"My character became a chocoball!... my character became a black person"Shirakami Fubuki

Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

Faceless Waifu

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I just got done backreading, and I think the funniest post to ever exist is right here in this very thread.

Scuddle comes out of cryostasis
He sees Pomu has graduated
He makes himself the victim
Leaves forever

Real Brave Scuddle hours.

Also the fact that he added something like "I was busy investigating juicy stuff that is completely unrelated to nijisanji vtubing thing, but because pomu graduated I just gonna say that before I leave" just makes me lose more respect on him.

Fucker know that he got some great scuddle-posting worth of stuff to be shared, but because it's not nijisanji and Pomu graduates, he's like "Welp. I leave. Please be considerate to the other nijisanjifags in here."

And to think that's his first post of this year too! Fucking brave, thats what it is!


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
ah, my man, i respect your Niji perspectives but you've always taken some of the anti Niji meming with some autistic degree of seriousness, i dont understand why you cant think people would celebrate someone who was clearly unhappy with how things were going still at their company and decided to step away from it as a result, this isnt anything new with anyone, we've just had rounds of dooming about Hololive's Myth and even Kiara admitting to thinking about graduating due to a stressful year.

Either way, good luck on your future endeavours, but i seriously hope you re-evaluate how hard you take someone shitting on a company you prefer for whatever reason, valid or invalid
I honestly pity the Nijis and scuddle here, I know I wouldn't take it well if the corpo I grew to like suddenly started acting out and self-destructing and I knew I had no way of preventing the inevitable. And yes, I think you are able to like a corpo and not just the talents inside of it, at least for Holo I enjoy the community and feel around it and even for all their faults I can't discount that it was the company who brought these talents to light and together to form the wonderful group dynamics they have. If all Holos went indie tomorrow then the magic would die right then and there.

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
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Where is a Niji hug box? Reddit?


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Where is a Niji hug box? Reddit?
Niji reddit is stillborn.
Fan discords are the biggest hugbox by far.
Their 4chan equivalent, at least for fans of the boys, is the comments section of iketog. Yes the doxsite. Nina's page is the general discussion area and each individual page is like the liver-specific thread. It's weird and gross.
For the girls especially Pomu, Selen, Rosemi, etc, I would say the ex-Holofan section still has a presence on /vt/.


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Joined:  May 10, 2023
Well, here's my thesis. The narrative I'll push, if you will. It all comes back to Nina.

I won't dig into it too much but in later 2022 and in 2023, Nina and Pomu had one of the closest friendships in the company. I think this is well known even outside of their fans, but maybe some people who didn't watch them or only see them through clips wouldn't realize how close they are.

I think they struggled with a lot of the same things, and they definitely talked to each other about those things, as Pomu stated on stream a few times. The two things I would highlight are antis from other livers' fans, and delayed cancelled or blocked projects by management.

Some examples in the spoilers:
April 16, 2023

Nina faced similar things, much worse even, as the Luxiem fanbase harassed her to the point of doxing her address and botting her comments. She definitely put on a strong front, but the effect on her own fans and other livers was something she talked about, both at the time and after:

August 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

December 25, 2023

Add to that company support not holding up for them, which they both mentioned on stream.

For Pomu... I remember how her cover of Fukashigi no Carte could never be released. Everything was completed, but the company couldn't release it because they somehow lost perms. I personally assume they couldn't get it whitelisted fully - this song gets region locked every time it's sung anywhere even with a license, so likely a problem with international rights holders. I wasn't following her closely at the time but I heard that her 500k celebration project never materialized. And then there's her original song, Fairy of AKIBerse, which had a 5 month management delay for permissions from the creators, contributing to a delay that might allow the MV to be released before graduation if we're lucky. Pomu was able to perform this song in her 3d debut and karaoke but has yet to be released as a video. Thankfully her fan art submission project cover, which was supposed to be for 2y anniversary, finally happened in the Antarctica video... almost a year later than it should have been.

For Nina... I can no longer dig into Nina membership to check deeper, but she had planned a song every two months from the start of 2023, including two originals she had already started work on. None of them ever saw the light of day. I think she also wanted to host a Terraria server which got denied in early 2023. She gave up on passion projects completely in May, which included a brilliantly damming quote:

That shit felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Nina. It was even more clear on her members stream, though those are buried in some archive somewhere if I wanted to access them. And then there's what she said as Matara, where she is shocked at supportive management in Vshojo. "I'm not used to that".

January 28, 2023

(it did not release on her birthday)

October 22, 2023

October 29, 2023
members stream

(regarding her home3d, which just came out January 6th, 2024)

November 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

(none of these songs were finished or released)

May 14, 2023

(there was also a members stream about this with more detail which is no longer available, though I'm sure archives exist)

October 18, 2023

Pomu is often seen as putting on a brave face, but I think Nina is the kind of person who clears her head then acts very decisively. That's why her graduation in July, before the cracks had turned into a flood, seemed a bit of a surprise for people who didn't follow her closely.

Of course it doesn't end with Nina's graduation. Turns out Pomu and Nina are such good friends they continue talk "almost daily". A month before Matara's debut Pomu even said she was helping Nina out, with what was implied to be content-related stuff. So Matara debuts in Vshojo and is both successful and having a far better time, and Pomu gets to hear about this all the time.

August 7, 2023

September 11, 2023

October 9, 2023

I'm certain that would have an effect on Pomu, regardless of Nina started trying to influence her directly or not. Which knowing her, she probably did.

Anyway, you can kind of see her progression of thoughts from early 2023 to now:

April 16, 2023

July 23, 2023
members stream

October 23, 2023

(referring to her long-running MC project)

There was also a rrat that around when she did her yearly Over the Garden Wall watchalong or at some point close after, she insinuated it would be her last, but I watched all the streams in that time period and could not find it, I'm pretty sure it was literally made up.

December 27, 2023

January 5, 2024

I thought the "seeing my friends leaving one by one" phrasing was interesting. It really hammers home that even though it was only Nina, Mika, and Mysta, that was enough to hit extremely hard. Though I think for Pomu she likely counts many ex-ID there too.

I will say after reviewing dozens of vods, I'm quite confident Pomu's decision was made at some point in October. She was definitely going strong back in July and August, and had started changing her focus come late October.

Anyway, that's my big rrat. Though I did have both memberships from time to time, I didn't follow either of these two particularly closely, so I'm sure there's more little details I didn't find, but I wanted to list some full context from primary sources. If we're looking for others to follow this trend, I would say Ike and Rosemi were also close to Nina, as were the Luxiem boys, and I would bet on their slow erosion out, rather than explicit incidents like Selen.

Well, sure, but what she actually said was:

Best thing she could do would be to get in touch with Gunrun haha.

I'm sure I'll end up with rainbow ratings for this, but I don't think it's an inherent property of the Nijisanji fanbase. In the west Niji fans are just disgruntled Hololive fans plus a bunch of nerdy asian girls. There's no way it's impossible to wrangle them, but the company doesn't want the few months of controversy it'll cause, and NijiEn has never had a Coco who could take all the slings and arrows on her back either.

The problem isn't so much that it can't be done, but that it'd be difficult and painful, and Niji management is addicted to easy.
A big issue was that a lot of the problem fans were Luxiem fans, and Luxiem was NijiEN's big break and money earner, so Niji was actively disincentivized from controlling them too much lest they kill their perceived golden goose. Unfortunately ignoring the issue made that golden goose lay rotten eggs that seems to be slowly killing the branch off.


Dogs are forever in the push-up position
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Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I'm sure I'll end up with rainbow ratings for this, but I don't think it's an inherent property of the Nijisanji fanbase. In the west Niji fans are just disgruntled Hololive fans plus a bunch of nerdy asian girls. There's no way it's impossible to wrangle them, but the company doesn't want the few months of controversy it'll cause, and NijiEn has never had a Coco who could take all the slings and arrows on her back either.

The problem isn't so much that it can't be done, but that it'd be difficult and painful, and Niji management is addicted to easy.
Everyone, from every fanbase, should rag against major malfeasance in the vTuber sphere from any source. Even your favorite one.
Where is a Niji hug box? Reddit?
Twitter, unironically.


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Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
I honestly pity the Nijis and scuddle here, I know I wouldn't take it well if the corpo I grew to like suddenly started acting out and self-destructing and I knew I had no way of preventing the inevitable. And yes, I think you are able to like a corpo and not just the talents inside of it, at least for Holo I enjoy the community and feel around it and even for all their faults I can't discount that it was the company who brought these talents to light and together to form the wonderful group dynamics they have. If all Holos went indie tomorrow then the magic would die right then and there.
To be honest, i am not that "anti-niji" till Sayu announcement against the Kurosanji termination notice and allegation against her.

Their incompetence behaviour and management really grossed people out, and i do not expect the management would change at all.

Now, not even a year later since Zaion termination, how many talents had graduated?

Did Kurosanji cared? Nope, they just continue to pump out of new waves that no one gives a shit or wanted


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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Vshojo here, Hololive there, Phase somewhere in between...

You're all missing the big picture.

VAllure is about to launch, it has models ready, and exoe is looking for talents with lewd content creation experience to join her.

/b/omu just so happens to have this experience.

/b/omu for VAllure.

Imagine the threads.
Im ready for this timeline
While I blame management's inaction/mismanagement the most, and I do blame some of the Niji fanbase for infighting, a lot of this is on those so-called neutral sources for constantly burying the reputations of people that didn't do anything to them personally but work for a company that wronged them. Vt is going to be vt, and us and the homeland are going to be what we are, but when you call yourself "news"? You owe at least the effort of doing your own research instead of coming here and there, reposting what we and vt say, and getting paid off it it. Then they'll pretend they care so much about Pomu and Nina, and Mysta, and Zaion, and Yugo when their real oshi's marks are 💵 and 💲
What neutral source are you referring to? All dramatubers are not neutral, unless you mean they hate everyone equally. They are called dramatuber for a reason, vultures who jump at any drama to shit on every person involved for views. Noone like them beside SEAdramafags.
The only okish one is Rima Evenstar and she is heavily holo biased. The rests are just cancer in the community.
Btw not even actual news channel are neutral and they also are terrible at fact checking (you think fox news and cnn are neutral?). Idk why people expecting neutrality from vtubing drama channels.
Where is a Niji hug box? Reddit?
Discords. Even the niji reddit is not safe these days. I went there to shitpost myself kekw. There is a big nijien one and many individual talents discord.
Nyfco is for sisters only, they will shit on the female talents and play defend for the males.
And no i hate the word nijiliver, not going to use it.
Well, here's my thesis. The narrative I'll push, if you will. It all comes back to Nina.

I won't dig into it too much but in later 2022 and in 2023, Nina and Pomu had one of the closest friendships in the company. I think this is well known even outside of their fans, but maybe some people who didn't watch them or only see them through clips wouldn't realize how close they are.

I think they struggled with a lot of the same things, and they definitely talked to each other about those things, as Pomu stated on stream a few times. The two things I would highlight are antis from other livers' fans, and delayed cancelled or blocked projects by management.

Some examples in the spoilers:
April 16, 2023

Nina faced similar things, much worse even, as the Luxiem fanbase harassed her to the point of doxing her address and botting her comments. She definitely put on a strong front, but the effect on her own fans and other livers was something she talked about, both at the time and after:

August 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

December 25, 2023

Add to that company support not holding up for them, which they both mentioned on stream.

For Pomu... I remember how her cover of Fukashigi no Carte could never be released. Everything was completed, but the company couldn't release it because they somehow lost perms. I personally assume they couldn't get it whitelisted fully - this song gets region locked every time it's sung anywhere even with a license, so likely a problem with international rights holders. I wasn't following her closely at the time but I heard that her 500k celebration project never materialized. And then there's her original song, Fairy of AKIBerse, which had a 5 month management delay for permissions from the creators, contributing to a delay that might allow the MV to be released before graduation if we're lucky. Pomu was able to perform this song in her 3d debut and karaoke but has yet to be released as a video. Thankfully her fan art submission project cover, which was supposed to be for 2y anniversary, finally happened in the Antarctica video... almost a year later than it should have been.

For Nina... I can no longer dig into Nina membership to check deeper, but she had planned a song every two months from the start of 2023, including two originals she had already started work on. None of them ever saw the light of day. I think she also wanted to host a Terraria server which got denied in early 2023. She gave up on passion projects completely in May, which included a brilliantly damming quote:

That shit felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Nina. It was even more clear on her members stream, though those are buried in some archive somewhere if I wanted to access them. And then there's what she said as Matara, where she is shocked at supportive management in Vshojo. "I'm not used to that".

January 28, 2023

(it did not release on her birthday)

October 22, 2023

October 29, 2023
members stream

(regarding her home3d, which just came out January 6th, 2024)

November 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

(none of these songs were finished or released)

May 14, 2023

(there was also a members stream about this with more detail which is no longer available, though I'm sure archives exist)

October 18, 2023

Pomu is often seen as putting on a brave face, but I think Nina is the kind of person who clears her head then acts very decisively. That's why her graduation in July, before the cracks had turned into a flood, seemed a bit of a surprise for people who didn't follow her closely.

Of course it doesn't end with Nina's graduation. Turns out Pomu and Nina are such good friends they continue talk "almost daily". A month before Matara's debut Pomu even said she was helping Nina out, with what was implied to be content-related stuff. So Matara debuts in Vshojo and is both successful and having a far better time, and Pomu gets to hear about this all the time.

August 7, 2023

September 11, 2023

October 9, 2023

I'm certain that would have an effect on Pomu, regardless of Nina started trying to influence her directly or not. Which knowing her, she probably did.

Anyway, you can kind of see her progression of thoughts from early 2023 to now:

April 16, 2023

July 23, 2023
members stream

October 23, 2023

(referring to her long-running MC project)

There was also a rrat that around when she did her yearly Over the Garden Wall watchalong or at some point close after, she insinuated it would be her last, but I watched all the streams in that time period and could not find it, I'm pretty sure it was literally made up.

December 27, 2023

January 5, 2024

I thought the "seeing my friends leaving one by one" phrasing was interesting. It really hammers home that even though it was only Nina, Mika, and Mysta, that was enough to hit extremely hard. Though I think for Pomu she likely counts many ex-ID there too.

I will say after reviewing dozens of vods, I'm quite confident Pomu's decision was made at some point in October. She was definitely going strong back in July and August, and had started changing her focus come late October.

Anyway, that's my big rrat. Though I did have both memberships from time to time, I didn't follow either of these two particularly closely, so I'm sure there's more little details I didn't find, but I wanted to list some full context from primary sources. If we're looking for others to follow this trend, I would say Ike and Rosemi were also close to Nina, as were the Luxiem boys, and I would bet on their slow erosion out, rather than explicit incidents like Selen.

Well, sure, but what she actually said was:

Best thing she could do would be to get in touch with Gunrun haha.

Jesus SIX songs nina worked on and all got niji-ed out of existence? Orange woman would not survive 5 months of niji lmao

Shit on holo perms as much as you want. Polka basically released 2 songs/cover every months since debut (her manager even asked her to stop and she ignored them) and nerissa is doing once a month.
what kinda retarded shit niji managers are doing.
Last edited:

Continuous Retardation

Ame Gosling
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Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
I would see people sometimes talk about how they couldn't really tell people that they liked me, because people would be upset of them for that.
What is the context for this? Is she talking about fans, or is it her coworkers saying that they couldn't say they liked her?


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Joined:  May 10, 2023
What is the context for this? Is she talking about fans, or is it her coworkers saying that they couldn't say they liked her?
Talking about fans of her seemingly being hesistant of saying they were fans of her, due to being attacked by other toxic fans.


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Joined:  Sep 17, 2022
Jesus SIX songs nina worked on and all got niji-ed out of existance?
Two composers were engaged already for originals. If I'm recalling correctly least two covers she had picked who she wanted to duet with and they were being worked on in that sense. I think the other two were probably not started yet.

But yeah, you have to look beyond the superficial for Nina. Her on-stream reason as Nina was imposter syndrome, as Matara she implied Luxiem fans contributed, but that isn't the half of it. I think once she could no longer accomplish what she thought were reasonable projects, she made a very deliberate decision that being in the company wasn't worth it anymore.

Keep in mind also the Zaion termination was in March, Mysta had already given internal notice of graduation in spring, Nina gave up on projects in May, and then graduation announced in June.

What is the context for this? Is she talking about fans, or is it her coworkers saying that they couldn't say they liked her?
Her fans, her particular example was a cosplayer being harassed for cosplaying her. I believe later in the clip she also mentioned an artist at a con being told selling merch of her was problematic.

You could also click the timestamped video and hear it straight from her.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
at least for Holo I enjoy the community
I hate the hololive community. Just a bunch of fags. There is a reason why tva is the first community i am willing to be active in even if people find me cringe. Almost every other community sucks ass especially when it comes to vtubers.


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Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
I hate the hololive community. Just a bunch of fags. There is a reason why tva is the first community i am willing to be active in even if people find me cringe. Almost every other community sucks ass especially when it comes to vtubers.
Oh so you like to engage with Nolan, Scuddle, Krestaline and @John Vtuber👁️ to feel like a vtuber community? :smugselen:

Continuous Retardation

Ame Gosling
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Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
Talking about fans of her seemingly being hesistant of saying they were fans of her, due to being attacked by other toxic fans.
Don't really understand that mindset at all. How can you let other people hinder your enjoyment of her or anyone else? Weak willed with weak minds I guess.

Her fans, her particular example was a cosplayer being harassed for cosplaying her. I believe later in the clip she also mentioned an artist at a con being told selling merch of her was problematic.
If they were told these things over the internet, then who cares. If they were actually told to their face it's a problem to cosplay as her or sell her merch, then you tell them right back to their face to fuck off. At least that's my opinion of how to deal with vultures like that.
You could also click the timestamped video and hear it straight from her.
I'd rather you hold the spoon to my mouth and feed me tho.


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I hate the hololive community. Just a bunch of fags. There is a reason why tva is the first community i am willing to be active in even if people find me cringe. Almost every other community sucks ass especially when it comes to vtubers.
Wait, is someone saying the most unicorn-infested fanbase in the vtuber sphere is decent? The one that will go full schizo at the thought that their oshis might have said hello to a man at one time in their life?

Lol. Lmao, even.

Punished Lurker

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Joined:  Mar 3, 2023
Well, here's my thesis. The narrative I'll push, if you will. It all comes back to Nina.

I won't dig into it too much but in later 2022 and in 2023, Nina and Pomu had one of the closest friendships in the company. I think this is well known even outside of their fans, but maybe some people who didn't watch them or only see them through clips wouldn't realize how close they are.

I think they struggled with a lot of the same things, and they definitely talked to each other about those things, as Pomu stated on stream a few times. The two things I would highlight are antis from other livers' fans, and delayed cancelled or blocked projects by management.

Some examples in the spoilers:
April 16, 2023

Nina faced similar things, much worse even, as the Luxiem fanbase harassed her to the point of doxing her address and botting her comments. She definitely put on a strong front, but the effect on her own fans and other livers was something she talked about, both at the time and after:

August 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

December 25, 2023

Add to that company support not holding up for them, which they both mentioned on stream.

For Pomu... I remember how her cover of Fukashigi no Carte could never be released. Everything was completed, but the company couldn't release it because they somehow lost perms. I personally assume they couldn't get it whitelisted fully - this song gets region locked every time it's sung anywhere even with a license, so likely a problem with international rights holders. I wasn't following her closely at the time but I heard that her 500k celebration project never materialized. And then there's her original song, Fairy of AKIBerse, which had a 5 month management delay for permissions from the creators, contributing to a delay that might allow the MV to be released before graduation if we're lucky. Pomu was able to perform this song in her 3d debut and karaoke but has yet to be released as a video. Thankfully her fan art submission project cover, which was supposed to be for 2y anniversary, finally happened in the Antarctica video... almost a year later than it should have been.

For Nina... I can no longer dig into Nina membership to check deeper, but she had planned a song every two months from the start of 2023, including two originals she had already started work on. None of them ever saw the light of day. I think she also wanted to host a Terraria server which got denied in early 2023. She gave up on passion projects completely in May, which included a brilliantly damming quote:

That shit felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Nina. It was even more clear on her members stream, though those are buried in some archive somewhere if I wanted to access them. And then there's what she said as Matara, where she is shocked at supportive management in Vshojo. "I'm not used to that".

January 28, 2023

(it did not release on her birthday)

October 22, 2023

October 29, 2023
members stream

(regarding her home3d, which just came out January 6th, 2024)

November 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

(none of these songs were finished or released)

May 14, 2023

(there was also a members stream about this with more detail which is no longer available, though I'm sure archives exist)

October 18, 2023

Pomu is often seen as putting on a brave face, but I think Nina is the kind of person who clears her head then acts very decisively. That's why her graduation in July, before the cracks had turned into a flood, seemed a bit of a surprise for people who didn't follow her closely.

Of course it doesn't end with Nina's graduation. Turns out Pomu and Nina are such good friends they continue talk "almost daily". A month before Matara's debut Pomu even said she was helping Nina out, with what was implied to be content-related stuff. So Matara debuts in Vshojo and is both successful and having a far better time, and Pomu gets to hear about this all the time.

August 7, 2023

September 11, 2023

October 9, 2023

I'm certain that would have an effect on Pomu, regardless of Nina started trying to influence her directly or not. Which knowing her, she probably did.

Anyway, you can kind of see her progression of thoughts from early 2023 to now:

April 16, 2023

July 23, 2023
members stream

October 23, 2023

(referring to her long-running MC project)

There was also a rrat that around when she did her yearly Over the Garden Wall watchalong or at some point close after, she insinuated it would be her last, but I watched all the streams in that time period and could not find it, I'm pretty sure it was literally made up.

December 27, 2023

January 5, 2024

I thought the "seeing my friends leaving one by one" phrasing was interesting. It really hammers home that even though it was only Nina, Mika, and Mysta, that was enough to hit extremely hard. Though I think for Pomu she likely counts many ex-ID there too.

I will say after reviewing dozens of vods, I'm quite confident Pomu's decision was made at some point in October. She was definitely going strong back in July and August, and had started changing her focus come late October.

Anyway, that's my big rrat. Though I did have both memberships from time to time, I didn't follow either of these two particularly closely, so I'm sure there's more little details I didn't find, but I wanted to list some full context from primary sources. If we're looking for others to follow this trend, I would say Ike and Rosemi were also close to Nina, as were the Luxiem boys, and I would bet on their slow erosion out, rather than explicit incidents like Selen.

Well, sure, but what she actually said was:

Best thing she could do would be to get in touch with Gunrun haha.

This is an excellent post, really informative, with sources and a really good rrat. However I believe Pomu made her choice not in october but in august of 2023. I'm not home right now but once i'm back i'll properly answer your post and tell you why I think this


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Joined:  Jul 23, 2023
I will say after reviewing dozens of vods, I'm quite confident Pomu's decision was made at some point in October. She was definitely going strong back in July and August, and had started changing her focus come late October.
Timeline sounds right, the fact that Pomu wasn't with all the girls during the big offcollab they had when they were in Japan back near the end of November recording for something and all the girls left right when Pomu landed in Japan (assuming that they are recording for something, part of me thinks niji is somehow trying to revive AR live because a few weeks before the girls, Luxiem and Noctyx sans Fulgur were all in Japan recording for something)

A big issue was that a lot of the problem fans were Luxiem fans, and Luxiem was NijiEN's big break and money earner, so Niji was actively disincentivized from controlling them too much lest they kill their perceived golden goose. Unfortunately ignoring the issue made that golden goose lay rotten eggs that seems to be slowly killing the branch off.
I remember seeing during that big Among Us collab when there were only 5 waves that some crazy Viet Luxiem fangirl (who of course was a genshin fan and I believe the person who did the art for Sonny's lore video for his debut) was typing and fuming so hard when the boys were being talked over by the girls that her keyboard broke and posted that to Facebook or whatever. That caught wind to some of the more sane fans and they seemed disgusted by it.

Definitely wasn't great that Luxiem brought the crazy "these men are for me" delusional ones, some young kpop fans, and genshin fans aka the toxic fujos.

What neutral source are you referring to? All dramatubers are not neutral, unless you mean they hate everyone equally. They are called dramatuber for a reason, vultures who jump at any drama to shit on every person involved for views.
Well that purple eye dude and the rabbit dude claimed they have "no bias" when they are obviously there to shit on Niji for their bottom feeders, that's where I think the "so called neutral source" wording came from.
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