"I'm not having any sexual thoughts about them, okay? Don't lewd the twins! They don't need it!"Takane Lui

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
I take back all reservations I had about Regis from when I first heard his voice.
A little repetitive but I couldn't resist the chance to make this meme.

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Aka Split

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I might go ahead and shame myself if She plays with viewers, I've tried this but I'm awful. I like Gundam but this style of shooter is not my thing. They don't feel like Mobile Suits at all, they so jumpy and light feeling. MS are massive and heavy and the inertia alone can hurt the Pilot. And them not having a Melee on demand.... it just make my tism quiver.... almost all MS have a melee weapon and ranged weapon, having them not... it's just so weird.
I watched for about a minute and was just, “Oh, it’s overwatch with mech skins.”

Might I recommend…
I’m not saying it’d be fun to watch a complete noob stream it, but I wanna shill Mechwarrior Online anyway. It’s an old online game that nearly died but has been getting regular updates recently. It’s big stompy robots that drive like tanks (torso and arms controlled separately from the legs), acceleration and deceleration matter ( heavy mech will take a long time to change direction, while a light can got from top speed to reverse near instantly), line of sight matters (if you have a gun on your left arm, the bullet actually fires from where the arm is, so even if your crosshair is on target, you’d better make sure your allies back or a wall isn’t blocking your arm), so this generally means when you build your robot (yes, they are heavily customizable) you should try to cluster similar weapons together, so maybe you can alpha strike your left side or right side based on which side you’re able to peek out of cover. And where you hit matters, enemy mech has a ton of weapons in it’s right arm? Shoot it’s arm off and now it’s got nothing. There are different weight classes too; you want to be a small mech that sneaks around and shoots the big guys in the back? You want to be a medium sized jumpy boi flying around the map? You want to be a slow assault mech who makes anyone that walks into your line of sight regret their choices with a gigantic alpha strike to the face? Any of it can work.

It’s a relatively slow-paced shooter where getting caught in a bad position will kill you quickly, so there is a steep learning curve, but also a relatively low skill ceiling due to the slower pace. You’ll be terrible when you first start, but it’s not difficult to get to ‘average’/‘good’ with just a little bit of game-sense and situational awareness, even if you’re not a cracked pinpoint aim FPS player.

There’s no melee, though.

And it’s Mechwarrior, so it’s based in the Battletech universe if that matters to anyone.

Edit: Also, it is free to play, and NOT pay to win. Some things can only be purchased with premium currency, but you can earn premium currency through normal gameplay, and the premium mechs are not ‘better’, just ‘different’.
Edit: OR NOT I'm too fuck'n old and slow to type in code!
I accidentally addressed being old and slow in talking about the game I was talking about! (It’s not as big of a deal since it’s a slower paced game)

Meanwhile, Namie's last stream was 3 weeks ago. She has posted a pair of pictures recently, so I guess that's where her focus has been, but if it means getting to watch her again I'd take even a gachashit stream.
I was just thinking it’d be funny if she streamsniped any of the girls playing Splatoon with a recognizable name (if her switch is bananamie or whatever)but then I realized it may be impossible because of regions.

Yet another edit: I think the pikachu tail thing is most easily explained by people combining pikachu with pichu in their heads and mentally picturing a mishmash of the two.
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We need a short Youtube video of Pippa singing Ram Ranch at Ai Matsuri. Maybe a few seconds of setup at the start to establish where she's at and her in front of a live audience, and then the lead in and her singing Ram Ranch. Video title is something like "Pippa Pipkin Performs Heartfelt Encore Song at Ai Matsuri." I think that would be a great 2-3 minute meme video.
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Demands thhrang stays atleast 300 yards away.
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I imagine the guy realized after a while that being something different was actually working out pretty well.
Really I think if more companies just stopped caring about the vocal minority of overly sensitive bitches we'd all find out rather quickly that most people don't give a shit about pronouns, naughty words, or whatever.

They're talking about the Mandela effect, and one of the examples Bae brought up was how people apparently don't know how to draw pikachu's tail. Then they tried to do it from memory and got the marking wrong (Ina drew the pikachu and Bae drew the tail).
Ina (after looking up pikachu and seeing the brown at the base): "When did that get there!?"
For some reason I imagined him having a brown triangle at the end of his tail. I was going to blame Sonichu but looking it up Chris had an accurate depiction of a Pikachu tail.


War Cleric of TVA
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So I realize the meme is "MEDS HATE". But I honestly think Lia ought to be taking her meds because holy shit...I wish nothing but the best for that girl.

Yeah, I know meds don't help for everyone, especially SSRIs, but it's still a good idea to take them because being inconsistent can really fuck your mind up, speaking from experience.
This is gonna be mildly off topic from the purpose of this thread, but as a PSA for those who do not MEDS HATE FR FR (including any sad girl vtubers who happen to be here): from this past July: https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/scie...ical-imbalance-theory-not-grounded-in-science

A scientific review has concluded that depression is not caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, and may be more closely linked to stressful life events.

The review, conducted by University College London and published in the Molecular Psychiatry journal, examined the “serotonin theory of depression”, an “influential” and long-held belief that lower serotonin levels may make an individual more likely to experience depression.

A link between serotonin levels and depression was first put forward in the 1960s, and antidepressant use has increased since the 1990s with the development of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor antidepressants. One in six adults in England are currently prescribed antidepressants, many of which help to adjust serotonin levels.

“Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence,” said Professor Joanna Moncrieff, the study’s lead author.

The authors examined studies into the chemical’s impact on depression, including studies where participants’ serotonin levels were artificially lowered through dietary methods. In both cases, a link could not be established.

Tom Cruise was right all along:

TOM CRUISE: Here we are today, where I talk out against drugs and psychiatric abuses of electro-shocking people against their will, drugging children, with them not knowing the effects of these drugs. Do you know what Adderall is, do you know Ritalin? Do you now that Ritalin is a street drug? Do you understand that?

MATT LAUER: The difference is that this was not against her will, though.

TOM CRUISE: Matt, I’m asking you a question.

MATT LAUER: I understand there’s abuse of all of these things.

TOM CRUISE: No, you see, here’s the problem. You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do. All it does is mask the problem, Matt. And if you understand the history of it, it masks the problem. That’s what it does. That’s all it does. You’re not getting to the reason why. There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. I’m saying that drugs are not the answer. These substances are very dangerous. They’re mind-altering anti-psychotic drugs. And there are ways of doing it without that, so we don’t end up in A Brave New World.

MATT LAUER: Yes, there are abuses. And yes, maybe we’ve gone too far in certain areas. Maybe there are too many kids on Ritalin. But aren’t there examples where it works.

TOM CRUISE: Too many kids on Ritalin? Matt, you’re glib. You don’t even know what Ritalin is. If you start talking about chemical imbalance, you have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories. That’s what I’ve done. You go and you say, where’s the medical test? Where’s the blood test that says how much Ritalin you’re supposed to get?

MATT LAUER: It’s very impressive to listen to you, because clearly you’ve done the homework and you know the subject.

TOM CRUISE: And you should. And you should do that also, because just knowing people who are on Ritalin isn’t enough.

I don't know what Lia needs, but I can almost guarantee you that someone who is taking drugs to ostensibly fix "chemical imbalances" in their brains (now admitted by scientific authorities to be snake oil) to fix emotional distress are only creating more problems on top of an already fucked up situation. If I had to bet, based on what I've seen I would assume she is already on some and with some time off of them, all else being equal, I would expect more emotional/mental stability, not less.

Call it parasocial but I have emotional investment in the wellbeing of the people whose content I spend time viewing online - I care about them as individuals and want them to live happy, fulfilled lives. That includes all of you guys. So if you're on SSRI's etc., understand that science now admits you were lied to, and adjust your habits accordingly.

(credit to Vox Day's blog who I shamelessly stole the quoted sections from)

Edit for tax purposes:
I never heard of this gift card gayops thing, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is true:


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Jolted Cookies

Ohmies don't snitch
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I'm surprised you can keep being a member of a retired Vtuber's channel. I'd have thought that they would have disabled that after she graduated.

Edit: Given that she no longer works for them, do you think she still gets a cut, or does it all go to Cover?
Cover leaves open memberships for 3 months (from graduation date) for talents. (so far, Coco and Sana) I'm not sure where or what this policy is based on though. For Sana's members, it gave them a chance to get the 1-year badge before membership was shut off.

As for who gets the money; I don't know - but I hope the talent still gets whatever split they used to get.

I wonder if the visit to her minecraft tower being scheduled for this week is just coincidence or because of the 1-year badges rolling out, in a "closing the chapter" kind of situation (though her membership will be open until the end of October).

Meanwhile, Namie's last stream was 3 weeks ago. She has posted a pair of pictures recently, so I guess that's where her focus has been, but if it means getting to watch her again I'd take even a gachashit stream.
In terms of closure, I don't think it'll hit me until the birthday merch comes in. I may legit hesitate opening that box.

I'm actually surprised Namie has held back on streaming Splatoon 3.
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Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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No lie, I'm very curious to see how this game plays:

All I ever wanted was a good Gundam game for PC. And all they give us is New Gundam Breaker and an even worse Overwatch. Why do you hate Gundam fans, Bandai? Why have you forsaken us?


I do be doobing
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BEEG Booba Fishing

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I'm surprised you can keep being a member of a retired Vtuber's channel. I'd have thought that they would have disabled that after she graduated.

Edit: Given that she no longer works for them, do you think she still gets a cut, or does it all go to Cover?
Cover leaves open memberships for 3 months (from graduation date) for talents. (so far, Coco and Sana) I'm not sure where or what this policy is based on though. For Sana's members, it gave them a chance to get the 1-year badge before membership was shut off.

As for who gets the money; I don't know - but I hope the talent still gets whatever split they used to get.

Adding to that, both times they announced their graduation date they also put a deadline, up until which they would keep accepting fanmail and presents directed to them. I can only assume, if they are making sure that stuff is sent to them even after they stop working under Cover, they would do the same for their membership cuts.


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Here we are, at last.
I wonder if the visit to her minecraft tower being scheduled for this week is just coincidence or because of the 1-year badges rolling out, in a "closing the chapter" kind of situation (though her membership will be open until the end of October).
I miss her so much. I was fine for awhile, but this week all the feelings from that last month came back for some reason. If I re-listened to Kobo's song I know it'd destroy me.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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I miss her so much. I was fine for awhile, but this week all the feelings from that last month came back for some reason. If I re-listened to Kobo's song I know it'd destroy me.
Just rewatch old videos and pretend they're new. Go full sigma-grindset denial mode. Follow MCJarbo's example and make a soundboard full of words she's said, and edit them together into new songs/covers and streams.


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Cover leaves open memberships for 3 months (from graduation date) for talents. (so far, Coco and Sana) I'm not sure where or what this policy is based on though. For Sana's members, it gave them a chance to get the 1-year badge before membership was shut off.

I could be completely wrong, but when Coco graduated her explanation gave me the impression that YouTube had a rule that in order for a channel keep memberships, it needs to upload at minimum one video every three months.


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This is gonna be mildly off topic from the purpose of this thread, but as a PSA for those who do not MEDS HATE FR FR (including any sad girl vtubers who happen to be here): from this past July: https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/scie...ical-imbalance-theory-not-grounded-in-science

A scientific review has concluded that depression is not caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, and may be more closely linked to stressful life events.

The review, conducted by University College London and published in the Molecular Psychiatry journal, examined the “serotonin theory of depression”, an “influential” and long-held belief that lower serotonin levels may make an individual more likely to experience depression.

A link between serotonin levels and depression was first put forward in the 1960s, and antidepressant use has increased since the 1990s with the development of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor antidepressants. One in six adults in England are currently prescribed antidepressants, many of which help to adjust serotonin levels.

“Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence,” said Professor Joanna Moncrieff, the study’s lead author.

The authors examined studies into the chemical’s impact on depression, including studies where participants’ serotonin levels were artificially lowered through dietary methods. In both cases, a link could not be established.

Tom Cruise was right all along:

TOM CRUISE: Here we are today, where I talk out against drugs and psychiatric abuses of electro-shocking people against their will, drugging children, with them not knowing the effects of these drugs. Do you know what Adderall is, do you know Ritalin? Do you now that Ritalin is a street drug? Do you understand that?

MATT LAUER: The difference is that this was not against her will, though.

TOM CRUISE: Matt, I’m asking you a question.

MATT LAUER: I understand there’s abuse of all of these things.

TOM CRUISE: No, you see, here’s the problem. You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do. All it does is mask the problem, Matt. And if you understand the history of it, it masks the problem. That’s what it does. That’s all it does. You’re not getting to the reason why. There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. I’m saying that drugs are not the answer. These substances are very dangerous. They’re mind-altering anti-psychotic drugs. And there are ways of doing it without that, so we don’t end up in A Brave New World.

MATT LAUER: Yes, there are abuses. And yes, maybe we’ve gone too far in certain areas. Maybe there are too many kids on Ritalin. But aren’t there examples where it works.

TOM CRUISE: Too many kids on Ritalin? Matt, you’re glib. You don’t even know what Ritalin is. If you start talking about chemical imbalance, you have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories. That’s what I’ve done. You go and you say, where’s the medical test? Where’s the blood test that says how much Ritalin you’re supposed to get?

MATT LAUER: It’s very impressive to listen to you, because clearly you’ve done the homework and you know the subject.

TOM CRUISE: And you should. And you should do that also, because just knowing people who are on Ritalin isn’t enough.

I don't know what Lia needs, but I can almost guarantee you that someone who is taking drugs to ostensibly fix "chemical imbalances" in their brains (now admitted by scientific authorities to be snake oil) to fix emotional distress are only creating more problems on top of an already fucked up situation. If I had to bet, based on what I've seen I would assume she is already on some and with some time off of them, all else being equal, I would expect more emotional/mental stability, not less.

Call it parasocial but I have emotional investment in the wellbeing of the people whose content I spend time viewing online - I care about them as individuals and want them to live happy, fulfilled lives. That includes all of you guys. So if you're on SSRI's etc., understand that science now admits you were lied to, and adjust your habits accordingly.

(credit to Vox Day's blog who I shamelessly stole the quoted sections from)
I really don't want to get into some long winded debate that isn't all that relevant, but I figured I'll say something. I get where you're coming from and I think antidepressants aren't for everybody. They can and do make some people worse. They shouldn't be given out to anybody like they are now. Even then, I'll say they still work for some people, even if it isn't seen as significant as studies have pointed out. They also don't recommend stopping them just based on their studies.
For me, antidepressants have helped immensely. My depression was due to certain personal events, but I didn't start taking anything until years later. Before taking them I get stressed and angry extremely easy and have bad moments like what Lia mentioned. I would've dropped out of school long ago otherwise. Nothing is perfect, but things are much better now than years ago. So I wouldn't recommend stopping if you feel they have helped you.
Sorry for clogging the page with this shit, but I felt the need to say something.

Dog fucker stream highlights tax:

Koros Apogee

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Delta will be doing her Karaoke in (as of posting) 5 hours from now.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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regarding antidepressants-

They work for me, but it won't work for everyone for a handful of reasons. There are a handful of antidepressant meds that all work slightly differently and doctors will usually cycle through them until they find the one that works for you, and starting a new type will always be fucky for the first few days so some people will understandably just write it off when it doesn't feel right to start with.

There's other problems, like how some doctors will just put people on meds when it actuality they just need to sort out other shit in their life; there's also the fact some people expect meds will just fix all their problems right away; they'll unfuck your brain a bit to make life easier, but you still need self-discipline to stop being a lazy fuck, get yourself a job, and find something to do with yourself that isn't sulking and feeling sorry for yourself.

Mumei singing in about 20 minutes

She's sounding a lot more positive than the other night, even if there was a bit of the usual "hey is this the right key?" faffing around near the start.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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I'm pretty sure psychiatrists nowadays are just legal pushers with all the drugs they keep selling to vulnerable people. The only difference is that you pay tax for your dose.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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I feel fucking old when i hear 13 yr old kids are attempting fucking suicide and taking pills like they're 30, jesus the world is kinda fucked without the kinda.
Women specially seem more unbalanced than ever, probably from a lack of dick since men are either pussies or watching vtubers have weird hobbies, can't wait to see how bad it gets when people start dating AI like it's the god damn blade runner universe.

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Clown Penis

To Be Continued
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I'm not sure if she intended to make farting sounds, but she's succeeding.
I feel fucking old when i hear 13 yr old kids are attempting fucking suicide and taking pills like they're 30, jesus the world is kinda fucked without the kinda.
Women specially seem more unbalanced than ever, probably from a lack of dick since men are either pussies or watching vtubers have weird hobbies, can't wait to see how bad it gets when people start dating AI like it's the god damn blade runner universe.
At least niggos are still as impulsive and violent as ever!
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