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27K Followers • 170 Threads • こんにちは、ホロライブスタッフの友人Aです。 Hello, I'm Friend A, a hololive staff member. "Seize the fortune by the forelock" is my motto. 【Twitter】@ achan_UGA. See the latest...
You have lia's bodytype and know she's traveling with a midget, a skeleton and a tiddy monster. Finding an obvious group of 4 cosplayers travelling in the con fitting this description wouldn't be that hard I suppose.
She was talking about her plans when quitting and mentioned quitting wouldn't be that far away now, hopefully.
I don't think we've seen a recent body shot of Lia actually and her meds do effect her weight, but it was speculated she was cosplaying from recent tweets. Did Airi, Lia or Shiina say at all that all of them cosplayed? What I picked up is that Lia and Airi cosplayed at least 1 day, not sure if all of them did or if they did it more then once, or if they actually shopped together. I didn't listen to all of the streams though, but it did sound like Shiina at least brok eoff alone for some things. For Airi I'd look out for medium bust or bigger Asian woman likely with a zipper in the front, but possibly the zipper could be under another layer. She is probably like 5'5 as I have not heard her described as tall or short. E What Lia might have cosplayed
I'm happy for Airi moving on from the black company soon
Edit: This was a screencap of Dazzle fanboying over in Pippa's dedicated thread in several different posts. Much amusement was had from this image, but alas, you must make do with just imagining it.
Tried looking to see if this was posted and didn't see anything. Someone posted the first pic saying it's kirsche / kirschey. Second pic is the context looking at discord currently.
I want to see how Threads turns out when people are posting "threads" like these:
Edit: these were screencaps of "Threads" posts by Jack Posobiec with spicy thread topics, like "Ellen Page is a girl", "diversity is not a strength", and "migrants make places more dangerous". Deleted for server space.
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