"bro Italians don't have feelings they're not even people, what are they gonna do cooka da meatball? I'm so sorry Panko pls don't cooka da meatball"Lia Rinkou
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I haven't been on top of watching Airi but this is the most recent things I know
her company still a dumpster fire
says she can't leave and almost sounds like she's indentured servant
her work commute is 3 hours long and doesn't pull 12hr shifts anymore because of streams
someone in her family died and they spread their ashes recently
If she's incredibly good at putting a happy front, the relative doesn't seem to be that close to her but if you ever dealt with dead relatives and wills shit can get pretty ugly. She really beats herself up about not meeting some sort of quality of standard for her streams even though chat screams at her that she's killing it and should rest more. Maybe she finally listened or shit caught up to her and she literally can't stream cause make no mistake, she doesn't rest when she isn't streaming she's most likely mining cobalt in her company.
Dizzy of the Neverending tits is what I saw when I clicked on. Was like that Millie video Nolan posted except it literally looks like her tits could be a mile long
The other Juniper is currently playing a Binding of Isaac mod themed after her. Her birthday is on Friday btw, y'all better be there.
Rimuu opening vtuber commissions, if any prospective two views are interested. I am once again presenting another Slayers cover:
This is my favorite one so far. Art Dump:
That is probably the most hilarious vTuber slip up moment I have ever seen(thank you DrStupid for the archive). The unintentional gaff, realization and awkward coverup afterwards was spectacular. I couldn't stop snickering when presenting that clip to regular Joe Boomer and trying to explain the absurdity that such a moment would be considered embarrassing or "career ending." Her current model is yab below the neck but it's still way better than her previous persona.
Amiya, Ragdoll, Ember, Shiina, and Dizzy concurrently streaming while no one is in Hololive. They need a gen three, stat.
I know this is likely to be an unpopular opinion but glasses are the most unattractive thing a girl can wear. I would rather take tattoos or piercings than glasses.
Management told her to quit her job when she asked for feedback in her streaming career, so she must be doing decently enough but she can't cause she's legally bind to that job or worse. People here floated the idea that she was under some sort of apprenticeship contract and she might be stuck there for a couple of years but that doesn't add up because from what she tells it seems like she has been there for more than 5 years maybe even 10. Whatever they have her on is probably highly illegal but also maybe some of her family are illegals or are tangled in it in some way too so she can't rock the boat.
Rate me gay but Airi activates my protecc instincts and it really bums me out she's in what seems to be such a shit spot
I've been keeping an eye on her on Twitch, she's nice. New to streaming and has a heavy ESL accent (she said she's from Central/South America, forget which one) but I find those things endearing. She has a cute design and she knows what species her mascot is so I'm inclined to believe she might actually be into dinosaurs and isn't just using them as an aesthetic, which would be a shame.
I know this is likely to be an unpopular opinion but glasses are the most unattractive thing a girl can wear. I would rather take tattoos or piercings than glasses. There is nothing that can kill my interest in a girl or turn attraction to distaste for me faster than glasses. I have decided against reading many romance manga purely because the girl wears glasses in it. I hate it when any vtuber who doesn't normally wears glasses equips glasses.
This Airi break comes out of nowhere and right after the AMD stream, where she was playing fast and loose with the possible copyright claims. She even shared tidbits of the 90+ notifications she got on her yt account after the stream.
Sakana, I swear to God, I'm gonna lose it if you start stealth suspending talents.
Airi getting a suspension is about as likely as Michiru throwing out romans while reciting Total Gaijin Death in perfect English. Working a stressful nightmare job with high turnover(my empathy cannot be any stronger) plus a family member passing away, a break is more than reasonable.
I only started watching her regularly around the time so my memory is a bit hazy. I think it was during The Mortuary Assistant stream, which was taken down a long time ago.
You can just call me JJ so I don’t get confused with @Jambalaya when we have our TVA biennial meetup starting in 2024. I was thinking that we should plan for it to be in Proctor’s ancestral homeland. I was looking around on the map and I propose it to be in Blackpool just because of the name of the city.
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