"I'm a bottom feeder, you give me the bare minimum and I'll slurp it up"Amanogawa Shiina

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White Stone

A literal white stone
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Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Highlights 16
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Events from Day 16.
Miko, Su, and Subaru go searching for an elytra.

Iroha shows Miko her hidden museum of Suisei. Miko later steals Suisei's bed to donate it to Iroha.

Miko's payback to Subaru planting berry bushes and sets up a hidden camera, plus Subaru confronting her later on near the Polkacam.

Sora found out about the doujin circles and asks Subaru to show some of her group's creations.

Miko builds a staircase to the Polkacam, which causes a creeper to get up to it and blow it up. [Animated]

Sora asks Miko to write a Nene doujinshi and wants to write a Miko doujinshi herself.

(Taken from here.)
Morning (JST) Hours:
  • Ina joins the server. She finds Riona's auto farms (since they are next door to her house). Ina wants to finish the house first and then she wants to find a cat. Ina then noticed Polka's house in front of hers. "The real estate". Ina was going to make a road down to the river but that might change. She starts by getting some oak.
  • Ina heard a trader and llama and went to see where they were. They spawned on top of Ina's house.
  • Ina puts campfires at the top of her house so it looks like the the tako is steaming. She then changes the bottom blocks to stripped oak wood so it looks more like takoyaki. She also does some test with the oak to see what looks best like takoyaki. Ina sees how it looks like from a distance. Then, she takes a screenshot and goes into mspaint to see how it can be improved upon. The takoyaki is starting to take its form with the stripped oak logs.
  • Inside Ina's house, she works on making a spiral staircase in the middle. After making the spiral staircase, she finishes getting the outside part of the takoyaki looking good.
  • Ina then goes to get some vines for the house. At the house, she MS paint the plans to use with the vines. Seeing that the vines spread, Ina grabs string to help stop the vines from growing
  • Nerissa logs onto the server. Ina greets her with an "O WO". Nerissa starts hearing music and chat tells her its coming from Marine's house. She also shows off her new Minecraft Skin. Nerissa also notices Nene's present of quartz. She appreciates the gift.
  • Ina finishes up the exterior of the Takoyaki. She then places dirt to make a path down to her house from the side. She also does some Terraforming to make things more neater, along with setting some plans for a little fishing area.
  • Nerissa goes in the nether to get some quartz. She accidentally enters a Bastion, before leaving and going in another direction for quartz. She says its fine to destroy the nether. After gathering some quartz, she heads back to do some more building (she's using a guide for the clubhouse).
  • Nerissa gets some sand to make glass. To help fuel the furnaces, chat suggest she get some lava. Nerissa goes into the nether, and to the bastion, to get lava from the lake there.
  • Nerissa while making the glass asks about how to dye glass colors. She looks into getting some flowers to dye colors. She goes looking for orchids in the swamp to make light blue dye, she ends up going to the forest and getting red flowers for pink dye. She heads to ID's skeleton farm to get bones for bonemeal. After getting the flowers and bonemeal she makes pink dye and pink glass.
  • Nerissa does work on the ceiling of the first floor/the floor of the 2nd floor. Nerissa then adds temporary blocks for her build (these will be replaced with quartz in the future). This is for Nerissa to add the glass and glass panes on the 2nd floor. She then gets Iron Blocks for the clubhouse.
  • Nerissa leaves a sign. She has no gift however. Nerissa says her gift is her eigo, to practice english (she will get a gift eventually).

Afternoon (JST) Hours:
  • Ollie logs onto the server. She says she was grinding last night. She's currently in the nether right now. She messages Nerissa and vice versa. Nerissa tells Ollie that she needs to get quartz. Ollie tells her that shes also getting quartz. To Ollie, getting quartz is a fun activity. Nerissa thinks the opposite. They wish each other good luck.
  • Nerissa is going to cheat with Stripped Pale Oak logs instead of quartz.
  • Koyori logs onto the server. She's in the middle of The End underneath the End Ship where she got her elytra. She shows chat the items shes collected from the End City itself. One of them even includes an End Trim. She'll be continuing her trip through the End today.
  • Niko logs on and Ollie and Nerissa say hello.
  • Ollie tells about her adventure in the nether off stream. She fell into a lava lake and lived. Ollie then goes digging in the nether for Quartz. She finds 2 ancient debris while digging around Y55 (it can be found at any Y level).
  • Nerissa writes on the sign in front of Advent's house that Advent wants quartz and they are asking for help. Overall she made good progress on the clubhouse.
  • As Koyori travels through The End, she finds a large End City and Ship. What Koyori does is that she gets underneath the End Ship and then climb her way up to it. She climbs up into the End Ship, and gets a 2nd Elytra. She also makes sure to grab the Dragon head too. Koyori then goes and explores the End City. She has to fight a lot of shulkers, almost came close to dying a couple of times but she lived.
  • Ollie heads back home after a successful Nether trip with multiple stacks of quartz. She keeps getting even more sets of quartz while travelling back home.
  • Niko logs into the server. She shows off how she can see more chunks from a distance now. She heads on from her house to Vivi's farm to grab some food. She sees the sign that Vivi wrote and changed the Kanji on the end. She then trims the sheep's wool. She also goes to the other auto farms that Riona made to get food from there.
  • Koyori while in the End loosk at 2 enderman and they both start attacking her. She rushes outside (A bit paniked) and goes to grab her water bucket before hitting back at them.
  • Niko then enters Su's house and she sees the new room that Su built earlier. She's noticed that there's probably a room/going to be a room for each Flow Glow member. Lol Apparently Niko fell into a trap of sort, but she was able to escape.
  • Niko then heads to Flow Glow's castle and meets with the villagers who are in the room. She sees 2 villagers get into Love Mode and zooms up close. A new villager is born and Niko immediately escapes out of the cramped room.
  • Ollie ends up landing herself inside Kaela's railway and decides to follow it to get herself back home. She gets back and heads towards Sora's Guildhouse. Ollie's plan will be to collect materials and then once they have enough they'll continue building. Ollie says that the Guildhouse so far is only at 13% completion. She goes and starts cooking the quartz blocks.
  • Niko heads back home. She sees Lui's place and takes a look around, amazed by the design. She then see that Lui left her a gift: Armadillo scute, and glass blocks. Niko notes that she doesn't have an armadillo at all.
  • Niko is planning on building a hot spring oasisis in their basement. The plans can be seen on stream.
  • Koyori adds more to Gigi's gift at the village, she added an orange shulker box on top.
  • Polka camera has returned. The camera is at the Minato ward inbetween Korone house and Lamy house
  • Koyori takes Nene to Gigi's village. Nene wants to go get an elytra so Koyori helps to show her the way. Koyori drops her off at The End and Nene heads off to find an elytra.
  • Niko, Riona, and Lui are exploring a cave together. The 3 find a mineshaft that they wander themselves into. They eventually head back out (seems like they were exploring underneath Lui and Niko's houses). Lui helps to equally distribute their findings.
  • Koyori makes Assistant-kun and adds it to the top of her Koyo Lab. Koyori also notices Miko flying around the Polka cam. Koyori heads to Miko to see whats up.
  • Earlier, Kanata took the dragon head she got and put it in front of her shop with a redstone block so it would be constantly moving.
  • Kanata at Kaela's Villager trading place puts a bunch of iron blocks in a chest. The iron blocks come from Riona+Su and Azuiro's Iron Farms. This for those who need emeralds but the local iron farm is low on iron.
  • Koyori is now taking submissions for a Mikoniyum bad ending. You can use her minecraft hashtag to submit.
  • Koyori notices that theres a zombie next to Polka. Since it has a helmet on, it can't despawn. Koyori goes over and defeats the zombie.
  • Earlier, Vivi worked on making enchantments for her items. She got her trident all enchanted. Vivi also went and added the banners from The End Cities onto her house.
  • Kanata has been busy buying enchantment books. Vivi comes by to give some emeralds to help Kanata with enchantment buying.
  • Lui, Niko, and Riona, are at Niko's house. They make a cactus chair thats covered with paintings. They hang out at Niko's house and chat, with Lui making some adjustments to Niko's house lol. At the roof of Niko's house, Niko punches Riona off.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Vivi works on her watermelon road. She's making an underwater tunnel underneath the watermelon road. She works to fix up her Watermelon farm.
  • Niko does some digging of her own down into the room of her basement. She digs so you can see from the surface.
  • Miko logs online and sees the Panda present Biboo left. Theres also a yellow sheep in the panda boat. The sheep probably wandered in and isn't part of the present.
  • Okayu logs online and shows her completed bridge. She finished working on it off stream. She takes the viewers in for a closer look at the bridge. Okayu also shows around the area of her house shes's done some decorating. The Pale Oak trees nearby her house, have lanterns hanging from them. Okayu then goes to Lui's house and bugs her asking for an Ender Pearl. Okayu wants to get her own Elytra as well.
  • Nene finds a large End City. Around the End City, Nene uses water to get rid of the End trees and get some Chorus fruit. Nene then climbs up to the End Ship that's closeby. Nene defeats the Shulker and she gets her own elytra. Nene uses a boat to get back down safely. Nene then goes inside the End City tower to explore. Nene doesn't have an Ender Chest btw so there may be one inside this End City she can use. Nene puts lots of water around the End City in case she flies off due to the shulkers.
  • Miko follows Niko around the server quietly closeby. When Niko finally notices Miko she ends up mistaking her for Vivi. Miko then does her Vivi impression. Niko then takes Miko to the Flow Glow castle and shows her the villagers they're keeping.
  • While Okayu was in her house, she gets startle by Subaru who had just logged on. Lui comes by Okayu's house, drops off a bunch of pale oak wood, and then leaves (Okayu has been preparing for her trip to The End).
  • Miko heads on over to the Stylish City area to get some mats. She meets up with Iroha who's at the place. Iroha has been working on the interior of one of the houses. Apaprently she's been working on establishing some villagers. Iroha then takes Miko over to her secret room. In the secret room Miko sees the Suisei stuff that Iroha placed on the wall. Afterwards, Iroha shows Miko her other rooms (like the auction room).
  • Nene found an Ender Chest in the End City. She was able to put her Elytra and most of her items before dying (she was not able to put away her armor but thats okay to Nene). Nene gets back and heads back on home. Nene tries the dying strat, but it doesn't work (her bed needs to be put in a different spot). Eventually it works. Nene then heads to the Polka cam to show off her Elytra.
  • Okayu meets up with Biboo. She tells Biboo she'll be going to get an Elytra. Okayu also compliments on her netherite armor. Also tells Biboo that shes an One-chan, older sister.
  • Vivi does soeme digging for dirt nearby (looks to be an undeveloped area of land). Shes using the dirt to add some ground to behind her autofarm (this covers the water that's underneath).
  • Nene asks to meet up with Riona. Nene finds her and shows off her Elytra.
  • Miko is making a heart-shaped lava pool next to the creeper farm. Nene meets up with her, followed by Okayu and they find Subaru nearby. Nene shows off her Elytra to the others. All 4 talk to each other. They all walk across Okayu's bridge. The bridge is called Love and Peace and has a date of its creation. Nene heads to Kaela's villager trading spot (theres a big inflation on iron). Okayu, and Miko trade diamond armor and tools with Subaru and each other so they can read off what they named their equipment (Okayu's names are said to be something else entirely).
  • Niko does work on her secret onsen room (This is the room that has the glass ceiling). She takes a picture next to her house, signifying its completion.
  • Riona is working on her own Dripstone Lava farms. These are located next to her Potato autofarms. She also makes black concrete.
  • Vivi is making an expansion to her farm. She realizes that the tilled land keeps on drying up so she needs to put some water beside the dirt to help. Over the water patches, she adds jack-o-lanterns. She then plants wheat seeds.
  • Miko works on fixing her house after that creeper expansion. She fixes up her fish aquarium. and some of the decorations.
  • Pekora meets up with Nene. Nene shows off the elytra she just got today. Pekora then shows Nene her villagers. She then shows Nene her EXP farm with the armadillos and how it works. Nene gives it a try, and ends up breaking the armor stand. Nene ends up letting a bunch of the Silverfish from the EXP farm escape and they all chase after her. Nene takes care of them, and Pekora tells her to give the EXP farm another go. It works but Nene lets more silverfish escape again.
  • The Heart shaped lava pool next to the creeper farm will be where all the striders will be kept. Miko wrote a sign saying they're free to take, meaning anyone can come and take one if they wish. Miko uses a leash to take one of the striders over (since it has no saddle). It walks hilariously. While setting up the striders, Iroha meets up with Miko.
  • Now that most of the striders are cleared (theres still one left inside the house). Miko works on cleaning up up her house. She adds a glass roof for better protection. She also removes some the signs and berries that are around.
  • Iroha shows off stream what she was working on with those villagers: An Iron Trap Farm.
  • Okayu is at the TTT looking to gain some level, she also does some fishing on the side to wait for mobs to spawn and accumulate.
  • Miko brings the Panda inside her house. She then taekes the berry bushes and plants them all over Subaru's house. Not just around her house, but also around the Watacar too. While Miko was setting up the prank for Subaru, she watches Polka prepare herself for the Live Camera setup. The Live camera will be overlooking Okayu's bridge and Subaru's house. Miko heads back and prepares for Subaru to log onto the server.
  • Riona is using the concrete and quartz she made to build herself a house.

Ollie and Chihaya Old Server Tour:

  • Ollie will be showing Chihaya a tour of ID's old server. Ollie gives Chihaya her old Netherite armor equipment. She also gives her some baked potatoes.
  • Ollie starts by taking Chihaya to the JP server. They're going to enter the ID server through the portal to the ship. She leads Chihaya out of the ship where they can see it in its entirely. Ollie then explains the ship's purpose.
  • Ollie shows Chihaya the roads of ID. She explains how they're made and teaches her about terraforming tricks.
  • Ollie then takes her to the castle and explains about the techniques used to make it, like the different kindsd of blocks.
  • Ollie and Chihaya head down into the underground railways. Ollie then explains how to make the textures for the wall.
  • Next they visit Risu Park. They go to the onsen area. Then Ollie shows Chihaya the yagoo pixel art. It gets a laugh out of Chihaya.
  • Then, Ollie shows her Moona's house. She shows how parts of the balcony are made
  • Chihaya and Ollie fly on over to the large nether portal in the desert. She's amazed by it. Ollie then takes her to Kaela's house with all of her elytras and dragon heads.
  • Ollie shows her Kobo's zoo enclosure. She also takes her under one of the bridges to help show how its made.
  • Ollie takes Chihaya over to the Borburdur building. The very large ID temple building used for the ID cup.
  • After the nice tour, Ollie and Chihaya take a picture in front of the large castle.

More Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Miko has been sneaking around Subaru as she looks at the items that were left. She sees the free Strider pen nearby her house. Subaru makes quick work of removing the berries as fast as possible. Miko then heads to the Polka camera, and does asmr next to Polka for the live cam. Subaru comes by and punches Miko (Who is close to death). Subaru and Miko chat (in front of the Polka live cam).
  • Okayu heads over to the zombie farm to not only farm EXP but to partake in enchanting gacha with the enchanting table. Back outside, she finds a cat and works to bring it home. As Okayu brings her cat home, it lies on Polka's bed. Okayu works to try and remove it. Miko comes by and sees the stone, with Okayu having to explain that her cat likes to lie on Polka's bed (Okayu had to grab a leash to bring her cat back home).
  • Riona checks out Ina's house. Apparently there's a fishing villager nearby (slight correction, I think Riona was trying to round up a villager and it ended up next to Ina's house). Also, Ina must've missed some spots with the string because the vines are growing on her tako house.
  • Vivi and Pekora are out travelling on an adventure together. However at one point Vivi nearly ran out of fireworks, so they walk. As they're walking the two come upon Trail Ruins in the middle of the woods (Pekora had found and set it up). The two will be digging and checking out the Trail Ruins together. PEkora shows Vivi what suspicious Gravel and Sand look like and how to dig it properly. Vivi digs one out and it has an emerald. They do more digging and Vivi digs up an armor trim. She also digs up a recorder. Vivi finds another armor trim (theres 4 armor trims you can find in trial ruins).
  • Miko begins to dig on the side of the auction room. She digs out a new room.
  • Sora and Subaru chat. Sora wants to know about the doujin books that are being written, she saw the clips. She wants to read the Subaruium book. The two head to Kanata's place. Sora then proceeds to read out loud the Subarunium book.
  • Riona meets up with Okayu at the Iron farm. After chatting, the two go to Riona's autofarms and she shows her how they work (the potato farm needs more fuel). Riona then shows Okayu the house she's working on.
  • Riona meets up with Sora and Subaru who went outside the house, and the 3 talk. Sora tells Riona of the sus book thats been spreading around, and Riona is interested in reading it.
  • Miko meets up with Suisei at the Stylish City area and takes her underground. This is Suisei's storage space where shes been keeping all of her items. Its in that one house Suisei goes to when she sleeps. Miko also switched out Suisei's bed for her bed.
  • Sora and Subaru keep talking some more (About sus things that are best seen in a clip or 3). Apaprently Riona sent a message, which Sora read out loud. After Sora leaves the server, Subaru makes an apology to the Soratomos for Sora's behaviour today. But (I think) Sora may be writing her own fanfiction in the future. Someone can correct me on what Subaru and Sora talked about.
  • Apparently a creeper came by and blew up Polka's live camera stand. Subaru came by to assess the damage. She helps Polka in making a new live camera stand for her. Subaru then sees a drowned attacking Polka. Subaru goes into protective mode. When morning finally comes, Sora and Riona come by to see Polka. The two help clean up around Polka's camera viewing area. Riona also places some extra torches around. Miko rewrites the sign for the Camera stand too. Miko and Subaru are looking for Riona who wandered placing torches around. (Theres now probably too many torches). Miko, Sora, Riona, Subaru make Polka's camera viewing look nice.
  • Okayu heads to Gigi's village. She is heading towards The End but stops by along the way. Okayu heads into The End in search for an Elytra.
  • Sora apparently has an idea for Mikonyium.
  • Catching up, there's a competition to see who can make Noel the happiest. Best item wins. It'll be Subaru's pantsu vs whatever Miko gets.
  • Miko also went and gave Suisei's bed to Iroha.
  • A creeper blew up on top of Riona's house she was working on.
  • An enderman came by Subaru's house. Subaru put it in a boat and then got on the same boat with the enderman. She took it to the Polka cam.
  • Both Miko and Subaru finsihed their gifts to Noel. They'll be presented at her house. Miko's gift is a bunch of potions with different names to them to represent things (like Subaru's pheremones). Subaru's gift is armored trim pants (meant to be warm pantsu), There's also cookies and berries.
  • Okayu finds an End City with a Ship and she gets herself an Elytra. Riona in chat gives her congrats.
  • Pekora and Vivi fly back on home after spending some time at the Trail Ruins. While flying back, Vivi gets stuck in the water. Vivi is able to get herself back out, but suffers from lag. Pekora is doing her best to help guide Vivi back home. Vivi eventually makes it back home.
  • Miko goes to see what Suisei has been up to. In one of the houses Suisei is making she has a cow and chicken farm. Miko also goes to return Suisei's bed to her. Miko goes to one of the houses and changes the sign to Miko BeSooU.
  • Subaru went into a mineshaft. She comes across a Spider Spawner. Lots of Subaru noises are made as she explores. She gets blown up by a creeper, screams loudly and runs away. More Subaru screams occur as she comes across multiple different mobs. She eventually makes it out of the mines and back home, where she meets up with Sora again.
  • Sora is currently building something in front of the Polka livecam. Shes making a nice path from Okayu's bridge (she seems to be taking a page from Ollie's work on paths). Subaru meets up with Sora, they talk about the Mikoniyum book. They're considering signing it under a pen name.
  • Chihaya is working on moving more villagers over. She puts them in positions in minecarts to keep them secure.
  • Pekora while waiting for Vivi to get back home works on duplicating her armor trims. She then test them out on different pieces of armor. She uses one set and it looks like Luffy from One Piece (she sings the OP). Pekora then goes to the Polka cam dressed up as Luffy and sings the One Piece OP in front of the cam. She then punches the Polka cam which pushes it back. Pekora does go back to try and put the Polka camera back in position.
  • Riona heads out into the mountains to gather the snow there. Su heads out onto the rail and meets up with Riona. Su gives her food before moving on (Su is heading to the jungle).
  • Miko finds Ina's Takoyaki house. She goes inside to take a look. She finds it pretty cute. Miko then flies over to the Auction room where she continues construction on the room next door.
  • Vivi heads back to her farm. She trades the potatoes and food from the villagers to help get emeralds and heal her elytra.
  • Okayu finally leaves The End. She goes through the portal and sees the Ending Credits. Okayu tries to read the credits scrolling on the screen. She then fast forwards it, and then skips the credits returning her back. Okayu heads to the Polka camera to show off her elytra.
  • Su died while in the jungle, but seems to have acquired a parrot beforehand, which teleported to where she is.
  • Riona and Sora are chatting. Riona wants to write her own Soraniyum book. Sora is saying everyone is trying to make it seiso but Sora wants to rebel with it. Su meets up with Riona and Sora (Su was trying to get some items for her trip back to the jungle to find her things). Riona and Sora head back to the Polka Cam. Riona accidentally pushes the Polka cam back a bit. Riona proceeds to roleplay in front of the Polkacam. The two also try and fix the Polkacam a bit. Sora then tells Riona about the relationship between her and Ollie. Its Sora and Ollie with Riona as their child.
  • Miko brings a jukebox over to Vivi's place. Its for Vivi to play the CD's that she found earlier today. They play the CD together.
  • Pekora prepares a prank for Subaru. She's making some enchanted cursed armor for her to wear. Pekora then changes up the prank house she had made for Kanata.
  • Okayu prepares a gift of Chorus Fruit, potions, and other items in front of Lui's House. She writes a sign message. Okayu then meets up with Haachama in the server. Haachama takes a look inside Okayu's house.
  • Pekora and Okayu had a duel to the death. Okayu won. She got the cursed items put on top of her. She also picked up Pekora's Netherite outfit. Now Okayu looks like Luffy from One Piece. Also Shanks were involved (a clip may be needed to better explain because IDK One Piece lore very well).
  • Vivi is running around the Polka cam.

Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • Subaru and Miko are chatting in the Minecraft chat. I think two will meet up (They do).
  • Okayu walks around the server now wearing the Luffy outfit. She meets up with Subaru and shows her the outfit and what had happened. Subaru hearing it was Pekora responsible, write out her name in the chat. Pekora claims denial. They chat for a bit before Pekora flies towards them singing the one piece opening, before Subaru starts attacking Pekora. They're also giving themselves different names based off of One Piece characters. Okayu then heads up to the Polka Cam. She says she's Okaffy. Okayu then tries to die to get rid of the cursed armor. Because of the enchantments on the armor dying takes a lot longer than Okayu thought. She does eventually, freeing her of the armor. She takes the armor and puts it on an armor stand in her house.
  • Vivi heads up to the top of the Creeper AFK farm to write her own fan fiction. This one will be about Flow Glow.
  • Riona continues peacefully working on her house. Chihaya is also peacefully working back at the castle on her villagers.
  • Subaru, Miko, and Su meet up. The 3 of them get into a private VC group and head out towards The End. They stop by Gigi's village and check out her house. All of the doors remind Subaru of the 7 Days to Die collab. The three then enter The End. While travelling in the end, Subaru get attacked by Enderman and starts screaming loudly running away. They tell her to put some water on the ground to keep it away. Su and Miko come by and attack it back. After a lot of travelling they find another End City with a ship. Just before entering the City, Subaru gets attacked by not only more Enderman (Which makes her scream and panik and the other girls help her) but also the shulkers nearby starting attacking at her too, causing her to float and also scream and panik. Eventually Subaru dies to (I think a Shulker). Miko and Su pick up her items and put them in a safe place.
  • Pekora resets her cursed armor trap for the next victim. She also makes more Armor Trim duplications.
  • Okayu heads to Riona's house and leaves a gift for her. Riona appreciates it. Okayu then flies around exploring the server. She stops by on top of Biboo's chair, and checks out Koyori's potion shop. Okayu then meets up with Chihaya at the castle and shows off her Elytra. The two then talk for a while. Okayu after heads back home to her house.
  • While Riona was working a creeper came by and blew up her chests. Spilling her items everywhere. This is despite Riona placing torches everywhere, so its hard to know where the creeper came from (maybe a cave underneath).
  • Pekora travels and finds a bunch of sea turtles. She gives the sea turtles sea grass so they could lay eggs. Once the eggs are laid, Pekora picks them up. She wants to make a turtle helmet for the next one piece cosplay (Zoro's hair). Pekora takes the eggs back home to her pyramid to hatch. Pekora hatches baby sea turtles. She was able to get a turtle helmet.
  • Subaru after dying in The End tries to make it back to the group of Miko and Su. Miko gives the coords to Subaru to help her follow. While Subaru figures out getting back to Su and Miko, the two go ahead and explore the End City. Miko also goes and tries to collect as many End Rods as possible. Miko reaches to where the End Ship is. Eventually Subaru was able to find her stuff and meet up with Miko and Su. Subaru eventually gets her Elytra and Dragon Head. The 3 head back through the Portal, and Subaru gets the credits. They'll death warp to the og spawn point. Miko kills Subaru with her sword but she respawns back to them.
  • Vivi and Chihyaya head to Riona's house. Riona shows them the house she's making. Vivi then talks about the book she's writing. She gives it to Riona to read and give feedback. Apparently Vivi writes in Kansai ben. The three talk about what story they are to write. Their talking enters Sus territory with an oppai farm. It resulted in Vivi giving up on writing for now. Riona meanwhile has been making her house look pretty, at least on the outside.
  • Vivi watches her llamas attack and kill a drowned. She then meets up with Subaru who respawned back. Miko joins shortly after. Subaru grabs some Potatoes from Vivi's farm. Vivi then asks Subaru to take some eggs with her as well. Vivi tells Subaru that the eggs can be used for cakes and cookies.
  • Miko wants to read what Vivi wrote but Vivi is way too embarrassed about it (mainly cause she barely wrote anything). Miko gets the book and reads it anyway. Miko also gets the eggs and throws them all over the ground, making chickens everywhere on the server.
  • Pekora and Vivi are hanging out by the lake near Biboo's Animal Cafe. Vivi flexed her loyalty trident, but Pekora flexed with her dual trident. Pekora demonstrate the Trident's riptide ability to Vivi. Pekora then tells Vivi that with the Riptide ability she can fly around the server with a trident when it rains, instead of having to use fireworks.
  • Miko is working on the room next to the auction space. It looks to be a space where all the doujins will be displayed (most likely meant to represent comiket). She makes an H in the middle. On the shelves she puts a sign on top for the table name and number. Miko sees that Iroha made the entrance to the place look nicer. Miko puts a name on top
  • Chihaya is working on her villager trading space, using what she learned from Ollie to help decorate. Her chat helps as well, and Chihaya reads both the JP and English chat.
  • Su goes and enchants her elytra. She gives it the name: ☆the・sky☆
  • Pekora gets a turtle helmet and completes the Zoro (One Piece) outfit. She then creates the Sanji outfit.
  • Vivi works on expanding her dripstone lava farm.
  • Su has been doing test flights with her Elytra around the server. After some flight tests, she goes back home to organize all of her items.
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Joined:  May 29, 2024
Ruze's 3D debut is tonight:

And about 3 hours after Kiara and Liz will be doing unarchived karaoke together:


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
In case anyone needed a reminder, this time with an extra kick to it, Kanade has you covered:



No one in particular
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In Kaela's stream she was talking about how she was going on a month long vacation with Kronii and it wasn't a honeymoon.

I think I still have a chance.
Kronii that fake doubletiming bitch

first she promises high and holy that she will go on a vacation with Kiara in New York
Then she bails out of going to the Maldives with Kiara
Fine, Kiara will go to Cancun or something like that instead with her, she doesn't mind
Kronii bails out again
Kiara now has no beach paradise and and cute girl to go with lined up
Now she is trying to set something up with Reine instead


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
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To no one's surprise, Gigi is joining Reya's RP event alongside Nerissa:

Her story will be the last, after Reya gets through the 4 guests before her, however long that takes.


Shiori, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Pekora's chat roasting compared her forward roll to Korone's and dubbed hers the overweight forward roll. :architect:


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I think they have to go to JP to the studio some time before the show, at least to record their singing and dancing parts. I think only the MC portions are live during Fes though, so they don't have to be in JP for Fes directly unless they are a part of doing an MC live talk. At least that is always the way I understood it to be.

They can collect the performances after their yearly post-Summer Event tech upgrades. They seem to generally have a yearly cycle for them in the studio, so they could have gotten them at any point over the last 6 months. That said, Fes captures seem to be pretty close to the concert itself, with a few exceptions. Any of them that seemed like they got a lot of vocal correction (i.e. any Danchou bits) probably had a bit more lead time.

As far as can be pieced together, the MC segments are generally a blend of pre-recorded and actual live work. Any of the audience engagement ones are normally "live"-ish. A keen eye on a good feed can see a difference in rendering for the properly "live Live" ones.

I'm partly wondering if a lot of it is actually done live this year mainly due to all the awkward filling time until they get the signal to wrap it up MC segments they're doing.

Cover treats Fes quite a lot like a pre-recorded Play. It's how they maintain the feel of it all.

In case anyone needed a reminder, this time with an extra kick to it, Kanade has you covered:


Regloss is under the radar Cover's more trollish generation. A group of absolute menaces.
Pekora's chat roasting compared her forward roll to Korone's and dubbed hers the overweight forward roll. :architect:

It's always fun when chat figures out the bit a streamer is actually self-conscious about. I doubt she's fat, but I'm certain she's rather uncoordinated.


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Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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She's not but her tits are
Pekora is not particularly endowed as Holo models go, unless you have roommate info you're referring to.


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I woke up extra early for this unarchived karaoke with Kiara and Liz and its peak already

Currently on the lovely lady lumps

White Stone

A literal white stone
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As far as can be pieced together, the MC segments are generally a blend of pre-recorded and actual live work. Any of the audience engagement ones are normally "live"-ish. A keen eye on a good feed can see a difference in rendering for the properly "live Live" ones.
I'm too lazy to go through every MC section to verify but I'm pretty sure all the MCs we had in 6th Fes have interaction with the crowd. I still remember constantly going, "Damn they really want to let us know that the MC is live" when I was watching.
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Yeah, all of the MC had light stick stuff to hammer in the Color Rise.


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I'm too lazy to go through every MC sections to verify but I'm pretty sure all the MCs we had in 6th Fes have interaction with the crowd. I still remember constantly going, "Damn they really want to let us know that the MC is live" when I was watching.
Every Hololive MC segments according to @PleaseCheckYourReceipts

"Audience responses are nothing but guided answers to the performer's provocation and machination. Failure to produce the desired responses indicate the inability of the organization"
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Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Joined:  Oct 10, 2022
Pekora is not particularly endowed as Holo models go, unless you have roommate info you're referring to.
Nyfco had a video of her RM pressing her cleavage a little bit after her Holo debut.

B or C. Pretty enough, but Canan she ain't.


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> "graduations will get more common"
> holo black company!



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What's better than one hag lion? Multiple hag lions!

Might be something similar to Pekora's Human Rabbitality project.

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