"Amelia wanted to walk to the mountain monkeys, so I said 'Bat (But)... bat... Japanese birajii issu dark and dangyaryasu!!' I'm from the countryside so I know the good and dangerous sides of it. I know very well because I grew up in a village! You have to go back at 5 in the morning because bears show up!"Oozora Subaru

Search results

  1. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Re my last post, it does appear in fact Nagami Mugi is an artist, Twitch says she's done nearly 200 hours of art streams, but seemingly hasn't done anything art related in almost a year and there aren't any easy to find VoDs, only verified sample I have found so far if anyone wants to play...
  2. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    I don't know about Eimi being Mugi, though the singing voices are similar that trailer voice/accent is far too different. I also can't find any evidence that she has any artistic ability either, all her art appears commissions/fan made. Worst of all she identifies as 'non-binary' and rides the...
  3. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Airi confirmed on her current stream that Eimi does all that stuff herself, she said was jealous that Shiina and her could make all their own art assets. She also said she isn't sure of their gaming abilities, but knows they are all good singers and said that their rehearsal debut streams were...
  4. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Not just a singer apparently, another multitalented genius like Jelly.
  5. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Clearly they meant Rei Kirihara who just graduated last month! https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1776u81/graduation_stream_rei_kirihara/
  6. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Edit: Posted seconds later, and yeah this isn't Beryl.
  7. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Yeah, he stalked her streams and super chatted her at least once. There were a large amount of coincidences that were pointing to her being in Gen 3, and then specifically being Runie, but now it seems that might not be the case. I was getting slightly suspicious because their handwriting...
  8. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    /vt/ also currently melting down over the Kana reveal. Edit: Looks like they might all be putting out some videos.
  9. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Reveal delayed to tomorrow, probably to avoid being over the top of Tenma's birthday.
  10. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    I don't know, Hina looks the most stacked here. Saya looks flat.
  11. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Huh. Didn't envision her having pink hair. I was actually thinking about this. That it was funny Sakana said he received around 2000 applications for Gen 3, but so far all evidence points towards at least 3/5 being nepo hires that were friends with multiple talents already.
  12. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    I've been getting some Beryl vibes from Runie, familiar tweets/humor, the Japanese, the fact her name has multiple 'Ru' sounds in it (she loves rolling her R's). I remember quite a while ago listening to her talk about her ideal Vtuber name and how StarRing wouldn't let her use it. I wish I...
  13. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Fixed. Hylo is one of the last people on earth you could expect to be in Gen 3. Don't forget she tried to publically drag Lumi and PC through the mud over the skin walking incident on April Fool's.
  14. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Those RealCorp girls are both graduating exactly one year on from their debuts, chances are that their contracts simply expired and they wanted out. Took a quick look at them anyways, Chibbo looks like an ok streamer, both are pretty good artists but they were almost falling back into 1view...
  15. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Guess we know which one purin is already.
  16. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Speaking of... For anyone who missed the start of the stream, Dizzy said the special announcement that was supposed to happen during the stream wouldn't be happening and instead would be 'tomorrow'.
  17. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Come watch Airi bumble into a NSFW scene in the Naruto dating sim flash game before she goes away on her business trip(again).
  18. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    "Fishman also said that gen 3 is coming this year. But when i said that he should release them before Thanksgiving, b/c all the holiday events would overshadow all new vtubers during the holiday season, he shrugged and said that can't be helped. So expect gen 3 during december." Artist hate...
  19. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    There's actually been quite a few members of staff that have joined this year. Nikki (i think the second manager next to Muumi) and Hana (not sure what this person does, she's just listed as 'staff') have been around for a while now and I've heard them mentioned by talents a few times...
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