I wanted to give things a day or so to cool down before I addressed anything that's happened here recently.
I apologize for my recent actions, and especially my hair-trigger temper. I don't like pulling the old 'I've been under a lot of stress please excuse me' defence, but I also want to be honest and transparent. At the moment, both of my parents are severely sick with seasonal ailments. I've been trapped indoors for days due to the appalling weather, and have had to pull two all-nighters in a week due to being the only physically capable person in the house who can keep a 24 hour flood watch.
I do not like feeling helpless and at the mercy of both the elements and the health service (apparently it's too much to ask a pharmacy to stock up on antibiotics before Christmas). I let that bleed through into how I treated the forum, and I shouldn't have done that.
Even so, people still tried to be helpful and positive instead of destructive. You kept this here rather than letting it compromise other parts of the forum. I appreciate that. The staff in particular stuck with me at my worst and are still supporting me. I'm grateful to them, in the same way I'm grateful to people here for putting up with this. Thank you.
I'm not going to delve into anything too deeply right now, because I'm not over the hill yet. My situation is better, but still not amazing. I am instead going to focus my energies into productive things like the thread recap project I began a few days ago.
I understand why people think the way they currently do, and I'm going to try my best to keep that in mind as I move forwards. I do agree that I am not connected enough with the culture of my own forum, and that needs to change. I don't expect to be magically forgiven for this incident overnight, but I am going to simply ask for indulgence as I address the issues people have been highlighting.
Thank you for being patient with me.