Riot Music (under Brave) director shuffling:
just two guys swapping roles, their resumes are mildly interesting though.
tweet from Takeda Koki,
tweet from Kubo Genki
honestly IDK what riot is up to. They seem surprisingly busy for how little content gets released.
Speaking of Brave, one of their oldest properties Palette Project is doing a 3D.
Their girls have been at the grind since like 2019 and they have probably less than 100K subs across 7 people. Jesus.
Anime Festival Asia 2024 in Singapore Nov 28-Dec1 featuring a pretty stacked cast.
Day 1 seems like bait unless TM Revolution does a big set. Aqua Timez is washed; literally who cares about TeddyLoid live
Day 2 is a Hololive world tour thing with HoloEN/ID meet&greets. More than likely the same set as AnimeNYC.
Day 3 is stacked the most with May'n, KANA-BOON, Reona, KAF, and serial con
grifter guest Sally Amaki
~$450 USD for all the concerts. The expo itself is likely unexciting, probably why they're spacing the concert days apart.
Relatively cheap time to visit before the holidays, SG hotels at the low-mid budget are pretty safe/clean/reliable IME, compared to random cities in the US.