>Holokeks deserve to have shit thrown at them for crying about h8rs and antis as they fanatically defend the company like Nijisisters
>Nijisisters deserve to have shit thrown at them for being Nijisisters
>Phasekeks deserve to have shit thrown at them for being fine with long as fuck shipping times and pretending Phase is perfect
>Bravefags deserve to have shit thrown at them for pretending their company isn't historically black as Niji and will buy the entire industry just because they can
>Vshojofags deserve to have shit thrown at them for being twitch retards and treating the company like Schrodinger's Corpo, where it is both best corpo and yet treat Ironmouse like a big indie
>Indiefags deserve to have shit thrown at them for pretending their random 2view matters
There, now you can all kill yourselves.