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Looks like there is a Civil war in the Nazuna/Mikeneko/Rushia fandom arguing the unicorn question,i hope a resident Miguel expert could explain us what is going in the comments of this tweet
So long as the rest of your diet is well-balanced, it's okay to have a little Amiya, as a treat.
She's raking in lots of supas and gifted subs even though there's only a couple hundred watching. Buckos are truly a dedicated fanbase. I hope to build an audience a tenth as dedicated as hers some day.
The way she's talking now it's breast cancer. The first doctor was an idiot and referred her to a skin doc, who told her she had a cyst, but then immediately ordered tests for her with an oncologist.
She has had multiple people in her family with cancer so she is at genetic risk. But I think she's used to Soviet style medicine and doesn't realize that catching it early can really change the outcome.
The way she's talking now it's breast cancer. The first doctor was an idiot and referred her to a skin doc, who told her she had a cyst, but then immediately ordered tests for her with an oncologist.
She has had multiple people in her family with cancer so she is at genetic risk. But I think she's used to Soviet style medicine and doesn't realize that catching it early can really change the outcome.
Dam that fucking sucks. I'm surprised she didn't get them cut off early as I've had a friend basically get there breast removed and replaced due to the high genetic risk before anything even happened.
Dam that fucking sucks. I'm surprised she didn't get them cut off early as I've had a friend basically get there breast removed and replaced due to the high genetic risk before anything even happened.
Yeah that stream was just... Idk man. Maybe it's where it hits close to home but fuck cancer. It's obvious this is really fucking with her but who can blame the girl?
Yeah that stream was just... Idk man. Maybe it's where it hits close to home but fuck cancer. It's obvious this is really fucking with her but who can blame the girl?
Just explain to me how you manage to get a man who says 'you're perfect for me, I love being with you, it's the best time I've had in my life... but I just don't want to commit to a relationship' not once, but MULTIPLE TIMES.
Lol dude women do that shit all the time and become femcels because of it. There are a ton of guys out there who will find someone like her who is kind and comfy and decide that's just a source of free sex.
I'm definitely not a gourmet or anything, but the way this man kept talking about food left me unreasonably weirded out. 'Why does eating have to be a process?', who the fuck asks questions like that, would he rather have a magic button that he can just press and suddenly be full?
I'm too busy contemplating Ollie's 3D model and her performance to write anything substantial. Zombie a cute.
Lol dude women do that shit all the time and become femcels because of it. There are a ton of guys out there who will find someone like her who is kind and comfy and decide that's just a source of free sex.
Every day I listen to this woman and others like her talk about their lives is another day I learn to cherish my incredibly isolated small-town upbringing like a hoard of gold bars.
Looks like there is a Civil war in the Nazuna/Mikeneko/Rushia fandom arguing the unicorn question,i hope a resident Miguel expert could explain us what is going in the comments of this tweet
Somehow, Mikeneko of all people has a subgroup of fans that hate her parasocial unicorns and had been stirring shit up trying to pressure her into doing male collabs to own them. The person who posted the original tweet here is part of that group. She is a Taiwanese feminist and one of Mike's biggest fan artists.
What you're witnessing is the aftermath of Mikeneko telling them to knock that shit off and them not being able to let it go after their side seemingly lost. The post by Quix is accurate enough. In her last twitcast she said she loves her unicorns, she wouldn't do male collaborations, and the people bitching about it need to stop.
It's pretty much just a tantrum for not getting their way, while actively ignoring or lying about what Mike said. It's hypocritical to the extreme, because people in her circle have been painting her unicorns as not obeying her wishes and doing things that hurt her, and then immediately started sulking and doing shit like this against her wishes after she told them off.
Okay, I might be going crazy, but I was sure Vesper played the puppet in one of the videos, but now he doesn't really sound like him that much, and the puppet appeared on future streams
I guess the twitch chat confused me.
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