Sounds like folly, but good luckIt's over for me, I'm invested now. All I can do is go down with the ship while warning others, preventing further lives to be lost in stupid unnecessary infighting.

Sounds like folly, but good luckIt's over for me, I'm invested now. All I can do is go down with the ship while warning others, preventing further lives to be lost in stupid unnecessary infighting.
Woah woah slow down there VarisIt's over for me, I'm invested now. All I can do is go down with the ship while warning others, preventing further lives to be lost in stupid unnecessary infighting.
Discord + Vtubers + Tumblr. What a potent cocktail of extreme retardation.Hey, so remember the Counciltwt people? That small group of literal teenagers who treat Hololive like a KPop fandom and delude themselves into thinking the girls are actually lesbians? Back when I made this thread I cited some dubiously true knowledge regarding their discord, but at the time there were no real screenshots proving their nature. Well, it turns out an anon from /vt/ (/#/ specifically) has leaked a whole boatload of screenshots from their Discord talking about roommate content and they are genuinely as delusional as they've been made out to be.
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Holy shit. Its like the infinity stones but its called the infinity retards. Elon has assembled 3 of them already. He needs 3 more interacting all together and half of twitter will be pulverized. Hopefully its all the twitter retards.
Nolan, Nbinted, Mana, Flipsie, and Makotolitch. I just can't figure out the last one.
A kid named Takoodachi (15-year-old) made a call-out document about a guy that he was getting groomed. A lot of dramatubers covered that topic on the account that the one doing the grooming was a Nerissavirus account and the one getting groomed was a Holo fan. Even back then, the kid threw a fit because people they didn't like covered his very public document.Remember the kid that exposed the Nerissavirus account for being a pedo and grooming them? Well turns out that kid really enjoy sexualising himself with a bunch of other kids in the Virus/vaxx vtuber fans community. @Kuri Rinji dipped his toes in the subject which i'll let him explain more in details if he wishes to do so. And of course Bint went full retard to protect a 15 years old kid for sexualising themselves.
There was a small discussion in the Nolan thread like a week ago about the infinitystonesretards on twitter. Moving it here as its more fitting.
we are getting dangerously close. And they're defending kids sexualising themselves on twitter of all things lmao.
Remember the kid that exposed the Nerissavirus account for being a pedo and grooming them? Well turns out that kid really enjoy sexualising himself with a bunch of other kids in the Virus/vaxx vtuber fans community. @Kuri Rinji dipped his toes in the subject which i'll let him explain more in details if he wishes to do so. And of course Bint went full retard to protect a 15 years old kid for sexualising themselves.
Tumblr has made a mess out of a whole generation of children who think it's a very wise decision to signal to everyone that they are a child online. What's worse, these kids have been convinced to think that acting sexually with others on the Internet in public is a completely normal thing to do. No wonder these kids get groomed so easily when they've already been through that wringer.Children DO have online spaces for them and 99% of the time they dont need to be in unmoderated communities full of adults centered about content thats not meant for them. Hololive is never meant for unsupervised tweens no matter what or who does content, random 3 or 2 views fulfilling the kid friendly niche does not invalidate that fact
Any adult advocating for unsupervised internet access to minors who cheerfuly and retardedly advertise the fact that they're underage should be scruitinized heavily, its irresponsible at best and geniuenly worrying at worst
That's just social media in general, really. The messaging used to be that you should tell the internet as little about yourself as possible, because you could never truly trust that the other users you're talking to are actually who they say they are. A lot of the old boomer advice might've been outdated and didn't really apply online (the "50-year-old man catfishing as a teenage girl and kidnapping you in his white van" thing doesn't happen anywhere near as often as "he/they discord mod wants to meet you at a convention"), but it was well-meaning, and still encouraged kids to think critically about who might see what they post.Tumblr has made a mess out of a whole generation of children who think it's a very wise decision to signal to everyone that they are a child online.
You've got a boyfriend in private chat, haven't you?It's over for me, I'm invested now. All I can do is go down with the ship while warning others, preventing further lives to be lost in stupid unnecessary infighting.
The problem is that I have one boyfriend on each splinter discord and they all hate each other.You've got a boyfriend in private chat, haven't you?
You two timingThe problem is that I have one boyfriend on each splinter discord and they all hate each other.
I call that "virtual genderfluid". Kids (up to 25) are groomed into thinking they are homos all the time and the communities are "accepting", those people only want a place to belong, mainly if they're neglected at home, school or just their environment -that's why they escape online.
Also isn't Council like the straightest EN group right now? Weird to turn them into lesbians
Eggcrackers are genuinely some of the worst people in the world and are enablers of delusion greater than even the worst cult recruiters.I call that "virtual genderfluid". Kids (up to 25) are groomed into thinking they are homos all the time and the communities are "accepting", those people only want a place to belong, mainly if they're neglected at home, school or just their environment -that's why they escape online.
I only believe someone is a lesbian if they got beaten by another woman in real life and insists on chasing them and if someone is gay if they at least kissed a homie, this homo signaling needs to stop but no one talks about it because going against a wave of groomers (and pedos in the worst cases) will get you in trouble. The only way to win is to advise the victims and not engage in battle.
Don't believe me? Start from here:
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A kid named Takoodachi (15-year-old) made a call-out document about a guy that he was getting groomed. A lot of dramatubers covered that topic on the account that the one doing the grooming was a Nerissavirus account and the one getting groomed was a Holo fan. Even back then, the kid threw a fit because people they didn't like covered his very public document.
Fast forward to a few days ago, Takoodachi makes a post about blocking Shondo fans because they're le nazis and lolicons. Gets shit on because he's a Holo fan complaining about lolicons and then starts fighting people in his mentions. At one point, he says "he actually had sex with a minor" to own his detractors and he subsequently gets suspended for it. Comes back on an alt and this is where I start looking into their other online activity.
It turns out the kid surrounds himself with other children (or groomers) sexualizing themselves constantly for the whole world to see and constantly suicide-bating and complaining about their parents because they make them do chores and go to school. Shortly after announcing stuff on their alt, they get suspended again.
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As I said before, the kid was followed by a bunch of people with mostly undefined ages and a few adults in their 20s who engaged in sexually laden talk with them. One of them was extremely adamant about wanting to follow them back on their new accounts.
Once I started talking about the Hoshinova dude they went Protected on Twitter.
At some point, Bint gets involved mustering all his righteous indignation to indirectly tell me that I'm harassing a minor which later spiraled into his diatribe about how minors belong in VTuber spaces because big VTuber corpos allow it. The creme of the crop talk to Bint about it including Silvy who sweeps for Marina and harasses disabled women on alt, and Andrew who previously defended the movie Cuties.
All in all, an eventful day.
tl;dr Minors do not belong in any fandom spaces with adults and they certainly do not get to keep their accounts that become beacons for pedophile groomers to congregate at.
The responsibility for this is on the parents for not monitoring what their child is doing online and other adults who either do nothing about it or encourage their behavior.
It's worse than enabling, they straight up lie and gaslight people until they start thinking their issues are a result of wanting to chop your bits off because God/Nature made a mistake sending you the wrong sex. It's sick and evil fuckery that should be classified torture and punishable by (User was timed out for this fedpost.)Eggcrackers are genuinely some of the worst people in the world and are enablers of delusion greater than even the worst cult recruiters.
Aw shit, is it time for fedlooping? Alright!It's worse than enabling, they straight up lie and gaslight people until they start thinking their issues are a result of wanting to chop your bits off because God/Nature made a mistake sending you the wrong sex. It's sick and evil fuckery that should be classified torture and punishable by (User was timed out for this fedpost.)
In this specific instance many have already done that to themselves before you.Aw shit, is it time for fedlooping? Alright!
@Awoogers get your FLIPTARD butt down here, WE'RE FEDLOOPING ON THE KID DIDDLERS!
First off, I'd chop off their (User was timed out for this fedpost.)