Silvervale and Vei not renewing their contracts with VShojo.
Edit to add: Wonder why they decided to not renew? Y'know, with talent freedom and all.
Not surprised Silver is moving on she clearly loves what shes doing loves her model loves her fans.Hope she lands on her feet somewhere better then Vshitshow.
Why is Vei leaving? i expected her to just coast and milk as much cash out of this as she could.

Saruei is EN3 and she felt threatened by a streamer with actual talent
idk about you guys but i don't think she is telling the truth
Vermintide have perfected the art of selective memory.
"throwing her under the bus what do you mean"
No. If you lie with dogs you get fleas.
1) They do not offer talent freedom to earnestly support the talents' creativity; they just don't give a shit. Zentreya has an emo meltdown every month. Froot promised a donation she can't afford to make. Hajime doesn't even bother fucking streaming. The whole thing's unprofessional at best and an embarrassing shitshow at worst.
Hajime might not stream but shes raking in the cash as a novice VA. you gotta remember streaming might be the only visable thing to us normies but they do have to do things like merch deals behind the scenes.
if Hajime was honestly bringing nothing to the table she would have been fired contract or no.
OR just spy on her via Gigguk guy needs a lesson in opsec.
holy shit
I did not expect this. I thought she was only talking about Froot earlier. I have to wonder wtf happened
Because relationships are more nuanced then a Binary Friend/Enemy.
To go into more detail silver felt isolated during the attacks which probably ruined any relationships she had there that were not actively supporting her. you can be friendly to your coworkers without being friends.
If you really need an actual explanation though friendship is different to many people. I have no problem with my friends not keeping in contact i'm not their mother we can catch up whenever. Silver is pretty clearly someone who keeps her friends close combined with the who wizard game incident is why you can practically hear the anger in her voice.
She really just dropped that? The others I would expect that from, but Mouse? Not so much. Then again, I keep my toes out of Vshojo as often as possible so it's not like I really believed she was the only "kind" one in there.
I wouldn't read too much into it Silver wears her emotions on her sleeve shes still raw from rotting fruit. and yes i'm drinking my own cool aide here .
People have been ratting for a while now that Silver seemed strangely isolated in Vshojo, before even the Hogwarts Legacy stuff. I'm just running off my own memory of conversations here but 7 months seems legit. People noticed. Silver's also plateaued pretty hard compared to other talents who've really taken off despite being one of the biggest and longest standing members to start with. Seems to indicate some major drama behind the scenes and the group splitting into factions or at least shunning Silver for something, and while it's hard to imagine Mouse acting maliciously she is neurotically confrontation-averse and may well have decided the best way to deal with Silver's problems was to simply ignore her entirely. On the other hand, if Mouse was acting maliciously, Silvervale's comments are about as harsh as she can be without some serious hard evidence that she can show, because Mouse's sick girl privilege is so high you can't say anything harsh about her without automatically becoming the bad guy for seeming bullying.
I agree with basically everything your saying here but I really want to hone in on "silvers Isolation" in my mind it can only really be one thing and RATS AHEAD.
I wonder if Silver might be anti vermin.
Let's look at the evidance that could point to anything really
Froot came after her repeatedly dogpiled her when the chance arose and while "backstabbing bitch" can explain that
Silver was willing to play the Wizard game which to me anyway suggests she didn't care all that much about the drama to begin with.
There are other minor pieces of evidance but those seem to be the two big ones. RATS Escaped
I awaken.
glances around
going back to bed
For as much as people shit on Vshowhoe, there's an awful lot of mouseguarding going around.
Don't mind me, I'm just making an observation.
yeah it's hard not to be aware of it. however i also thing that being a secret backstabbing bitch flies in the face of literally everything shes presented so shes either genuine or a maserclass sociopath.