Subaru is the only person on earth who can actually be concerned for the alien monster's state of mind.
If you really wanted to go down the "sympathetic alien" route, this is a pretty good observation to make. In Alien the creature is ambiguous as to whether it's more human-like or animal-like (as opposed to Aliens which decisively goes with the "eusocial insect" analogy) so if you're willing to give it some credit think about being a sentient being suddenly born in an alien (ironic) environment you're completely unfamiliar with surrounded by weird creatures that are trying to set you on fire. You could genuinely empathize with it. Until it
rapes Lambert. Not just because of the
raping, but what kind of sick freak would
willingly have sex with Lambert?
I've never actually seen that movie. What makes it so special?
A lot of things. The story isn't terribly groundbreaking but works well and what carries it are the characters. Everyone in this film is a top-tier actor and they play their parts brilliantly. Once the shit with the Alien goes down the tension and desperation between the crew is believable and so thick you could cut it with a knife. The set design is also incredible, the Nostromo itself is a fantastic setting for a horror film with its claustrophobic, dimly lit industrial hallways, but everything pertaining to the Alien and the planet it comes from is incredibly surreal and unnerving. They actually had two different teams of designers for this film - one to work on the Nostromo and everything to do with the humans, and one led by legend H.R. Giger who worked on everything to do with the Alien. Having both sides of the film worked on by entirely different people really sells the idea that these are two very different worlds colliding. But what really sells Alien are the themes, particularly those of sexual assault. The film is absolutely pregnant with themes of sexuality, in both the human aspects of the film and the alien ones. And the Alien itself is basically one giant rape metaphor, phallic and perverse. If you're uncomfortable with the concept of rape, this movie will really get to you. But even if that isn't really your thing (maybe you're a vtuber and you LIKE getting raped (RIE)) the films still works amazingly well on the surface as a slasher film in space. It's pretty similar to The Shining in that regard, though that film has way more metaphor and subtext than Alien by far.
Bae's a pretty good shot, I think. Things before 2000 don't exist in her world.
I can just imagine an Australian like Bae trying to watch this movie: Crikey, that big cunt's
buggin her to death!
The Thing is a stupid name and so the movie is stupid as well

now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go watch… uhh… happy gilmore