It tends to be that if you're terminated from any corpo your channel gets wiped, I don't really understand her freak out here tbh. Your contract was essentially (unfairly) tossed. They don't have to honor you by giving your past identity with a headstone.Should have started downloading the minute she smelled the termination coming.
Anycolor noombers are out.Anycolor Q3 financial results are out:
Boring, lame, only numbers, no pictures, official, important financial release for self important people
Exciting, interesting, fancy graphs, lots of pictures power point presentation for people with better things to do than to learn what numbers on a page mean
Revised full year forecast (4% higher revenue, 2% higher profits)
Some thoughts and observations of mine, but keep in mind that I count myself to the "don't want to bother with numbers usually" crowd:
- Pretty good results, 50% YoY revenue growth largely carried by commerce and event performance
- Costs are also up though, also because of events, once again proving that events are not really THE money makers for corpos
- Number of VTubers is stable, no debuts at all and only one EN graduation
- They're only 71% towards their full year goal, yet they increased to forecast, so they expect a strong fourth quarter (that quarter will include NijiFes results)
- EN numbers are down from the last quarter and YoY (obviously)
She was also panicking a bit on her other account wanting her fans to find her, so chalk her up as leaving sooner than later as well.I went to youtube to find when was the last stream of echo lyne... this is the 1st thing it showed me...
Should follow the cardgame meta tbh.Anycolor noombers are out.
Summary: Good results, although EN is still down. They revised their full year forecast up, probably because of better than expected results coming out of NijiFes.
After that Youtube change that lets you set the release time by timezone, they really have no excuse for that anymore. I think that was added like <6 months ago.Incoming "management fucks up and releases it prematurely"?
Also this
Poor birb I really hope she can find her footing in life again poor girl has had pretty much everything upended in her life but she's still trying to stay positive
Me: Deus Vult.
It's normal for the entertainment industry, it's not healthy by the standards of, like, office supplies or landscaping or something, real businesses that people enter into to make money. But yeah it's probably the mature state of things.This is a small production studio releasing a film that doesn't catch audience interests and never hit nationwide theaters. This is some soundcloud up-and-comer that puts out a single or an EP that doesn't sell or get played and so they never break into the charts. This is an indie game dev putting out a title that doesn't recoup development costs and they too fold because they can't afford to spend time trying a second time.
This is what healthy business looks like at the bottom.