going to suddenly change her behavior despite having paypigs like Niganon paying her rent.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I don't. People are wildin' if they think some fat alcoholic retard is going to suddenly change her behavior despite having paypigs like Niganon paying her rent.
Not you, you're one of the only people here that doesn't give preferential treatment to femoids.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
I don't. People are wildin' if they think some fat alcoholic retard is going to suddenly change her behavior despite having paypigs like Niganon paying her rent.
I'm an optimistic fucker but I'm not that optimistic.

AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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You guys believe in people too much for your own good.
If you think consistency of character is a safe bet I have to wonder how long you've been online. There have been just as many redemption arcs as there have been colossal downfalls for popular public figures. Remember when idubbbz was seen as a king of YouTube comedy and Pewdiepie was regarded as an obnoxious screaming tryhard? You always have to be open to the possibility your perception of someone can be proven wrong overnight. If someone makes an active effort to improve themselves, and they're serious about it, that only increases the chances.


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Taiwan IPASS (public transport service card) release the Hololive 'Capture the moment' bus card series.

I pre-ordered 5 cards (approximate 6 USD for each card) to see what I could get back in July.

This is the package design:
Screenshot 2024-09-24 135303.png

This is my irl reaction after open the packages:
Screenshot 2024-09-24 135247.png

In short, never trust the fucking chink company. This is not happened to me, but other people as well, where they got shit tons of duplicates. The chink company never shuffle the card packages properly before they distribute.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
If you think consistency of character is a safe bet I have to wonder how long you've been online. There have been just as many redemption arcs as there have been colossal downfalls for popular public figures. Remember when idubbbz was seen as a king of YouTube comedy and Pewdiepie was regarded as an obnoxious screaming tryhard? You always have to be open to the possibility your perception of someone can be proven wrong overnight. If someone makes an active effort to improve themselves, and they're serious about it, that only increases the chances.
So what? Do we have to believe in people forever and ever until they decide to get off their asses and redeem themselves? I honestly don't care about this woman, she's a nobody that this forum became obsessed with for some reason (grooming) I'll laugh when she does lolcow-worthy things and if she gets her shit together and marries niganon then I'll regret having one less funny thing in my life.
Damn dude, I didn't know you were a ginger.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
Remember when hexa said that she's gonna stop drinking

Yeah she probably doesn't remember as well

God's Strongest Dragoon

Well-known member
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Remember when idubbbz was seen as a king of YouTube comedy
Degeneration when finding fame and wealth is incredibly common and is usually the expected route.
and Pewdiepie was regarded as an obnoxious screaming tryhard?
Wasn't his redemption after he had grown up a lot and got married? That's just an edgy kid becoming an adult.

Hexa has no reason to change and has not shown to have the willpower to change for the better. In fact, she's shown to lack willpower altogether.

Furious George

Low & Lazy
Joined:  Sep 25, 2022
Remember when hexa said that she's gonna stop drinking

Yeah she probably doesn't remember as well
She will just tell people what they want to hear and just keep drinking & fucking up. It usually takes something really bad happening to wake them up enough to get serious about getting help.

Or be like Nick and just stop drinking and doing drugs, easy peasy Japaneasy.

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