"I need to try to not speak with an accent! I swear to god, this is bad for me! I have a scottish accent... no, no no nooo! ...Oi shot duh fock op ye bloddy fucken Sassenach, yeah mutherfucker, oh shu'up mate, you're a damn bloody Sassenach, oh fack off lad, jus go bach in duh game or I'll smack yer fockin'ead in"Bonnivier Pranaja

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  1. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Well here's hoping Selen slipped on a patch of ice or something and didn't try or was thinking of doing an early exit. Would be one hell of a black mark against Niji.
  2. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I was almost on the money.
  3. MythicalSloth

    Project F Disintegration Watch

    So it's pretty clear something more was going on, because a single talent like Lorelai jumping ship shouldn't have collapsed the entire agency like this.
  4. MythicalSloth

    Project F Disintegration Watch

    Looking very grim. E: Do we know Ai's alt/PL yet? https://archive.ph/JXYqI https://archive.ph/xAv51
  5. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Might have been an allergic reaction to something at Christmas dinner, epinephrine side effects can last as long as 6 hours or more.
  6. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Not exactly a difficult thing to do if you live in a big city.
  7. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Probably not possible, Ember needs the room to grow. :architect:
  8. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Gotta go even bigger next year, friendo.
  9. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Cover better have the life preservers ready to throw to Selen and Pomu for the NijiEN collapse.
  10. MythicalSloth

    Riifu Evergreen / exoe / Dude That's Lewd - EIEN Project Separation and VAllure Updates

    I forgot she frequented /vt/. Perhaps she's here.
  11. MythicalSloth

    Riifu Evergreen / exoe / Dude That's Lewd - EIEN Project Separation and VAllure Updates

    That's a bit of a red flag right there. Nothing wrong with having limits to what kinds of lewd you are willing to do, and still be willing do make other lewd content. Then again she's clearly drunk now. E: She clarified that it's ok to refuse certain "tags".
  12. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    She's anti'd herself before. Way back when she was streaming doing her college homework she accidentally showed one of her reddit accounts which was later used to go after her time as Ichigo. If this is her again it's best to just ignore and not inflate her views so the well remains dry. E...
  13. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Gonna need proof. Not the first or last time her schizo's witch hunted someone completely unrelated. E: I have just noticed that u/KomariMikoshiba account is one of the ones accused of being her the last time around. So this is either her drawing attention to herself or an op.
  14. MythicalSloth

    Riifu Evergreen / exoe / Dude That's Lewd - EIEN Project Separation and VAllure Updates

    I can see several issues in concentrating on 18+ content on both Youtube and even Twitch.
  15. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    A sign that it's not too serious, at least.
  16. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Poko is streaming with her younger sister, who has already established her dominance as the taller of the two.
  17. MythicalSloth

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Just file down the bottoms a bit and they're perfect.
  18. MythicalSloth

    Project F Disintegration Watch

  19. MythicalSloth

    Project F Disintegration Watch

    Skimmed through the google docs, I'm not sure why they think any of that makes them look any better when every single user name is censored even the ones of the talents they name specifically in the twitter release. My favorite quote so far, very professional looking Project F.
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