Did he? I guess he liked having white anime hair too much.Monthly reminder that he dropped out of College.
Okay, I know the Hero Forge story was so eight hours ago at this point, but here's my takeaway from the stream by this Konotomo guy.
First off, Konotomo disclosed that he had been to a party hosted by HF at Twitchcon while "crossfaded," which the internet is telling me is what I knew back in my day as "crunk" - simultaneously stoned on marijuana and drunk. While his video and the advice in it seemed generally competent to me, if I was in need of a lawyer and was given the choice between one who a) attended Twitchcon b) attended a party at Twitchcon c) attended a party at Twitchcon while under the influence(s), and hiring one who had done none of those things and also sticking a rusty knitting needle up my urethra, well, go get me granny's old cookie tin and some maximum-strength Tylenol. That being said, he didn't say anything to make me think there's a non-zero chance he snorted coke off a Jamaican gigolo's erection while watching his best friend screw his wife while his eleven kids were back in Minnesota making boxed mac and cheese for each other, so he might not be that bad by vtuber-adjacent streaming lawyer standards.
He said he's seen many other agency contracts, and despite saying the 20% cut in the HF one is normal (fuck it is? Maybe by the standards of "Raid sponsorship finders" like Mythic, but not by traditional vtuber agencies), he said the contract quality was much better than the norm. He noted that the contract's mutual indemnity clause was unusual; this basically states that if either side violates the contract, they are liable to pay the attorney fees and other such fees incurred by the other party - usually this will be one-sided on the side of the company.
On the issue of whether the talents had cause to leave before the 30 days were up, he points out the quite clear fact that the phrase "with cause" is vague and, going through the list of complaints that the talents brought to River, it's not really cut and dry. The list of complaints was rather interesting, I thought; aside from things like not getting any return for the money and management being unfocused, they complained about management throwing parties at Twitchcon and Offkai. While such parties might be a great way to get one's name out to attendees, I'd argue that the number of attendees to these things is minuscule compared to the wider audience, so there were probably better ways for HF to advertise (this is my opinion, not Konotomo's).
As for River suing the talents for breach of contract and Podge specifically for defamation, Konotomo all but begged River to see that this made no financial sense. River by his own admission was losing money on this, so what damages could he claim that the talents cost him? Podge was wrong about HF not being a company just because it's registered as a sole proprietorship (though Konotomo believes that River may be unlawfully operating under a DBA while doing so) but there's not clear evidence Podge knew that to be incorrect while saying so in her stream, so trying to claim it was slander is dicey. The talents' claims that past contract breaches should have been actioned immediately rather than River trying to collate them now to use in his case may have some merit - I forgot the term for it and didn't put it in my notes, but basically if one side to a contract knows there's a breach in contract but doesn't bring it up or act upon it at the time and instead just continues doing business, that party forfeits the ability to bring up the breach in lawfare later.
tldr, it's in both sides' best interest to try to learn what they can from this shitshow and move on.
Holy fuck, you're right. Fansly accounts linked right from the profiles on their talent page. What the fuck.
"Make porn with my boyfriend"
Does GFE content.
View attachment 91153
The cuck jokes write themselves.
Another member
View attachment 91154
Men we are born too late to be able to start a family with a stable income.
Too early for women off of SSRIs
But just in time for our girlfriends to pressure us into doing porn as well as paying a stranger to make us feel better about our dicks.
Bonus politisperging from one on Bluesky (I know it's a retweet but it counts). This corpo has it all
View attachment 91162
I i wasin't compelled to mock Rie at every turn i would presumably mention she actually has a stupid voice capable of a wide range of vocals and genre stylesI actually think it's Rie, and I've seen a lot of others thinking so too. Could be wrong, so hopefully one of them will talk about it more. I can't remember completely, but I feel like Rie has done harsh vocals in the past, but I can't remember for what.
Whoever did them, they did a pretty good job. So props to them for it. The cover itself was good too. All three of them did a good job on it.
Airi has seemed to like singing those sort of segments of songs in her karaokes.
But just in time for our girlfriends to pressure us into doing porn as well as paying a stranger to make us feel better about our dicks.
I'm 90% sure the screaming is Airi. Her screams have some sort of tune that I can pick up on after hearing her banshee scream so many times. Could be wrong tho, you know, cause I had airi scream into my hears many times.
I actually think it's Rie, and I've seen a lot of others thinking so too. Could be wrong, so hopefully one of them will talk about it more. I can't remember completely, but I feel like Rie has done harsh vocals in the past, but I can't remember for what.
Whoever did them, they did a pretty good job. So props to them for it. The cover itself was good too. All three of them did a good job on it.
Airi has seemed to like singing those sort of segments of songs in her karaokes.
Wow she killed it all three of them were great and that Airi artYep. Rie confirmed it was her. Guess she realized that everyone was curious about it, so she almost immediately started the stream confirming it was her, lol. Good job to her on these vocals. They sounded pretty good.
I asked ChatGPT to make a class for them:
The only one I accept. Steel. Industrial.
So it was a registered sole proprietorship but also a company? How? Did they run parts of the business through both or something? (Illegal where I am). I would think the same thing as Podge in that case, so can't blame her.
Imagine having to have your girlfriend pressure you into doing porn instead of selling her on the idea of getting lonely retards to pay money to watch someone they'll never touch get rammed, in order to stave off their own impending suicide for one more night.
Bonus politisperging from one on Bluesky (I know it's a retweet but it counts). This corpo has it all
Mostly because they're projecting their own persecution complex onto others. The truly Brainrotted need an adult in their life, since they can't do it for themselves. It's a lot of the reason their counter-points are incredibly dumb.View attachment 91172
Why do Trump's opponents always make him sound more based than he actually is?
Phasecuck rebels against his programming.
I asked ChatGPT to make a class for them:
The Prostitute
Masters of charm, deception, and seduction, Prostitutes use their bodies, minds, and wits to manipulate others to their advantage. Whether working in the seedy backstreets or infiltrating noble courts, they are skilled in gathering secrets, controlling minds, and, when necessary, eliminating threats with a kiss or a whisper.
Hit Dice: d8
Primary Ability: Charisma
Saving Throws: Charisma, Dexterity
Armor & Weapons: Light armor, daggers, whips, garrotes, hidden weapons
Class Features
Level 1: Seductive Presence
- Gain proficiency in Persuasion, Deception, Insight, and Performance.
- You have advantage on Charisma checks against creatures attracted to your gender.
- If you spend at least 1 minute talking with a creature, they must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus) or become Charmed for 1 hour. (They will not follow unreasonable commands or harm themselves.)
Level 2: Pillow Talk
- By spending 10 minutes in close conversation (or other intimate activities) with a creature, you can extract vital information. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or accidentally reveal a secret they would normally not disclose.
Level 3: Subclass—House Specialty
- Choose a House Specialty, representing your specific skillset:
- The Temptress (Charmer & Enchanter)
- The Black Widow (Assassin & Poisoner)
- The Hustler (Con Artist & Thief)
Level 5: Kiss of Death
- As an action, you can kiss a creature and deliver a poison (ingested or contact). The poison is five times harder to detect.
- You gain the ability to craft weak poisons using common herbs and alcohol.
Level 7: Veiled Assassin
- You gain Sneak Attack (1d6, scales with level) when attacking a surprised or Charmed enemy.
- Gain advantage on Stealth and Disguise checks.
Level 10: Enchanting Perfume (Once per Long Rest)
- You release a seductive aura (30 ft) for 1 minute. Enemies in the area must make a Wisdom save or become Charmed for the duration.
Level 14: Temptation’s Embrace
- Once per long rest, you can cast Dominate Person without using a spell slot, requiring only eye contact and a few whispered words.
Level 18: Fatal Attraction
- If a creature is Charmed by you, you can force them to make a Constitution saving throw or take 10d6 psychic damage and become incapacitated for 1 minute.
Another corpo destined to die.Holy fuck, you're right. Fansly accounts linked right from the profiles on their talent page. What the fuck.