"Oh my god lol I'm actually just the main character of this game but with less tattoos, and no penis"Kirschey

General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Blaise Shinryuu formerly of Eien Project.

In her woman tears video she called out someone trying to contact the Eien talents via DM's and referred to a website she describes as "4chan lite but with usernames" (even BPD whores can be right sometimes). Someone then leaked the DM that was sent out to the talents, which was obviously Proctor as it was twice the length it needed to be. Proctor then confirmed this was the message he sent out to all the Eien talents Blaise and another Eien talent.

This place and Proctor specifically have some pretty dedicated schizos on /vt/ so its just more fuel to the fire of schizophrenia for people to seethe over.

As an added bonus his love of the piss fetish :WHORE!!!:has also riled up the schizos recently. lots of seething on the archive rn.
View attachment 89967
I read this as the Pichi Piss Bowl

Also wtf I thought that Awoogers ran the site

Are you telling me that Sharty was lying to us as well?!?


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024
I found this thing, iron supplements for pregnancy called "Iofi"



Superduper Samurai

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Early Adopter
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I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024


Well-known member
Joined:  Nov 2, 2023
Pippa probably meant to but forgot, then it was too late so it'd look weird to do it then, then Hina's notice came, and she made sure to get to it early enough, but then she realized it made her lack of a Saya post look bad, but if she were to do that now it'd look really bad, so she's likely just sitting in bed while the brainworms eat away at her.
She also interacted with Hina more than Saya and is her oshi. They even had an off-collab.

Coni, Kai and Poko are playing phasmophobia


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Day 2 Highlights
Previous - Next - Multi-day clips
Using information from Sora, Kande begs Vivi for diamonds. Vivi called Sora a bastard and later apologizes to her.

Riona and Su pick on Kanade.

Pekora goes on an adventure with Vivi.

The major Axis powers have a meeting. Cecilia, Kiara, and Raora have an encounter with Ririka.

Fubuki's live documentary series on observing Lui.

There weren't that many clips from day 2 compared to day 1. This post turned out even smaller as I omitted clips that span across multiple days.
(Taken from here.)
Early Morning (JST) Hours:
  • Nerissa logs onto the server. She shows the stream her place that she'll build her house. Nerissa thinks about what she wants to build for the server. She was going to build in front of the fountain but she didn't realize Miko was the one who built the fountain (she fought it came with the server), so she looks for a new location to build. In the meantime she works on flattening some land near the fountain that was in the process of being flattened.
  • Bae logs onto the server! She is amazed at what's being built already just around her. She talks to Nerissa in chat. Bae explores around to see what's being built. Bae meets up with Nerissa and they chat. Nerissa shows Bae about the potential spot she wants to build Advent's place. Bae thinks its a fine spot so Nerissa proceeds with the original plan.
  • Bae explores around to find a spot to build her dirt house. She comes across a black horse by the river that she befriends. She works on making fencing to fence the horse in. She names the horse Kaine (not like Kaine from Replicant)
  • Reine logs onto the server. She goes to get squid for ink for a book. Reine asks what the EN girls are doing. Reine gives a recap of what happened yesterday. The ID girls are working on both a skeleton farm and a spider farm inside the caves. Theres a very long ladder that will lead to the farms. They're currently a work in progress.
  • Nerissa works on flattening the land in as natural of a way as possible with her talents and abilities. Bae works out planning her base. Reine makes color coded beds for Risu, Moona, Ollie, and herself.
  • Reine works on making a book but she needs a feather. As she contemplates killing ID's only chicken Bae comes by (she was exploring and found ID randomly). Bae convinces her to kill the chicken but it doesn't drop any feathers. Bae and Reine explore the other side of the mountain together. Bae goes to get a boat. Reine finds 2 more chicken. Reine tries to come up with a story on how she lost their first chicken. Reine decides to make 2 literature: one for Risukarta, and a 2nd commerating her meeting and friendship with Bae. Reine tells Bae she's in charge of the literature department.
  • Bae and Reine go to look for a village to plunder. Bae wants to steal an entire villager's house and take it back home with her. On the way they come across a jungle and explore it. They find an ocelot and they try to see if they can tame/bring it back with them. The only way to really keep an Ocelot is to put it inside a boat. The two each try and put an Ocelot in a boat. Reine was able to put the Ocelot in a boat. They do some more exploring and come across a snow biome, but no village (Reine is taking screenshots of the area and coords so they won't get lost).
  • Nerissa while land flattening gets attacked by raid pillagers. Nerissa is able to defeat one of them. She ignores the other one while does land flattening. Nerissa's major land flattening causes mobs to spawn underneath the flattening spot (because she kept it hollow and didn't put many torches underneath). Nerissa does put some torches underneath to help deal with and mob spawns.
  • Reine and Bae in their adventure find a natural Sakura biome. They also find a cave nearby. They then decide to go and explore the cave. After wandering about the two finally find a village. They immediately proceed to pillage as much as they can (its possible one of the JP girls came by and already pillaged it. Evident by a manmade bridge). As they head back they get distracted by the other biomes and area they find.
  • Graondstone logs onto the server to play. Biboo wants to find more animal friends. Biboo greets Jeep whos in the boat, but Jeep doesn't seem to want to look at her.
  • Nerissa finally gets to work and starts building the Advent House. With Biboo logging on Nerissa asks to meet Biboo by the fountain. Everyone who's online right now gathers into the Discord VC (except for Reine whos just chilling following Bae). Biboo tells Bae and Nerissa she plans on making an Animal Cafe in the future (Hence all the animals she has right now). Biboo brings one of her parrots to the Advent House.
  • Bae asks if Biboo and Kaela want to go on an adventure with her. Biboo wants to go but they need to pick up Raora first and then they'll go on an adventure together.
  • Ollie logs on to play. Reine tells her about what happened to the chicken. Ollie says that its okay and that Risu probably won't mind. Ollie works on bringing down the nearby mountain in their area.
  • Bae at her base works on getting her horse in a fence but a witch spawns next to Bae and starts attacking her. She keeps dying to the Witch. She calls upon Biboo and Kaela to rescue and help her but they're having trouble finding where Bae is. Eveentually many deaths later the witch is defeated.
  • Nerissa and Reine meet up and Nerissa shows her the Advent Base. Reine offters to make a house of her own next to Advents and Nerissa says its okay. Reine gives flowers and a book as payment (though Nerissa says the book payment isn't needed). Reine puts a sign that says its her house (Reine Summer House Under Construction). Nerissa also explains how she terraformed and flattened the land.
  • Raora got her own dog! She along with Biboo and Kaela are working to get back to base to meet up with Bae and the others. Bae makes her very own dirt house once again.
  • Ollie talks to Reine about the place that got claimed at the base of the server. They plan to make something small there, and not like their big ideas that they had (Ollie's plan is to build something that's 80x80). They also work on organizing their chest as Reine tells Ollie of her adventure.
  • Nerissa with an urge to flatten more land, proceeds to flatten more land. She grabs some dirt from Miko's chest and flattens nearby Fuwamoco's trees and Pekora/Nene's house. She makes sure while flattening the trees are not touched (they're just buried underground). Nerissa calls it her dark urge. After doing more flattening Nerissa logs off for the evening.
  • Ao-kun logs on to play! She sees in her chest by her free sheep farm that she got some gifts for it. She appreciates it. Ao Kun then works on making a house next to her sheep.
  • Matsuri logs onto the server. Bae says hi. Matsuri goes to Bae and gives her a saddle for her horse. She is able to more easily take her horse around. Matsuri takes a look around the server to see what's been made so far. She comes across Flow Glow's house and puts a senpai tax on them.
  • Matsuri asks for bone but she writes "born plz". This confuses EN and ID in thinking she's pregnant so they respond as so by shouting (in chat) OMETETOU (Reine thinks about making a hospital). Matsuri then corrects herself and everyone understands what she really meant. Matsuri goes and steals bones from everyone's chests in the server. She calls its a senpai tax. She uses the bone to make Bonemeal to grow and make the Sakura biome that Fuwamoco planted a lot bigger.
  • Bae while exploring comes across the Pale Garden Biome. It's the same one that Pekora and Nene found previously as Bae found their base. Chat explains to Bae the dangers of the Pale Garden at night time. Bae gets very scared when she come across the new mob, The Creaking. Bae mainly hides in the shelter until morning, and then gets some of the pale oak before going to find her lush cave. During the day, Bae in an attempt to get some Pale Oak saplings proceeds to chop down many of the trees in the Pale Garden Biome, but the saplings are rarely dropping.
  • Raora and Kaela work on improving their home as Biboo tries to find it back with her dogs. They add an underground Berry Farm, and a proper chest room. Eventually Biboo gets back and after preparing they go and meet up with Bae at the Lush Cave. They're impressed by the lush cave since its open. The 4 jump down to the lake below to explore. They quickly find an axolotl that Biboo wants to get. Biboo gets the Axolotl and gets the achievement. Raora also gets one too. They put their axoltls in pond thy make at the lush cave.
  • Ollie continues work on her castle tower, while Reine works on getting a cow for a humane cow farm. Ao-Kun keeps working on her house. Matsuri gathers materials to make concrete. Iroha logs onto the server. She talks to Ao-kun.
  • Reine gets a 2nd cow and is able to birth a baby cow. She will keep making more cows (with help of Ollie). At some point they'll ask Moona to help them making the Inhumane cow farm (For now it'll be a humane cow farm). Reine then goes to get her Ocelot. She learns that in the new update you can leash boats, making it so you can carry things in boats easier.
  • Bae is given a Red Bundle from Kaela. Bae learns about how bundles work (the Graondstone has them already). Kaela sees it as an early kind of shulkerbox. Bae does some mining and finds diamonds. Biboo lets her borrow her pickaxe. Iron was found next to the diamonds and the two compete for the iron ore.

A quick summary based on skimming VODS:
  • Bae at one point grabbed the pale oak seeds and planted a pale oak tree on top of her dirt house
  • Lui and Fubuki are planning on building a museum and lighthouse together. Fubuki will focus on mat gathering while Lui will build it. They went and scouted out a location. They had a fun adventure together. They did some mining underground at a small desert biome (at one point Foob scared Lui jokingly).
  • Matsuri finished her house exterior. Its located next to Miko's fountain near Fuwamoco's Sakura trees and nearby Kiara's house. Matsuri's camel is named "Matsuda"
  • Ao-kun finishes up her house construction. Her House is on top of a hill where her sheep farm is.
  • Noel partook in some land flattening of her own. She establishes a place for a future house/buidling for her. Then she goes on an adventure with Azki and Kanata. They find a nether portal (a different one from the ones the other group opened yesterday) and explored the nether.
  • Kanata goes on an adventure with Sora underground in caves. Then she takes a tour of the server and explores the buildings made. She meets with Suisei who's playing offstream in her own little base area. Then she meets with Azki and they play together, followed with Noel soon after.
  • Azki goes and explores the server on her own. She meets Iroha who made a tiny house by the river. Its near Bae's house but far from Suisei's house (its also by the river). She explores a bit with Iroha, then she makes a tiny house right beside Iroha's (Azki Mini). She then meets up with Kanata, followed by Noel, and the 3 adventure together.
  • Kaela, Bae, Raora, and Bijou went and explored a trial ruin together. This was the purpose of the brush. Later Kaela captured some villagers and brought them back to their house. She then decorated her basement.
  • Biboo and Kaela played for a long time together, so their vods cannot be summarized well in a few sentences. But last I saw live: Biboo was working on her animal cafe. It's across the river from their house. (Hidden gem with a water wheel)

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Note: A number of members have already played a bit earlier today, with more playing after Raden's live.
  • Biboo as of this writing has been playing Minecraft for a number of hours working on her animal cafe after going on an adventure with Graondstone and Bae. She takes her bird to the cafe and puts a jukebox in the room for her bird to dance. She then goes to the jungle to find more birds for her cafe. She also works on finding fish too.
  • Pekora starts by showing off her two black dogs that she gotten. She then oversees the builds that were made and notices that someone else also has a Pale Oak tree (it is Bae). She then meets with Azki whos fishing besides her house. Pekora then goes and explores the server to see the houses being built. She sees that someone trapped a zombie villager (it was Kaela she was capturing villagers earlier).
  • Kanade and Noel log on and the tow meet and chat. Sora and Vivi also log on at the same time and place and chat as well.
  • Kanade and Noel do some exploring and spot the ID area from afar (the tower that Ollie finished making earlier makes for a very noticeable landmark). Pekora also noticed it as well. They then meet up with Sora at the spawnpoint area. After exploring the two start establishing spots for their houses. The two seem to both be building houses beside each other. It'll be on the other side of Ao-kuns house on the hill.
  • Fubuki and Lui (whos playing offstream with Foob) are going to be gathering materials for their museum and lighthouse today. They'll need a lot of mats.
  • Vivi goes on an adventure with Matsuri. They head off through different biomes together. The two find a pillager outpost in a snowy biome (there's also polar bears). They past by and travel to different biomes. During their adventure they come across an igloo with a zombie villgager in its basement.
  • Pekora heads off to start planning where she'll build her own house. She plans to build right besides Graondstone's house on top of a hill. However she notices that Kaela's villagers are being kept inside the hill there. Despite this she starts her build anyway. Pekora quickly realizes she built her house in the wrong direction (she wanted it to face the town, not Biboo's animal cafe).
  • Sora has plans on building a guild house in the future. She asked Ollie about it (she wants to make something as pretty as what ID has) and Ollie sent her some blueprints. To Sora, it looks like a gorgeous castle. Sora says they look complicated but Ollie replies that itll be about as big as the old guild house (which Sora doesn't believe). In the meantime, Sora works on cleaning up her branch mining area.
  • Biboo while exploring the jungle comes across a nether portal. While its not opened, it looks to have already been looted by the JP members the other day.
  • Ollie logs online to play for a 2nd time today. She summarizes what she did previously. She plans on doing some terraforming today.
  • Sora shows Kanade and Noel her branch mining place. The three of them work on sprucing it up together. Then the 3 of them explore a cave together. They suffer many deaths. Eventually they make it out of the cave with their spoils.
  • Kiara, Cecilia, and Raora, log on. They meet up at Kiara's house. They then go to pick up Raroa at her house. Since Biboo is still there, she shows them the animal cafe that she's working on. (The EN girls will be talking through Discord). Raora then shows Kiara and Ceci their house and berry farm. Ceci then establishes a temporary house for herself. She puts it inbetween Kiara's house and Graondstone's house (a bit below Pekora's house).
  • Ririka logs onto the server. Its her first time online so she goes and checks out the area. Ririka spots Matsuri and tries to go after her, but Ririka realizes that her mic settings aren't working, so she fixes them. She then meets up with Su by Advent's land.
  • Pekora continues work on her house. Shes making it shaped like a bunny. She uses the resin for eyes. The bunny's butt will be facing the server area, while the face will face (ha) the animal cafe. Pekora then goes into the nether to gather quartz. She uses the quartz for her house. Pekora makes two entrances for her house. One on the front and one on the back.
  • Matsuri and Vivi continue their exploration. Theyre checking out a cave. However Matsuri dies from a Zombie and ends up back at the original respawn point. Vivi goes to gather as much of Matsuri's stuff as she can. It seems at some point Vivi also died and respawned at the original spawn point.
  • Raora and Ririka meet up together. However Raora can't hear Ririka, so they have to communicate viva in-game chat. Kiara and CC join up and talk to Ririka (the two use the in-game VC). Kiara asks what Ririka wants to do. Ririka wants to make a big sausage.
  • Kiara, CC, and Raora start their adventure. However its difficult to keep the 3 of them together. They keep getting separated and lost. During their adventure they come across a drowned with a trident. Kiara in a desperate attempt to have her own trident (because she got a trident the first time she killed one of them long ago) tries to kill it but everyone dies from the drowned and spawns back at the original spawn point. They eventually get to the spot where they dropped their items but Kiara died again (She did get the coords at least). Ceci was able to beat the drowned trident but it did not drop a trident. They find a small island to group up.
  • Lui and Fubuki have some land flattened for their museum and lighthouse. They have also gathered lots of materials for their build today. The place is a bit far from the rest of the city. As Lui logs off Fubuki continues material gathering.
  • Ririka meets up with Noel and Kanade. Due to some convo Kanade ends up hitting and killing Ririka. She quickly respawns back towards them (Kanade does return her items). Ririka then meets up with Azki and Iroha who Ririka ends up getting hurt from their fireplace, and eventually dying. Fortunately she respawned close by and could get her items back.
  • Kanade and Noel then meet up with Kaela who they see is dragging a villager by the boat (Kaela off stream is working on her villager trading post). Kanade is asking Kaela for diamonds (begging) but Kaela doesn't have any diamonds with her right now. (Note that Kaela is wearing diamond helmet and chestplate). Eventually Kaela gives in, and gives Kanade a diamond pickaxe.
  • Ollie meets up with Pekora (Ollie was heading to Kaela's place to ask for some help with her build and Pekora was at the same area). Pekora then shows Ollie her house. Biboo also notices Pekora's house from a distance and describes it as cute.
  • Sora meets up with Koyori at the spawnpoint. Sora agrees that there should be a house you respawn in when you join the server, instead of spawning on top of a tree. However due to how the server is, they are unable to break any blocks around the spawnpoint, meaning the tree that was planted cannot be broken at all. They do place some torches around the tree to better indicate its a spawnpoint for now. They'll try to talk to staff about changing the settings so they can fix up spawnpoint.
  • Ririka eventually finds a place to build her sausage. It'll be close to Kiara and Matsuri's house (near the small lava farm). Its currently made of dirt. Su comes by to see what Ririka is up to.
  • Matsuri after her adventures with Vivi goes into decorating her house some more. She also went and replanted the flower all around Fuwamoco's sakura trees. Kanade and Noel meet up with Vivi and Matsuri at some point and chat. Kanade is trying to get diamonds from different people, including Vivi. Sora also meets with Vivi to ask about future building plans. Sora overheard from Kanade about being greedy (Kanade, Noel, Vivi, and Matsuri are chatting bout near spawn). Because of Kanade's mischief, Vivi goes after Kanade punching her.
  • Sora gets to work on building her own place. She starts with terraforming some of the land. She meets up with Ririka since Ririka wanted to ask about Acadia trees. Sora gives Ririka some saplings for her to plant more trees. Ririka also shows Sora her place and vice versa. Ririka on her stream makes a drawing in MSPaint about the kind of house she wants to built, and she plants the saplings that Sora gave to her.
  • Kiara, CC, and Raora find a small island as a temporary base of sorts. Raora found a cave nearby, so they go to explore the cave. Kiara drops down a hole and screams. The three go down the cave and explore it together. They find a lush cave in their exploration. During their exploring they find diamonds but there's mobs around. They make a plan for Kiara to mine while Ceci protects. It kind of worked but Kiara died to a zombie. She was able to get her stuff again. The girls find lots of diamonds and wonders if anything has changed since they're able to get more diamonds than what they expected. They do their best to get as many diamonds as they can while also trying to deal with the mobs that spawn.
  • Pekora finds a nearby village. She wants to capture the villagers and get them to work but many of them are the unemployed villagers. She captures two to breed and make new villagers. Pekora ends up acquiring a treasure map. She hopes for the villagers to grow up and become a cartographer (she has the crafting block beside the bed). The villager grows up and it becomes a cartographer. Pekora works on levelling them up.
  • Su and Riona go on an adventure together. As they travel on the river in their boats they come across Iroha's place and meet up with her before heading off again. The two come across a snowy biome to explore, followed by a jungle and then other biomes.
  • Kanade and Noel go out on another adventure together again. They head off into the jungle. Later on they find a lush cave to explore (and more biomes).
  • Sora continues with terraforming and flattening the land. She terraforms near Vivi's farm as its where she plans to build her house. Sora then works on decorating the entrance to the tunnel thats located at Vivi's farm. She adds stairs from the top of the hill to the main floor ground. The top of the hill will be where Sora builds her house (its close to Ao-kun's house). Sora considers the home she's making now her temporary home and workshop. She notes the guild house she plans to build in the future will be where her actual home is.
  • Pekora is trying to ask Ollie for diamonds (Ollie while she was mining underground did find some diamonds). But Ollie says no. They go back and forth (matsuri was mentioned). Pekora meets up with Matsuri and they chat alongside (Ollie is at her place building her tower so she responds in text chat). As Ollie heads out to meet with Matsuri she comes across Sora and Vivi and chats with them. Ollie, Sora, and Vivi will work on building the castle together in the future. Ollie then meets with Matsuri and they chat, with Ollie asking for diamonds. Matsuri gives her a nametag and Ollie responds with much enthusiasm. Late at the night time (in Minecraft), Ollie asks Sora if she can sleep next to her, and Sora agrees. Ollie says sleeping next to your idol counts as marriage so she declares the two are now married. Ollie declares that Sora will be the husband in this marriage. She then runs back to her tower cheering very loudly.
  • Vivi is planning to head to the Pale Garden biome to get the white wood. She gets the coords from Sora about its location (its the one Pekora and Bae went to). Sora says the place is dangerous at night so Vivi should be prepared first. Vivi asks Pekora about the Pale Garden Biome. She wants Pekora to tag along with her to the Pale Garden biome.
  • Fubuki while mining underground ends up dying due to the lava that showed up. Since Fubuki never placed a bed she respawned back at the spawn point. She meets with those who are there (Vivi, Sora, and Matsuri who was passing by). Matsuri gives Fubuki a book that Matsuri acquired from fishing). Fubuki also gets some potatoes from Vivi. After getting the food Fubuki heads back to the island to hopefully get her items back. When she got back she realizes her items got burned from the lava so she lost her things. Fubuki then goes and makes a farm by the beach. She uses the diamonds she found earlier to make some new tools.
  • Kanade and Noel find a jungle temple. They explore and check it out. As they exit the temple they happen to meet up with Pekora. The three chat and explain what each has been up to. Pekora notices that they have Axolotls and Kanade has a parrot on her shoulder. After chatting, Pekora passes by and the two continue their adventure.
  • Kiara, Ceci, and Raora are trying to deal with enemies but they keep dying, resulting in a loop of trying to get back their items, only to die to enemies again, and the loop continues. They do not have the torches to better light up the area and prevent despawning in the lush cave. Eventually they give up on their lush cave expedition (the greed of all those diamonds got the better of them, luckily Raora had 20 diamonds she picked up that she'll bring to the girls). Unfortunately Raora died and dropped the diamonds. The three try to find Raora's items. After the constant deaths the three give up and head back out of the cave. The three head back home.
  • Pekora and Vivi meet up. Vivi express she wants Pekora to tag along with her to the Pale Garden. Before Pekora could give an answer, Kanade calls asking for Vivi. As Vivi goes to meet up with Kanade and Noel, Pekora goes and tries to hide from Vivi. She digs a hole and buries herself underground. Vivi in chat asks Pekora again but Pekora asks why. Eventually Pekora comes out of hiding and talks to Vivi. She gives Vivi some glowberries, and the two head off together to the Pale Garden. They reach the pale garden and Vivi goes to get pale oak. After gathering lots of oak they head back home. They head to Pekora's house and Pekora shows Vivi her two dogs, before they separate for today.
  • Su and Riona have been busy at a village working with the villagers there. They each get two villagers and are bringing the two villagers back to their home. Since they're in boats they have to navigate the boats by making river paths. During their journey back, a zombie spawned in the middle of the night as they were crossing through and killed one of the villagers they had in their boats. They still have one villager they'll try and bring back home. Eventually the two reach back to the main area. The villager becomes a farmer.
  • Fubuki in a cave finds a small slime. The slime is harmless so she leaves it be. However she comes across a skeleton and the baby slime ends up dead, dropping behind one slime that Fubuki picks up. (Fubuki atm is in a lush cave and is trying to spawn an Axolotl). Fubuki after waiting a while goes to check if any Axolotls spawned. They did not.
  • Sora is in the process of making her house. She makes a stable outside for her horse, Ankimo to stay in. Kanade comes by and Sora shows her what she's built so far. Vivi also comes by and gives Sora some Pale Oak saplings for Sora to plant so they can grow more Pale Oak trees. Sora notes the Pale Oak wood will be used for the guild house Sora will build with Ollie.
  • Kaela off stream found a Trial Chamber. The achievement was shown on stream. Kiara wants to do a trial too, but with girls who haven't done a trial before (Justice all attempted a trial chamber in their own Justice server). Kaela says on Twitter that she was actually trying to find a lost city (Probably the Ancient City), but found a trial chamber instead.
  • Since Kiara, CC, and Raora did not find the Pale Garden today, CC suggest roleplaying that they found the Pale Garden (aka grey area). However its hard for Kiara to get into the roleplaying at first. They did their best. They will try and find the Pale Garden again another day.
  • Suisei on Twitter shows off some stuff she worked on off stream. She better decorated the fountain area, along with building a fishing pond and some stairs
  • Azki on Twitter shows off what she got from fishing with Iroha. Iroha and Azki plan on playing Minecraft tomorrow.
  • A pond is being built near the fountain. Looks to be built by Suisei. Kanade comes by to help out with filling up the pond. Suisei works on shaping the walls and border. Later Kanade and Vivi visit Suisei by the founatin. Off stream she's been doing more work on the pond, adding decorations and bridge to cross over it. There's even actual fish (provided by Kanade and Vivi who went on an adventure earlier to catch fish to fill Suisei's pond). The pond is located in front of Advent and Reine's land spots. As a reward for the fish, Suisei gives them a compass and a treasure map. Vivi and Kanade follow Suisei to her stairs and fishing hut (located behind Advent's home).
  • Vivi and Kanade head off on an adventure together. During their travels they end up at Graondstone's house, and then they see Pekora's house. Theres' an iron golem roaming around (spawned due to Kaela's villagers nearby). During their travels they find a jungle temple with a pink sheep in the area.
  • Ollie finishes up building the entrance to ID caves. Its in a fancy medieval style.
  • Fubuki ended up dying again to a baby zombie from the zombie farm she made, and respawned again at spawn point, meaning she has to travel all the way back again.
  • Su and Riona bring a villager from a nearby village to the main server area. They create a home for the villager for it to breed with other villagers in the future.
  • Pekora continues work on her villager breeding program, starting from 2, she now has 6 villagers with her. She works on villager control and management (by dropping sands of blocks making them suffocate and die).
  • Su spots Suisei at the semi-auto farm putting seeds in the composter. Su goes to put the remainder of the leftover seeds inside the composter.
  • Pekora heads back to the base and meets up with Su and Riona. They talk bout their villager trading attempts. Pekora mentions how Kaela has been gathering villagers as well and shows them where Kaela has been keeping the villagers. Riona ends up falling into the villager pit, and Pekora keeps her in there. Pekora chases Su around resulting in her death. Eventually Riona is able to get out of the villager pit and helps to gather the items that Su dropped.
  • Pekora then goes to her house and makes a water elevator. At the top she plants two Pale Oak Trees. She then makes an anvil, and names her two dogs LOVE and PEACE.
  • Fubuki gives a comparison screenshot from Lui's stream to now to show her progress today. She spent the whole stream gathering mats while flattening and removing an entire mountain.
  • A thunderstorm hits the server. A lightning strikes and hits one of the cherry blossom trees near Ririka's House. It catches fire (hopefully the fire doesn't spread). It should be noted I have yet to see anyone in the server put up lightning rods above their houses.
  • Kanade and Vivi use the map they got from Suisei to go on a treasure hunt together.
  • Su makes a cobblestone generator. The first time she made it, she ended up accidentally creating obsidian. She isn't able to remove the obsidian due to no diamond pickaxe at the moment. Su was able to make a 2nd cobblestone generator and this one works fine.
  • Seems like thanks to staff they were able to remove the tree that was at the spawnpoint. Ideally if someone were to respawn there they will not spawn on the tree top itself. But we shall see (doesn't seem like the entire tree was removed, just enough for a person to spawn on the ground and not on the tree top).
  • After Kanade left, Vivi did some solo playing on her own, including making a chest of the treasure that she and Kanade found, along with doing some more terraforming behind Sora's house, expanding the backside and making it bigger. She then worked on her farm and then went to mine for diamonds.
  • Liz logs onto the server! It'll be her first time playing today. (Note that Vivi is still playing as she logs on, mining in the branch mines). Sadly I realized they did not fix the spawnpoint. You will still spawn on top of the tree despite the trunks being removed. Liz starts by cutting down some of the trees at spawn and getting some free food and axe. Liz then begins exploring the area: first place is the ID cave. Liz wants to find a flower biome in the server (based on what ive see there isn't a flower biome nearby). Liz does find some wild flowers and collects them. Liz claims some land up on a hillside a bit away from the rest of the main area (still easily accessible since its not too far away). She gets a house started up. The Nighttime passes and she ends up dying to a skeleton. She is able to get back to her place and continues building her house.
EDIT: Added two clips I missed.
EDIT 2: Slight re-formatting. Added summary from this post.
EDIT 3: Added two more clips.
EDIT 4: Added another clip.
EDIT 5: Added a link to my post of some stuff that happened across multiple days and a link to a 3D animation.
EDIT 6: Added another clip.
Last edited:


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Thankfully I'm not from the northern coast, I'm safe around the donkeys LMAO
No eres negro entonces? Probablemente de amazonas este indígena...


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022


Panko of color
Joined:  Dec 27, 2022
Ami dropped the news earlier that she never got paid from her first merch drop back in 2023/2024. The company was Illusion Ryuvil (archive.org link for their store page) and was Malaysian based. Apparently once they shipped all of packages for her merch drop they shutdown their online store and went quiet. In true Ami fashion she asked for no-one to get mad at or send abuse to them but i'm still thinking we need to nuke Malaysia.



Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Lock up the donkeys and get the gun, he's going to rape the asses.

I regret my frenchposting. :depressedtako:
Coña de tu madre maldito frances! Que te folle un pez hijo de puta, que se follen a tus ancestros tambien bastardo de barbaros. Vuestro lenguaje es un insulto para la estirpe romance cabron de mierda, mas cerca de los alemanes estáis que de gente decente sucio producto de incesto. A tu madre la follan los somalies como si fuese pascua, y tu padre observa como el pervertido maricon que es. A los franceses los deberian haber internado en los campos los alemanes, por los menos los judios son buenos para los negocios.

(I genuinely feel bad being this mean in spanish)


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024

Superduper Samurai

Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Lock up the donkeys and get the gun, he's going to rape the asses.

I regret my frenchposting. :depressedtako:
We just had to flex to redditors thinking we're meanie nazis that we're culturally diverse and still in harmony due to our desires to say Nígger online


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024
We just had to flex to redditors thinking we're meanie nazis that we're culturally diverse and still in harmony due to our desires to say Nígger online
You're turning me racist even against myself, this is a wonderful place :mikothumbsl:

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
As mentioned on the Homelands, Shondo has posted that her mom tried to kill herself via asphyxiation, apparently while going through withdrawals from meds she wasn't taking (due to being too sick to take them?).

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Coña de tu madre maldito frances! Que te folle un pez hijo de puta, que se follen a tus ancestros tambien bastardo de barbaros. Vuestro lenguaje es un insulto para la estirpe romance cabron de mierda, mas cerca de los alemanes estáis que de gente decente sucio producto de incesto. A tu madre la follan los somalies como si fuese pascua, y tu padre observa como el pervertido maricon que es. A los franceses los deberian haber internado en los campos los alemanes, por los menos los judios son buenos para los negocios.

(I genuinely feel bad being this mean in spanish)

No you.

Si hubieras visto a mi madre en sus mejores tiempos, mi padre era un retrasado por no cobrar a los chicos una cuota.

Welcome to cultural enrichment LMAO

Nene's bent out of shape because I culturally enriched his mom.

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