"I'm magging now!"Motoaki 'YAGOO' Tanigo

Phase-Connect L Collection

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The Proctor

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Even while Pippa is Turbo Hitler and Clara is Trans Mecha Stalin, they can still be coworkers or maybe even friends that get along with each other just fine. Because they behave like actual adults

Absolutely delusional. This is the biggest cope I've ever seen.


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Phase has had a very good run lately but they are prone to some dumb decisions and comments. I don't think it would feel like so much of a stretch if this thread had been made earlier. Problem is, Phase's community is fairly insular and prone to laughing things off and forgetting them once they're done, but I bet if someone unbiased went through the Pippa threads they could find a bunch of stuff that was unnecessarily embarassing.
Don't need to go all /vt/ catalogue bait about it but there's all the times and ways they've tried to buck their own audience, the various meltdowns all the girls have had over issues big and small, interacting with Rekeita and Camelot basically at all, hell Pippa drops the most obnoxious takes possible almost every week (remember: guns are not to be joked about) but she's viewed much more sympathetically by fans with a bigger fanbase than Clara has so she gets away with it. And in fairness to Clara, the political spergs who have a meltdown at the first sniff of an opinion that isn't right-wing are just as obnoxious as the lefties who do the opposite, though doubling down and drawing attention to it further was a mistake on her part.
And the reality that Phase Connect's right wing bias exists mainly only in the minds of the fans - most of these girls are lib-centre at best, and no, willingness to make spicy jokes does not make for a political opinion - but that's a whole other conversation they're not ready to have

Sometimes it seems like people are just kicking other users because they can and there's little else to do at the time, and it feels overdone and pointless. Proctor really isn't doing a good job fostering positive sentiment with his manic thread derailing screeds though.
I've been avoiding politisperging in favor of laughing at Proctor. However, there is a difference between being left leaning and being a leftist. You could be more tolerant towards LGB people, think that maybe sexuality shouldn't be entirely censored, etc but that's just having lefty beliefs. There are limits to this. Leftism is a paradigm, one that is far more prone to a totalitarian "you must actively be for my beliefs" worldview that isn't present in the right aside for some alt-right fags.

I don't think a actual leftist vtuber could even pretend to tolerate an edgier right wing fanbase. A more liberal one could grift, play the long game to shear money from the "dumb right wing chus", but at a certain point they literally short circuit at the idea that people with significantly enough differing opinions even exist. The mere fact that Pippa was even fine with associating with people like Rekieta (Before he went insane), Metakour, or Kirsche suggests that even if she has typical lib opinions hammered into all western women nowadays, she doesn't hold the totalitarian worldview that makes someone like Clara so reprehensible. That probably is the case for most of the girls in the vtubing industry. Yes, they might have liberal beliefs, but that's because they're zoomer-millennial women who live in a progressive skewed modern Western world, their opinions would change with significant enough challenge to it. They might disagree with their viewers beliefs but they understand that at the end of the day their liberal beliefs stop at the door when their stream starts and everyone can get away from politics and just be friends. NotClara was confronted on literally saying she hoped the female family members of Trump Voters get raped and die during pregnancy due to abortions being restricted, then she doubled down over her extremely hateful and vindictive statement, and now she's starting shit on her public account.

Holo vs Phase tribalism is funny because Holo probably barely knows Phase exists beyond very scant interactions between talents or maybe broad overviews of the market and most of Phase including the CEO dick sucks the Idolfag shit Holo does and its talent.
I love both corpos I don't see the point of tribalism over this. I prefer Phase for chats, zatsudans, and variety streams, and I prefer Hololive for gaming and karaoke streams.
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Superduper Samurai

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Holo vs Phase tribalism is funny because Holo probably barely knows Phase exists beyond very scant interactions between talents or maybe broad overviews of the market and most of Phase including the CEO dick sucks the Idolfag shit Holo does and its talent.
Phase fags can be annoying but at the core, the company itself respects Holo, so imo either side giving each other shit is retarded on principle

Atleast Niji and eventually NijiEN had the groupchat, the at first better 3D, the group dynamics discussion etc, but that has been dead and buried for more than a year now
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Phase has had a very good run lately but they are prone to some dumb decisions and comments. I don't think it would feel like so much of a stretch if this thread had been made earlier. Problem is, Phase's community is fairly insular and prone to laughing things off and forgetting them once they're done, but I bet if someone unbiased went through the Pippa threads they could find a bunch of stuff that was unnecessarily embarassing.
Don't need to go all /vt/ catalogue bait about it but there's all the times and ways they've tried to buck their own audience, the various meltdowns all the girls have had over issues big and small, interacting with Rekeita and Camelot basically at all, hell Pippa drops the most obnoxious takes possible almost every week (remember: guns are not to be joked about) but she's viewed much more sympathetically by fans with a bigger fanbase than Clara has so she gets away with it. And in fairness to Clara, the political spergs who have a meltdown at the first sniff of an opinion that isn't right-wing are just as obnoxious as the lefties who do the opposite, though doubling down and drawing attention to it further was a mistake on her part.
And the reality that Phase Connect's right wing bias exists mainly only in the minds of the fans - most of these girls are lib-centre at best, and no, willingness to make spicy jokes does not make for a political opinion - but that's a whole other conversation they're not ready to have

Sometimes it seems like people are just kicking other users because they can and there's little else to do at the time, and it feels overdone and pointless. Proctor really isn't doing a good job fostering positive sentiment with his manic thread derailing screeds though.
Any "dumb" decisions that are made by Phase Connect are quickly reversed or resolved in a way that the people complaining are happy with. Let's go over three recent examples:
1) This year's lucky boxes had some exclusive items in them that you weren't guaranteed to get if you purchased them. People didn't like that, so Phase changed how the lucky boxes were done, sold the exclusive items separately and included more merch in the lucky boxes as an apology, and everyone was happy. (Here for reference)
2) Phase sent out some scarves that weren't how people were expecting (they sent out summer scarves when a bunch of people wanted winter scarves), so Phase said, "fair enough, keep those summer scarves and we'll send out winter scarves later as well).
3) Clara's kimono was put on the wrong way in some art, so the art was fixed and re-released (Here for reference).

I don't expect Phase Connect to make perfect decisions every time, that's a ridiculous expectation. However, they treat the talents well, listen to what the fans say, and fix their mistakes when they're in the wrong, and that's all I really want from a company.

Lurker McSpic

We need to increase the hag population
Joined:  Mar 8, 2023
Because they behave like actual adults.
:dokiwheeze::dokiwheeze::dokiwheeze::dokiwheeze: Come on now
3) Clara's kimono was put on the wrong way in some art, so the art was fixed and re-released
That shit drives me up the fucking wall. Fucking orientals and their autistic traditions, redo the art because it was folded the wrong way and that means bitch is fucking dead :thisisstupid:


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Holo vs Phase tribalism is funny
Are you aware that this thread was made because the holoEN eops didn't want to read about Clara's Hot Takes © on general thread?


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People didn't like that, so Phase changed how the lucky boxes were done
Relevant to point out that several talents pushed for that decision, with Rie apparently being the loudest voice on the matter(and being quite pleased with herself for getting it done).


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:dokiwheeze::dokiwheeze::dokiwheeze::dokiwheeze: Come on now

That shit drives me up the fucking wall. Fucking orientals and their autistic traditions, redo the art because it was folded the wrong way and that means bitch is fucking dead :thisisstupid:
The thing is, complaints are usually made by a very small minority of a fanbase. But when you start ignoring or dismissing those seemingly trivial complaints, they do start to add up and ignoring complaints makes for a very bad look for future interactions between fans and the company. Do I care about how kimonos are wrapped? No. But I care very much how Phase Connect handled this, and I think they handled it perfectly.


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If we're going back on topic, Phase will inevitably have a major L at some point. They're people and a large amount of those people are mentally-unstable women.
I don't find the idea that we can see a Phase graduation or two in 2025 totally unfounded, 4 years is a long time for a vtuber agency and some people might end up getting tired of the gig, less than satisfied with their position(cough jp origins cough) or dropping due to personal circumstances(hey Hina, hope you're doing well).
When they inevitably have a major L, it might even end up being Clara-related, sure.
But for now Proctor musing about how cool it would be to remove female voting rights and how most women are actually totally cool with that idea(good luck trying to do that in the real world tho) actually provides this thread with vastly more content than Phase's current L-status.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Remember le heckin based tranny-hanging Tenma
Anyway, this might not matter depending on what she actually says, but do note that the general idea that Tenma dislikes trans people comes from that "get the rope comment" that she made (and was told to delete and edit) in retaliation to Pikamee getting attacked for wanting to play Hogwarts which came out three days after the stream. Circumstances and situations, especially large scale ones change a person's opinion greatly. Not saying it did, not saying it didn't. Don't actually know as I don't remember her ever saying anything about trans anything after that (I can't watch all her mutant ass guerilla streams though, so who knows her current opinion on it.
I agree with this and it's one of the most obnoxious parts of the wider Phase audience; tourists will assume one or more of the girls' politics based on either jokes or nuanced situations only to sperg out when this fictional promise they were never given is broken.

Tenma mouths off at people she doesn't like. That's her thing. She mouthed off at False because he's an annoying leech, she mouthed off at that guy who talked about her in Polka's chat because she doesn't like attention-seeking, and she mouthed off at the vermintide harassing Pikamee because she liked Pikamee. Her reasoning was crystal-clear to anyone not terminally culture-war brainrotted - they were "fun ruining cunts". No political motivation given, no dogwhistles, no history of YWNBAW-posting; just a complaint that people were doing something wrong.

It's the same shit that happens all the time with Pippa, people assume that she's this epically based right-wing personality because she likes guns/jokes about sektur shit/played Hogwarts etc., then get mad when they figure out what everyone who actually watches her already knows (that she's a gay lolbert) and resort to calling her either a grifter or a pickme, depending on their sex. It's absolutely tiring to see this same shit poisoning Phase-related discussions time and time again.


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this thread gets made with some serious legit discussion
...you're joking, right? Before Proctor showed up this thread was 70% Clara-tweet-spergery and 30% general shitposting, with one guy being incredibly fucking dramatic and others mostly just shrugging at the whole situation.


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From the Phase Connect website:


Kuu, reading Proctor's fifth political essay in this thread about removing voting rights from women:


I'll see the truth, m'lady
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
This is literally impossible to do with the functionality of the forum, sorry bro.

Well, thank you for at least trying.

...you're joking, right? Before Proctor showed up this thread was 70% Clara-tweet-spergery and 30% general shitposting, with one guy being incredibly fucking dramatic and others mostly just shrugging at the whole situation.

There was the Yuri discussion too, and at least the shitposting was light and funny for the most part. We weren't talking about how the 13th and 19th were mistakes, at least not yet.

From the Phase Connect website:

What is a "backup manager?" I'd like to imagine it's someone who reminds the talents to back up their data so they aren't screwed after they accidentally delete their models (imagine a talent being silly enough to do that and not have a backup)


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From the Phase Connect website:
View attachment 86914View attachment 86915

Kuu, reading Proctor's fifth political essay in this thread about removing voting rights from women:
View attachment 86916
>be Phase-Connect's community manager
>check the vtuber gossip forum early in the morning
>"Phase-Connect L Collection"
>oh no
>click on the last page to see what's going on
>get hit with the Proctor Essay Of Doom
>close the thread and go on with your day


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
I'd say it's debatable calling Clara's recent Tweets "politisperging". It was dumb of her to publicly acknowledge a few Tweets as it gives fuel to people who dislike her, but it really wasn't that big of a deal, especially compared to her post-election politisperging.

So, it's nice to see that the alphamale chad known as Proctor has come in to show how real men politisperg. Leave it to a man to know how to do anything correctly, amiright?


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I'd say it's debatable calling Clara's recent Tweets "politisperging". It was dumb of her to publicly acknowledge a few Tweets as it gives fuel to people who dislike her, but it really wasn't that big of a deal, especially compared to her post-election politisperging.
Like i've said before, i'm just profoundly confused by her reasoning.
From the comments to that tweet, it seems that it wasn't the trans-swastika flag that triggered her, but rather "what's the difference between rainbow and trans flags, they're both predators" comment. You can hardly find bait more blatant, and yet she bit on it eagerly.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Like i've said before, i'm just profoundly confused by her reasoning.
From the comments to that tweet, it seems that it wasn't the trans-swastika flag that triggered her, but rather "what's the difference between rainbow and trans flags, they're both predators" comment. You can hardly find bait more blatant, and yet she bit on it eagerly.
It's simple. She's retarded (derogatory).

Any other reasoning is just extra to this.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
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This has got to be my favorite thread on the Citadel


The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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Like i've said before, i'm just profoundly confused by her reasoning.
From the comments to that tweet, it seems that it wasn't the trans-swastika flag that triggered her, but rather "what's the difference between rainbow and trans flags, they're both predators" comment. You can hardly find bait more blatant, and yet she bit on it eagerly.

It's a virtue signal. She knows that people who don't agree with her politics are part of her fan base and she absolutely wants them gone, because she is a true believer and despises that they might enjoy her. This is her drawing a public line in the sand to show she is serious and the people trying to excuse her are wrong. We should give her the courtesy of listening.

When these people tell you who they are, believe them. Simple as.


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It's the same shit that happens all the time with Pippa, people assume that she's this epically based right-wing personality because she likes guns/jokes about sektur shit/played Hogwarts etc., then get mad when they figure out what everyone who actually watches her already knows (that she's a gay lolbert) and resort to calling her either a grifter or a pickme, depending on their sex. It's absolutely tiring to see this same shit poisoning Phase-related discussions time and time again.
To be fair they do this with everything; they scour twitter and sweep search back a decade trying to find traces of anything that isn't current year Le Based and Le Approved. They are fun ruining faggots, just from the other side of the spectrum.
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