"My mouth just automatically goes to a suck shape"Kirschey

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Vesper members stream 9/24/2022:
  • "It's 4 in the morning for me, so everyone in my building is asleep right now. I can't talk at my normal volume."
  • Vesper's plan for the day:
    • Members stream for ~2h
    • Go through twitter to collect new submissions for the bike review
  • Did Vesper watch the Gartic stream? - Vesper did not. He finished the worms collab, took sleeping pills, and went to sleep until ~10-15min before starting the members stream.
  • Vesper really dislikes the idea of waking up his neighbors
  • Has Vesper ever had a specific fan encounter that made him think, "ah, the tempus and i will be fine in their hands"? - Pretty much all the interactions Vesper has had have been good. Maybe the time when people voted against forcing him to buy the $3500 cube of tungsten. Vesper had been sure that people would make him buy it.
  • Vesper's saturday schedule cont.:
    • finish members stream at ~6am
    • take ~1-2h to prepare additional bike submissions
    • possible nap
    • 10am bike stream for ~2-3h
    • meet up with family member for lunch. "it's a pretty long drive"
    • 4pm recording the first episode of Altare's podcast
  • Any bicycles Vesper is excited to talk about? - There's a fixed gear bike Vesper is excited to show the vesties
  • Does Vesper know the Discworld novels? - Vesper has read some of them and he likes them. One of the good things about them is they're relatively short (200-250 pages) so they can be read quickly.
  • A JP superchat says something about oolong tea. Vesper fumbles through the kanji for a bit. Vesper mentions his favorite mixed drink is an oolong highball.
  • There was a drink that was popular when Vesper was younger: redbull + vodka. Vesper thought it tasted like garbage.
  • Any books Vesper recommends? - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. It's a modern book. Vesper can't recommend classics because there are some people who just can't read them.
  • Has Vesper read Fahrenheit 451? - Yes. It's good, but Vesper's favorite work by Bradbury is a short story called All Summer in a Day.
  • Has Vesper read The Giver? - Yes. It's good
  • Has Vesper read The Last Question by Asimov? - Yes. It's good
  • Vesper muses about short stories possibly being better for him to recommend because they'd be easier for people to read.
  • The Overcoat by Gogol is one of Vesper's favorite short stories, but the way it's written might put some people off from reading it.
  • Would Vesper ever do a watchalong? - Vesper remembers that someone in Tempus is doing a watchalong but he doesn't remember who. Chat tells him it's Altare doing Princess Mononoke for a members stream. They also call it Princess Koboboke
  • Does Vesper have any favorite quotes? - Not really.
  • Has Vesper read Tale of Two Cities or any other Dickens books? - Vesper has read Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and Oliver Twist.
  • Has Vesper read any of the Culture novels (some sort of sci-fi)? - No
  • A superchat mentions how Dickens and his contemporaries were serialized, so they deliberately bloated the word count. Vesper comments about how the experience of reading those stories is similar to people reading fanfiction today. He also mentions how 19th century writers needed to have a good hook with each chapter so they could grab new readers
  • Chat mentions webnovels. Vesper doesn't read webnovels.
  • Has Vesper read any weird fiction, like The King in Yellow? - Vesper hasn't read it but he knows of it because there's a reference to it in Hunter x Hunter and a TV show called True Detective.
  • What is Vesper's favorite dystopian novel? - Vesper can't think of one.
  • Do you read Japanese Psychological-horror books like imomushi, from edogawa ranpo? - Vesper hasn't heard of that
  • Chat mentions Brave New world. Vesper thinks it's pretty good.
  • What about non-fiction? - Vesper does enjoy non-fiction. A few months ago he read a biography of Bob Dylan. Title was Down the Highway.
  • Would Vesper play Darkest Dungeon 2? - Vesper asked for Darkest Dungeon 1 perms pre-debut. No word yet on status.
  • Vesper asks if any other holos have played Darkest Dungeon.
  • Vesper mentions that if other holos have played a game, it's likely that they can get perms back in under a month. For getting perms of a new game, the odds are probably under 50%.
  • Has Vesper read Princes of Amber by Jozeph Zelazny? - Vesper has never heard of it.
  • Has Vesper played rts games like Red Alert 2? - Yes. Vesper isn't sure if he's played Red Alert 2, but he's played Command and Conquer 1 and Tiberian Sun.
  • Has Vesper read Cloud Atlas? - He doesn't think so
  • Has Vesper tried any games made by Remedy Entertainment? - He's played Max Payne 1 and 2 and a game in the series set in Brazil.
  • User who asked about Princes of Amber sends another superchat with a synopsis. Vesper says he can't promise he'll read it (or any other book recommendations) because all his time is taken up with holo work (e.g. recording music, studying JP, streaming). Vesper already thinks he's not streaming enough, so he can't cut time out anywhere for reading books
  • Vesper will probably avoid duolingo or other language apps. He has an idea for a stream where he reads tweets from holostars JP senpai and gets chat to help translate. Managers say he'll need to get perms for each tweet from the senpai.
  • Any non-mainstream games recommendation? - What does non-mainstream mean? Vesper typically likes indie games. Do zomboid and FTL count? Vesper will probably be playing FTL next week.
  • Can Vesper do a playthrough of Monster Train? - Never heard of Monster Train. Chat tells him it's a deck-builder roguelike where you summon monsters.
  • Vesper questions if he should talk about the next topic. He decides he can because it's a members stream so he doesn't have to focus on staying positive the whole time.
  • Vesper did a first recording of a cover song he's working on. The person he's working with to produce it told him it's okay for a first attempt but there are a lot of things that could be improved. Vesper is working with him on enunciation because singing enunciation is different from normal speech.
  • A chat tells Vesper they think his voice would be good for songs by Spandau Ballet. - Vesper has never heard of them.
  • Is it a Love Live song? - No.
  • Vesper looks up the genre of the song he's covering. Google doesn't have an answer.
  • Has Vesper heard of Trinity Blood? - Vesper has not.
  • Vesper says something about "don't ever talk about it or acknowledge it". (It's hard to tell what he's responding to. I think it's either a chat about him not being a vampire or a chat asking about why the worms vod went private.)
  • I just read a horror story that referenced "Vespers". Before you debuted did you know your name meant "a nighttime prayer"? - Vesper did not know that. Before he debuted he thought the name meant some sort of wasp or hornet. Also the type of drink James Bond orders is called a vesper.
  • A superchat suggests doing a penpal system with with JP senpai(s). - Vesper prefers using tweets because it doesn't require any work by the senpai. He doesn't want to put them in an awkward position of needing to turn him down if they're too busy or don't want to. Or worse, if they feel bad about turning him down, they might get stuck doing extra work that cuts into their time for their own things.
  • A superchat asks Vesper to do the glasses are very versatile copypasta.
  • Does Vesper prefer Vash or Wolfwood. Also has Vesper read Trigun Maximum? - Vesper has read it but hasn't finished it yet. Vash, but it's a tough choice.
  • Superchat recommends the song "Through the Barricades" if Vesper feels inclide to listen to Spandau Ballet. - Vesper says he's okay with taking song recommendations to listen to because it's just a few minutes of time, but he's not okay with taking recommendations to cover. Because covers require a few thousand dollars and 100-150h of work.
  • What percentage of a bike does 2k cover? - It depends on the bike. It could buy a good brand-new bike. "It's about the 105 range." Vesper clarifies what 105 range means. His favorite brand of bike parts is shimano and they have a bunch of tiers of quality. 105 is 3rd best out of 6 tiers.
  • User Fleshy superchats "take care" - Vesper mentions that fleshy is the artist who did his channel emotes. progress on the next batch is behind because Vesper needs to get reference images to Fleshy.
  • A superchat mentions coffee. - Sometimes Vesper drinks coffee when he's especially busy and needs it.
  • "Get rotated" will be one of the new emotes
  • Some chats thank Vesper for his hard work. - Vesper says he doesn't consider this to be hard work. He makes an analogy to going on a difficult hike and being exhausted. Because it's something he wants to do, he doesn't think of it as work. Vesper feels like the word "work" has a connotation of something you don't want to do but force yourself to.
  • Vesper believes if he has a talent, its that he's good at forcing himself to do things he doesn't want to do. He's not a procrastinator.
    • Vesper gets his taxes done usually in Jan/Feb.
  • Usually he does his own taxes, but this year he'll probably get an accountant.
  • chat mentions getting a financial advisor. - "I'm not really an investor. I'm more of a stuff all my money under my mattress kind of guy. Convert all the money I have into solid gold and then bury it in the woods kind of guy."
    • Chat asks which forest. - Vesper picks a forest in Colorado called Pando that is actually a single organism. Vesper goes off on a tangent about other similar large organisms.
      • chat "I buried it in One Tree"

electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
  • Vesper doesn't like living in the city. If Vesper is able to move to a place where he doesn't have to worry about neighbors, his ideal routine would be a ~1h stream somewhere between 3 and 5am in addition to his normal 10am timeslot. He'd ask the other Tempus guys not to do collabs after around 6pm so he could get his sleep and wake up at 2am.
  • Vesper talks about how he wants to fill in gaps in stream coverage. Chat talks about times they think are empty (and have both good and dumb answers). Someone mentions the 8-10am slot. Vesper says that's when Altare usually streams and mentions that Altare seems pretty comfortable with early morning (e.g. 7am) unless he's sleep deprived and has to cancel.
  • Chat makes a joke about Vesper living in the woods. - Vesper would, but he's decided he will only move to places with fiber optic internet.
  • Vesper has a "stupid dream" of being able to get a van-life camper van and stream on the road from anywhere. The problem is that satellite internet isn't good enough.
  • Is vesper going to do anything to celebrate halloween? - vesper isn't sure. He'll see if tempus is planning something
  • Vesper talks about how cell service is nonexistent in most of the US. When he was on his bike trips, he'd get 1 bar or less most of the time.
  • Vesper considers the bare minimum for streaming 6 megabit up.
  • Does Vesper like flying? - Vesper doesn't like being too close to people and smelling them. Even if the smell is okay, like cologne or perfume he doesn't like it because it means they're too close.
  • Vesper does the boy smell copypasta except as MAG smell.

In Vesper's bike review stream, someone included an extra present for Vesper in their submission.

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Gyudon is tasty
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

In 9 hours Scarle will be live with a Cursed Ice Cream Tier List

Meanwhile in 8 hours Mumei will be live with an animal tier list

CEOTAKU 2022 is live so I’ll probably miss a decent chunk of the streams today because I’m focusing on watching that lol.

Bonus Clip:

Fucking YTs

I just want to annoy people in peace.
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022


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Secret Santa Welcher
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Rosemi-sama is finally releasing her original song.

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
still live yay. His autistic enthusiasm over this stuff is so much fun



You gonna eat that?
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Grabbed the notification.
I'm guessing its this guy? Might be related to the music stuff he's been teasing.

View attachment 1217

TachibanaMusic used to produce music with the tankie vtuber futakuchi mana, then they had some drama and he started working with the better metal vtuber Zephyrianna.
The Tachibana-Futakuchi Mana issue stemmed from creative differences that led to their split that then escalated to full-on drama about Tachibana Music "allegedly" holding the mechanical rights of Mana's covers/music on Spotify and other streaming platforms hostage (according to Mana) and some he-said/she-said issue about whether or not he was being honest about the streaming revenues while he was still her producer/manager. We archived some of this drama back in the homeland thread. If/When Josh is able to get the site back up, I'll see if I can dig those posts back up and collate them for safe-keeping in the event we have to create a Mana thread if/when she decides to go full lolcow.


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Meanwhile in 8 hours Mumei will be live with an animal tier list
Shachi has followed Pippa for months, you gotta wonder if this was inspired by last night's stream. Mumei is a white woman, after all.

Superduper Samurai

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The Tachibana-Futakuchi Mana issue stemmed from creative differences that led to their split that then escalated to full-on drama about Tachibana Music "allegedly" holding the mechanical rights of Mana's covers/music on Spotify and other streaming platforms hostage (according to Mana) and some he-said/she-said issue about whether or not he was being honest about the streaming revenues while he was still her producer/manager. We archived some of this drama back in the homeland thread. If/When Josh is able to get the site back up, I'll see if I can dig those posts back up and collate them for safe-keeping in the event we have to create a Mana thread if/when she decides to go full lolcow.
Theres a full thread archive that is somewhat complete, iirc that happening should be early enough for it to be in there


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I know I've talked about the business of streaming a few times here, particularly the ongoing war between streaming on Twitch vs Youtube. One of the best people to watch for "How the Sausage is Made" type content is Ludwig, a large streamer who was poached from Twitch to Youtube. It seems like he's been basically recruited by Youtube to be the face to advocate for Youtube streaming, but also be blunt and honest with Youtube in how they're failing and need to catch up with Twitch.

In particular, his side channel "Mogul Mail" has really good content related to the comings and goings of streaming. To give you an idea of how good he is at this shit, here's his normie but well researched take on the Rushia shitfest that happened in February. He put this video out the day after.

Anyways, the big reason I wanted to post is two of his latest videos talked about the Twitch pay rate issue, and the start of the Twitch exodus.
This first one is interesting because he talks about how Twitch's operating costs (in his opinion) don't match the bullshit they're spewing.

And in this video, he touches upon not only the move from Twitch to Youtube, he also talks a bit about Youtube Shorts and how hard Youtube is not only pushing them, but now monetizing them as well.

And on this video from earlier in the month, he talks about the motivations for switching from Twitch to Youtube, as well as detailing his own experience as a huge streamer making that shift over.

Related to that last video, Ludwig has been very active with is the acknowledgement that Youtube's chat is absolute garbage. He's actively spearheading a browser extension to 'Fix" YouTube chat for users and streamers that want to use it. It's cool he's being so forward facing to help fix what is Youtube's biggest weakness. I'll especially be interested to see how it compares to some of the mods vTuber fans typically use for chat. (HyperChat and ytcFilter as examples)


Dogs are forever in the push-up position
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Joined:  Sep 18, 2022
Shachi has followed Pippa for months, you gotta wonder if this was inspired by last night's stream. Mumei is a white woman, after all.

Depends if she considers a golden retriever to be S tier or not.


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Has Vesper read Tale of Two Cities or any other Dickens books? - Vesper has read Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and Oliver Twist.
I would absolutely love a hololive classic literature book club. It'd be a fun way to introduce people to the classics and would very likely be more effective and enjoyable than the way schools teach them.


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

Selen is going to explain shows to us, this should be fun

Clown Penis

To Be Continued
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I think Remi might die before she hits 30.


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If/When Josh is able to get the site back up, I'll see if I can dig those posts back up and collate them for safe-keeping in the event we have to create a Mana thread if/when she decides to go full lolcow.
While she may never go full lolcow, she'll always be a massive retard. I was surprised when I found out Lisa follows her. Mana may be a singer, but she constantly posts mean-spirited political shit. I wouldn't want that on my timeline.

View attachment 1231
I think Remi might die before she hits 30.

A YEAR?! That's disgusting, I change mine at least every week. Fishman must have some sixth sense for finding dirty sadgirls.

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Fucking YTs

I just want to annoy people in peace.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
A YEAR?! That's disgusting, I change mine at least every week. Fishman must have some sixth sense for finding dirty sadgirls.
I want to say that I'm surprised, but I'm not. Some of these girls are the epitome of, "Bitch, you live this way?"


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Lumi's up singing for the AI Matsuri thing



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I love catching up on this thread after it turns into pippa livechat. It is not a miserable experience at all.
This thread is really a Pippaposting thread, and we occasionally take breaks to chat about other groups and indies.
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