"The doctor suspected stomach bacteria, to figure that out he needed me to shit in a cup. So I have to go to the hospital for a bunch of stuff, but also to drop off a cup of shit. I took a bunch of laxatives that day, I drank a coffee, I drank some aloe vera juice, I ate some spinach, had some orange juice, long story short, I shat my soul out later that day. The worst part was I had to scoop the mousse au chocolat into this fucking cup. It was so moussie, and chunky. The medicine I am taking, it seems to help. The first night was still rough, but this night, I feel great. I feel very gassy. Hopefully whatever it is the medicines are working well against that, and now we just hope and preygge (Pray) that when I call on Monday they didn't find anything else that's suspicious."Shylily

Search results

  1. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    I sure hope he comes back with the milk or a wild cow/bison he found in the middle of his hunting...
  2. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    If you of all people in this thread is not even coming with new and wacky rrats I don't even know what to do... I wonder if those two are doing egosearches to see we spiraling out of control...
  3. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Again sad with some news might mean nothing to this case... but that made me thought in the rrats we done related to Vesper and one of his family members... This rrat is nothing new is just my take... Magni/Vesper hiatus might be for the most part unrelated but it all happened with Vesper...
  4. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    What if it was single homos in your area kind of ad? :iryswooo: Edit so i don't double post: That is IF we get a reason once all this finish... we might be left in the dark for the end of time if they so chooses... one day they come back and say "I know you were preoccupied with me but i had...
  5. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    that might backfire in so many ways... the one i wouldn't be surprised would be if the chinese antis that hate cover now focus on her just cause...
  6. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Pick a cancer and gain another free?
  7. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    In a sense i was happy with this... then I remembered Arknights is chinese and knowing Ina and Kiara roomates had a past with this game made me sadge cause they couldn't express about this in stream anymore...
  8. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    I want to say that this just proves he didn't got terminated, but at the same time his contract might have some clause that he can't stream as a vtuber for some time... I'm almost reaching a point where I wished cover has done a niji move and made a post on Magni and Vesper twitter that they...
  9. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    and yet I've never seen a rrat so well done in just two lines
  10. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Honestly though, this thread could be waaay more doomposty, but the cover's silence makes me believe that they won't be terminated... they MIGHT graduate if is related to some personal stuff as we have already discussed, but if so they (hopefully) are doing this on they own accord. I definitely...
  11. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    I saw that /vt/ post while it was active and honestly is just someone that's a schizo thinking they are friends and doing a rrat or is just a scumbag, in none of the choices he's right, hence why I didn't brought up. The schizo reason is that "if I show receipts I'll dox Vesper" aka he pulled...
  12. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    and in a year we will find out that Vesper got a hand in siege weapons being the trebuchet his favorite and it's going to use them in some crusade of his and that Magni now is the one pulling the strings in most if not all gangs and sketchy organizations of the world. Honestly though there are...
  13. Malchior

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Not that I don't care about Magni, but we can see his roomate is doing well so I won't get worried over him, Vesper in the other hand... I don't know if that could be considered a rrat but something doesn't fit imo... 1. Has Vesper truly leaked something? We saw that he's good at OpSec so why...
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