1. Purpose of the Market Study
Content such as animation, music, broadcasting programs, films, games, and manga are proud assets of Japan. With advancements in technology, the source of competitiveness in content creation is increasingly shifting to individual creators. On the other hand, there is a growing demand to address transactional practices that hinder appropriate return of earnings to creators, in order to establish an environment where individual creators can fully realize their creative potential.
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) has undertaken various initiatives to promote fair and free competition in the human resource and entertainment fields. These efforts include the publication of the “Report of Study Group on Human Resource and Competition Policy” by the Competition Policy Research Center in February 2018 and the release of “Examples of Practices in the Entertainment Sector That May Violate the Antimonopoly Act” in September 2019.
Subsequently, the Content Industry Revitalization Strategy (formulated and specified in the “Grand Design and Action Plan for a New Form of Capitalism 2024 Revised Version,” approved by the Cabinet on June 21, 2024) stated “It is essential to correct trade practices in order to create a comfortable working environment for performers and others. In light of the current technological innovation, the content industry is shifting its emphasis to individual creativity. With the cooperation of the Japan Fair Trade Commission, we will conduct a fact-finding survey on trade practices in the music and broadcast program fields with an emphasis on preventing abuse of a superior bargaining position and protecting individuals, ….”
In light of these circumstances, the JFTC conducted a market study on contracts and other arrangements between performers in fields such as music and broadcasting (including artists, actors, and talents) and the entertainment agencies or production companies they are affiliated with (hereinafter referred to simply as “entertainment agencies”). This initiative aims to establish a transactional environment where individual creators can fully realize their creative potential.
2. Methods of Study
(1) Questionnaire
From August to November 2024, a questionnaire was conducted targeting 2,628 entertainment agencies. A total of 810 responses were received, resulting in a response rate of 30.8%.
(2) Voluntary Interview
From April to November 2024, interviews were conducted with a total of 95 persons and entities, as outlined below.
Performers: 29 persons
Entertainment Agencies: 37 entities
Broadcasting Companies and Program Production Companies: 10 entities
Record Companies: 8 entities
Industry Organizations: 9 entities
Experts (Lawyers): 2 persons