Please don't do this to @lakyus.
Oh, then beats meI was more talking about how Froot finally, tangentially acknowledged the situation, the dramatubers slandering Ant-Hime and covering for Froot in response, etc.
I refuse to believe that it was just one bad day that lead to the takedown, Streisand effect, and consequences that are still lasting to this day, because that would be really, really, monumentally stupid
is just face picsCatbox literally doesn't connect for me ever. Can someone take one for the team and tell me if these are actually okay to be hosting or something I should delete? I have no way to tell.
Only tattoos she has are the tear drops she hides with makeup
Just a good old facedox by the looks of it.Catbox literally doesn't connect for me ever. Can someone take one for the team and tell me if these are actually okay to be hosting or something I should delete? I have no way to tell.
Very Cute With Slight Ayylmao Characteristics/10is just face pics
she looks like my cousin and its freaking me out
Time to look at shondo's family treeshe looks like my cousin and its freaking me out
Everyone with that kind of name is either male or underage.
She looks like an anorexic high just face pics
I never realised she was big into Enterprise Data ManagementI believe she has a VERITAS tattoo on her arm.
Everyone with that kind of name is either male or underage.
I'd refrain from tits or gtfoing.
That's easy, go to Starbucks.The fuck are you doing to your coffee? Can you teach me? I want to try retarded coffee.
Looks cute, I could see it. Got a source proving it's her?
Looks cute, I could see it. Got a source proving it's her?
is just face pics