"Don't worry, be racist"Tenma Maemi

February 16 fundraising event


Just go live!
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
I've been thinking of doing some sort of fundraising stream/event this February 16 (which will be a Friday) for a children's charity. (There's no particular significance to this date or relation to events that I have been upset about in the past. Don't worry about it.)

For charities, Mizu suggested AbleGamers to me last night after I was on his show. They work on assistive devices to help gamers with physical disabilities to play video games. I think it looks pretty cool but I'm open to other suggestions.

I really have no experience organizing this sort of thing, though. Also, if I were limiting fundraising to just my own audience, let's be real, we wouldn't really raise a significant amount of money, so I'd like to link up with other streamers who might also want to help goad their audiences to donate and aren't afraid of people making associations between this event and any other event which might have happened last year. Really, though, any amount of money we raise will be more valuable when it comes to helping children (some of whom, statistically speaking, are or will become members of the LGBTQQIA2S+ community, apropos of absolutely nothing) than just words on Twitter.

So if any of you have any experience organizing these things - and I'm not asking for links to web pages I can read; I'm asking for a real person with real experience whose brain I can pick when needed - or if any other streamers who might be reading this board might be interested in helping raise some money with their audience, please let me know. I'd definitely be doing this by using one of those third-party donation services, so none of this money would be passing through my hands, and I'll keep everything else about the event as transparent as possible without doxxing anyone.
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