"For some reason, I got food poisoning from enoki mushrooms, which are supposed to be good for digestion, and now I am living in the toilet! Don't look for it 🍄"Utatane Nasa
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There are world championships of this garbage? Jesus maybe gamefreak should invest their time and money into making games that aren't dogshit...? Crazy idea i know!
There are world championships of this garbage? Jesus maybe pokemon should invest their time and money into making games that aren't dogshit...? Crazy idea i know!
Sad to say but people will not vote for their wallets when it comes to Pokemon. The only time they ever did so, it was targeting BW1/2 (AKA the best games in the series in hindsight). Most pokemon fans enjoy the goyslop.
There are world championships of this garbage? Jesus maybe gamefreak should invest their time and money into making games that aren't dogshit...? Crazy idea i know!
There's no need for them to try. They could fill a water bottle with literal diarrhea, slap a Charizard sticker on top of it and Poke'Autists will buy it.
Haven't heard any point tallies yet but JP likely comes in first because they had 2 games that were high scoring. Meanwhile the question is whether ID or EN comes in 2nd. ID is probably getting 2nd. At least every team won a game.
>gank bot as Hecarim and let the ADC get the kill >he complains because I did a lane tax of 2 minions >proceed to come back to the lane at full speed only to just smite the cannon minion every time it's up and then leave without ganking the enemy bot lane
>play jungle >gank bot, secure two kills for adc at first wave because wood tier mmr >take cannon minion as compensation >"shit jungle taking my cs" >they have 13 cs at 5 minutes >they have 46 by 10 minutes >I just go help top instead because adc is asleep at the wheel >they spend the entire game calling me a fag while they're 2/7/1 when we lose at 18 minutes >"jng fk trash"
I've not touched SR for anything that wasn't URF in 4 years and I don't care if anything's changed, the player base hasn't in 13 years.
Kobo's stream is also unavailable, is Nintendo/GF really that anal or did Kobo really accidentally show Discord (Even if it was nothing bad in it) and had to delet?
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