I'm not sure you can get an accurate answer from anyone. Because nobody but you knows just how much emotion you actually put into the parasocial relationship. You're the only one who can really understand what you feel inside, and you can't really lie to yourself when you take a serious look at your emotions. Feeling a sense of loss when you actually have lost something isn't weird or unnatural. Hell man when New Coke replaced the original Coke formula in the 80's, the Coca-Cola Company had psychiatrists listen to phone calls and messages left by customers complaining about the change, and those psychiatrists concluded that people were actually in a state of grief because of what the company had done. All of that over a drink. So I think it's fine if you feel the way you do sometimes, but it can be unhealthy if it goes unchecked. As long as you aren't losing sleep over it and you have a functional day without breaking down, I'd say not to worry and just feel whatever emotions you feel, and post about it if you want to do so.I feel like half my posts here are talking about this, but man guys does it ever get better?

Take my hand, @pururun. We will get through this together!